فهرس المقالات masoud zoghi

  • المقاله

    1 - The Effect of Modified Collaborative Strategic Reading on EFL Learners' Reading Anxiety
    Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , العدد 1 , السنة 9 , تابستان 2016
    The present study was an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of reading instructional approach called MCSR- Modified Collaborative Strategic Reading on reducing intermediate EFL learner's reading anxiety. Based on a pretest-posttest design, MCSR was implemented wit أکثر
    The present study was an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of reading instructional approach called MCSR- Modified Collaborative Strategic Reading on reducing intermediate EFL learner's reading anxiety. Based on a pretest-posttest design, MCSR was implemented with 64 EFL learners at intermediate level. They received EFL reading instruction according to MCSR over two and a half months. A questionnaire called English as a Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Inventory EFLRAI was group-administered atthepretest and the posttest. Quantitative results indicated that participating students demonstrated significant gains in reducing reading anxiety. This study highlighted our understanding by considering the effectiveness of MCSR program and also it elaborated the effects of using strategies like MCSR in overcoming the big problem of reading anxiety among EFL learners as non-native students. And teachers changed the focus of attention from using traditional methods for teaching the essential skill of reading to modern programs like MCSR in order to remove their students' anxiety and stress in reading. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Academic Language Achievement: A Structural Equation Model of the Impact of Teacher-Student Interactions and Self-Regulated Learning
    Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , العدد 1 , السنة 12 , بهار 2020
    A correlational survey research design was utilized to investigate self-regulated Learning (SRL) and teacher-student interaction factors that had been realized to have contributive roles in EFL learners' academic success. A sample of 218 EFL learners (male = 102 and fem أکثر
    A correlational survey research design was utilized to investigate self-regulated Learning (SRL) and teacher-student interaction factors that had been realized to have contributive roles in EFL learners' academic success. A sample of 218 EFL learners (male = 102 and female = 116) was drawn with the aid of a prior sample size calculator for the structural equation models from 645 students. They were within the age range of 18-45 and were enrolled at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. The structural equation model (SEM) hypothesis testing procedure revealed that the teacher-student interaction directly and significantly influenced learners' academic accomplishments. Likewise, the obtained results indicate that the impact of the teacher-student interaction on EFL learners' academic achievement is mediated by the effects of SRL. Correspondingly, the obtained results indicate that the theorized model fits the data. The causal contribution of psychological factors, consisting of the teacher-student interaction and SRL, to EFL learners’ academic achievement was validated. The findings of this exploratory research have certain implications for classroom practice which are elaborated in detail in this paper. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Effect of the Flipped Classroom Approach and Language Proficiency on Learner Autonomy and Foreign Language Anxiety
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , العدد 3 , السنة 10 , پاییز 2022
    This study aimed to investigate the immediate and long-term effects of the flipped classroom approach andlanguage proficiency on the autonomy and anxiety of Iranian EFL learners. A total of 94 learners at theelementary, intermediate, and advanced levels were selected th أکثر
    This study aimed to investigate the immediate and long-term effects of the flipped classroom approach andlanguage proficiency on the autonomy and anxiety of Iranian EFL learners. A total of 94 learners at theelementary, intermediate, and advanced levels were selected through convenience (availability) samplingprocedure from Payam-e-Nour University and split into the experimental and control groups. The research methodemployed was based on a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Data were analyzed using afactorial ANCOVA and a sample paired t-test. The results of this study reveal that the flipped classrooms had astatistically significant impact on the participants' learner autonomy and language anxiety. However, differentlanguage proficiency levels had no statistically significant effect on learner autonomy and language anxiety.Findings also suggest that the flipped classrooms had a long-lasting impact on language anxiety and learnerautonomy. It is concluded that, in many English language settings, the flipped classroom may be a suitable optionwith potentially positive outcomes. The findings of this study have some important implications for syllabusdesigners, curriculum planners, and language instructors of foreign languages. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    4 - The Effect of Flipped Language Teaching on EFL Learners’ Text Comprehension: Learners’ English Proficiency Level in Focus
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 5 , السنة 10 , پاییز 2020
    The current pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study sought, firstly, to examine the effect of employing flipped language teaching techniques on EFL learners' text comprehension and, secondly, to explore whether there was any significant interaction between the flipped أکثر
    The current pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study sought, firstly, to examine the effect of employing flipped language teaching techniques on EFL learners' text comprehension and, secondly, to explore whether there was any significant interaction between the flipped classroom approach and EFL learners’ proficiency level. To this end, 65 male and female EFL learners were conveniently selected and their English proficiency level was determined based on the results of a TOEFL PBT. Having been divided into two experimental (one intermediate and one upper intermediate) and two control (one intermediate and one upper intermediate) groups, the participants were pretested in terms of reading comprehension at the beginning of the study. Subsequently, during a 14-week course of reading comprehension, the learners of the experimental group received flipped language instruction, whereas the control group’s learners were taught being exposed to conventional instruction. To investigate any changes in the learners’ per- formance as a result of the study course, their reading comprehension ability was gauged at the conclu- sion of the study course administering a posttest parallel to the pretest. The results indicated that the learners in the flipped classrooms outperformed their counterparts in the control group in terms of text comprehension, regardless of their English proficiency level. The findings of the study may urge EFL teachers to adopt a flipped classroom approach in order to enhance EFL learners’ reading comprehension skill. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    5 - Investigating the Impacts of Teacher-Student Interactions on Improving Learners' Academic Achievements: The Role of Academic Interest
    Journal of Language and Translation , العدد 5 , السنة 9 , پاییز 2019
    Various predictive research designs have been used to discover the relationship between learners' aca- demic achievement and the degree of teacher-student interactions they receive individually or in a group and the mediating role of their academic interest in learning. أکثر
    Various predictive research designs have been used to discover the relationship between learners' aca- demic achievement and the degree of teacher-student interactions they receive individually or in a group and the mediating role of their academic interest in learning. How these relation- ships/correlations work in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting, however, has remained a rarely investigated topic. This study explored the effects of teacher-student interactions on academic achievement by focusing on the mediating role of academic interest. In doing so, 218 EFL learners (102 males and 116 females) who were undergraduate English students at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch were selected out of 645 students through the stratified random sampling method. This number of the learners was determined according to a sample size calculator for structural equation modeling (SEM). A correlational survey design was employed to investigate the purposes of the study through the SEM framework. The results demonstrated a significant correlation among variables and multiple predictions of students' academic achievement through the predictor variables. The outcomes confirmed that the increased interest of the EFL learners in learning and their interactions with their teachers could considerably contribute to improvement of their academic performance. تفاصيل المقالة