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Director-in-Charge: Somayeh Motamed
IMPORTANT: Before submitting your article, please carefully read the important rules for submission on Authors Guide.
Articles should only be sent to the editorial office electronically via
▪ Is TFSS journal peer-reviewed?
Yes. TFSS is peer-reviewed and all submissions are liable to peer-review by qualified experts.
▪ What is the frequency of the journal?
The frequency of the journal is semi-annually (2 issues per year).
▪ Do all the authors have to register on the website?
No. Only the corresponding author needs to do so.
▪ How much does it cost to publish in TFSS?
Publishing an article is free of charge in the journal.
▪ How long the review process takes?
The review process may take 2-6 months. In some cases, due to limitations and contradictions about reviewers, the process may take longer.
▪ Does TFSS provide templates and style files for preparing a journal article?
For your convenience TFSS has developed template to help you prepare your manuscript. Please, visit the "Authors Guide-Template for Articles" page for a template.
▪ How can I find out about the status of my journal manuscript?
The author can track the article online. Every stage of progress is shown in TFSS web.
▪ Would I be able to save a submission and come back to finish it later?
No, this method is not acceptable. An article needs to be submitted after completion and primed for processing.
▪ Do the authors need to submit the "Author's Commitment Form' and "Conflicts of Interest Form'' along with the manuscript?
Yes. These two forms shall be submitted by the corresponding author at the time of submission of the manuscript.
▪ Is there any page limit for writing manuscripts?
There is no page limit for regular or special issue manuscripts.
▪ Can I submit a manuscript that was published elsewhere?
No. The manuscript must be unique and should not be published elsewhere.
▪ Do you accept material published in other journals?
We cannot accept articles that have been previously published in other journals. However, we do understand that many submissions may be evolutions of previously published works. For this reason, we allow submissions to consist of no more than 30% previously published material.
▪ Is it OK to simultaneously send a paper to various journals?
No. This is against the codes of COPE. If one does so, his/her article will not be published. In case it is already published, the article will be retracted. Then the name of the author(s) will enter our blacklist and no manuscript will be ever accepted by author(s).
▪ Do I have to answer every reviewer query?
Yes, it is necessary and very important that you answer each query, even if you think the paper does not require correction. Sometimes, queries are asking for updated information (references) or missing citations of figures or tables in the text.
▪ How can the author resubmit a revised version of her/his manuscript?
Sending the revised version of the manuscript through e-mail is not accepted in this journal. Resubmitting the manuscripts should be done through the journal's online submission system. The revised manuscript should be sent via the same ID as the original one.
▪ What should I do if I need more time to respond to reviewers?
You should contact the editor to extend your time. If we don't receive your responses in due time, the process of your manuscript will be stopped.
If you require an extension, please get in touch with the Managing Editors here.
▪ How can the author see the reviewers’ comments?
The reviewers’ comments will be sent to the author through the journal’s online system. Entering the User Name and Password, the author can access the comments on her/his page.
▪ How long does the online publication of an accepted manuscript take?
The accepted manuscripts will be published online immediately.
▪ When can the article acceptance certificate be downloaded?
The certificate can be downloaded only when you have sent all the necessary files to print your article and your article has received “Accepted for publication”. Please note that during the “Scientific Acceptation (preliminary)” stage, the certificate cannot be downloaded.
▪ What are the reasons for a desk reject decision?
Sometimes the paper is out of the scope of the journal or it is better to publish in local or more specific journals. In these cases, the editors will notify the authors of such a decision within a few weeks so that the author can find a more suitable journal for their manuscript without losing too much time.
▪ What can authors do if the webpage is not opening properly?
The problem is caused by cookies that are blocked on your system. In case of using Internet Explorer, then go to “Tools” on the top bar and then click on “Internet Options.” Under “Privacy” adjust the cookie settings to allow cookies. In case of using Firefox, then go to “Extras” on the top bar and then choose “Settings > Data Security > Accept the cookies”. Now, the problem should have been solved.
▪ Why have my co-authors not received the verification emails?
First, please check that all of the email addresses that have been provided for the co-authors are correct. The co-author verification emails are often redirected to junk/spam email folders. Please ensure that the co-authors have checked their junk/spam email folders. If the co-authors have not received the emails at all, they can email the editorial office directly here and we will be able to manually add the verification to the system.
▪ May I volunteer as a reviewer?
We would be glad to have you review articles. If you would like to do so, please send us your CV and a brief statement of your research interests to
▪ From which part can we download the certificate of reviews?
As a reviewer, you enter the "Reviewer Dashboard" section and you can select and download certificates from the "Get Review Certificate" section.
▪ What is Open-access Publication?
Open-access is the free online availability of content. This means that anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, crawl, print, search or extract data from open access material. TFSS publishes open access articles.
▪ What is the plagiarism policy of this journal?
Every manuscript submitted for publication to our journal is checked for plagiarism after submission and before being sent to an editor for editorial review.
The percentage of plagiarism is calculated by the software and also assessed manually.
The manuscripts in which plagiarism is detected are handled based on the extent of plagiarism present in the manuscript.
<30% plagiarism: the manuscript is assigned a manuscript ID and is immediately sent back to the authors for content revision.
>30% plagiarism: The manuscript is not assigned a manuscript ID and is rejected without editorial review. The authors are advised to revise the plagiarized parts of the manuscript and resubmit it as a fresh manuscript.
▪ What are journal pre-proofs?
Journal pre-proofs are Articles in Press that have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of this publication. They have undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but are not yet definitive versions of the record. These versions will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting, and review, and may not yet have full TFSS functionality. For example, supplementary files may still need to be added, links to references may not resolve yet, etc. The text could still change before final publication.
Although journal pre-proofs do not have all bibliographic details available yet, they can be cited using the year of online publication and the DOI, as follows: author(s), article title, Publication (year), DOI. Please consult the journal's reference style for the exact appearance of these elements, abbreviation of journal names, and use of punctuation.
When the final article is assigned to a volume/issue of the publication, the Article in Press version will be removed and the final version will appear in the associated published volumes/issues of the publication. The date the article was first made available online will be carried over.
▪ What is the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)?
The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) is a classification scheme maintained by zbMATH Open and Mathematical Reviews. It is used by these reviewing services and many others to categorize items in the mathematical sciences literature. The MSC is updated every 10 years, the current version being MSC2020. These numbers can be found here.
▪ What are the Abbreviations?
For journal abbreviations used in bibliographies, consult the list of latest Abbreviations of Names of Serials in Mathematical Reviews (MR).
▪ If I had another question, who should I contact?
If you have another question, submit your question here. It will be answered as soon as possible.