Open Access Article
1 - The Effects of Phenolic Compounds in Iranian Propolis Extracts on in vitro Rumen Fermentation, Methane Production and Microbial Population
ش. احتشام ع.ر. وکیلی م. دانش مسگران و. بانکوا -
Open Access Article
2 - The Effect of Different Level of Concentrates in Diet on Microbial Protein Synthesis in Iranian Native Buffaloes
K. Jafari Khorshidi Y. Vakilfaraji M. M. Zahedifar -
Open Access Article
3 - Thymus kotschyanus Essential Oil Components and Their Effects on in vitro Rumen Fermentation, Protozoal Population and Acidosis Parameters
ز. میرزایی ف. هژبری د. علیپور -
Open Access Article
4 - In vitro Estimation of Microbial Nitrogen Production and Ruminal Fermentation Responses to Levels and Applying Duration of a Commercial Enzyme Mixture
ع. فرامرزی-گرمرودی م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی -
Open Access Article
5 - Alternative Feed Resources and Their Effects onthe Parametersof Rumen Fermentation, in situ Degradability, the Population of Ciliated Protozoaand the in vitro Gas Production Profile in Sicilo-Sarde Sheep
H. Selmi B. Jemmali A. Ben Gara B. Rekik H. Rouissi -
Open Access Article
6 - The Effect of Selenized Glucose with Probiotic on Broiler Growth Performance, Immune Response, Intestine Microflora and Morphology
A. Shokrinejad Gerdin M. Afsharmanesh M. Salarmoini M. Khajeh Bami -
Open Access Article
7 - Effect of Phosphorus Supplementation to Ammoniated Rice Straw on Rumen Fermentability, Microbial Protein Synthesis and in vitro Nutrient Degradability
Z. Zulkarnaini M. Zain N. Jamarun A. Tjakradidjaya -
Open Access Article
8 - Effects of Thyme Essential Oil and Disodium Fumarate on Ruminal Fermentation Characteristics, Microbial Population and Nutrient Flow in a Dual Flow Continuous Culture System
ه. براز ح. جهانی-عزیزآبادی ع. عزیزی -
Open Access Article
9 - High Levels of Monensin to Mid Lactating Dairy Cows: Nutrient Digestibility, Ruminal Fermentation and Microbial Protein Synthesis
جی.ر. گاندرا جی.ای. فریتاس جونیور م. ماتورانا فیلهو ر.و. بارلتا ل.ن. رنو سی.اس. تاکیا ف.پ. رنو -
Open Access Article
10 - Rumen Microbial Community of Saanen Goats Adapted to a High-Fiber Diet in the Northeast of Iran
س.ه. ابراهیمی ر. ولیزاده و. حیدریان میری -
Open Access Article
11 - Effect of Silage from Five Varieties of Corn Forage on Feed Intake, Digestibility, and Ruminal Parameters in Sheep
R. Iranmanesh M.M. Sharifi Hosseini R. Tahmasbi A. Maddahian O. Dayani -
Open Access Article
12 - Using 15N Dilution Method to Correct for Microbial Contamination When Assessing in situ Protein Degradability of Fresh Ryegrass
ر. طهماسبی ج. و. نولان ر. س. دوبس -
Open Access Article
13 - Liquid Metabolite of Lactobacillus plantarum and Putrescine Effects on Growth, Tissue Polyamine, Blood Lipids and Intestine Morphology of Broiler Chickens
س.م. هاشمی تی.سی. لوه اچ.ال. فوو -
Open Access Article
14 - Health Characteristics and Performance of Broiler Chicks in Response to Trigonella foenum graecum and Foeniculum vulgare
ع.ا. ساکی م. کلانتر نیستانکی ع. رحمت نژاد ف. میرزاآقاتبار -
Open Access Article
15 - Microbial Fuel Cell: New Assay for Nutritive Value Determination of Whole Cottonseed Used in Ruminants Nutrition
م. بشارتی ا. تقی زاده -
Open Access Article
16 - Influence of Dietary Thyme Extract (Thymus vulgaris) on Performance, Purine Derivatives, Cellulase Activity and Ruminal Fermentation Parameters in Fattening Lambs and Goat Kids
S. Shahravan T. Ghoorchi B. Dastar A.H. Toghdori M. Mohajer -
Open Access Article
17 - Effect of Thymol + Carvacrol by Next Enhance 150® on Intestinal Development of Broiler Chickens Fed CMC Containing Diet
H. Hashemipour H. Kermanshahi A. Golian A. Raji M.M. Van Krimpen -
Open Access Article
18 - Rumen Fermentation Responses to Dairy Diets Differing in Protein Degradation Potential and Processed Barley Grain
ا. خطیبی شهری م. دانش مسگران د. زحمتکش -
Open Access Article
19 - Effect of Hydroponic Barley Seedlings Substituting for Different Ratios of Basal Diets on Serum Biochemical Indexes and Rumen Fluid Microbial Diversity in Lactating Ewes
Y. Ma T. Guo Z. Zhang G. Amat Y. Jing Y. Tuo L. Hou -
Open Access Article
20 - Effect of Amylolytic and Cellulolytic Enzymes on Whole Plant Corn Silage: Characteristics of Silage and Animal Digestion
J.R. Gandra A.T. Nunes E.R. Oliveira M.S.J. Silva C.A. Pedrini F.S. Machado E.R.S. Gandra P.V.C. Mendes A.G.S. Pause -
Open Access Article
21 - The Effects of Feeding Iranian Propolis Extracts to Holstein Dairy Cows on Blood Metabolites, Milk Composition and Rumen Microbial Population
S. Ehtesham A.R. Vakili M. Danesh Mesgaran V. Bankova -
Open Access Article
22 - Effect of Selenium-Enriched Yeast Supplementation on Microbial Spoilage and Lambs’ Meat Quality during Shelf Life
G. Velázquez-Garduño M.D. Mariezcurrena-Berasain M.A. Mariezcurrena-Berasain E.D. Archundia-Velarde D. Giron-Orozco -
Open Access Article
23 - The Effect of Grain Particle Size (Barley and Wheat) on Rumen Fermentation Parameters in Fattening Lambs
S.M. Hosseini T. Ghoorchi A. Toghdory -
Open Access Article
24 - The Effect of Various Dietary Fibre Sources on Performance, Cecal and Ileal Nutrient Digestibility in Broiler Chickens
Y. Mousavi A.A. Saki S. Mirzaie Goudarzi A. Ahmadi Z. Bardel S. Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
25 - Effects of Barley Silage Particle Size with Two Levels of Concentrate, Beet Bulp Levels and Grain Levels on Dry Matter Intake, Digestibility, Ruminal Parameters, and Feed Intake Behavior in Sheep
M.M. Sharifi-Hoseini O. Dayani P. Dadvar -
Open Access Article
26 - Influence of Different Amounts of Molasses and Microbiologically Treated Potato Aerial Part on in vitro Gas Production
S. Najafyar H. Paya A. Taghizadeh A. Hosseinkhani H. Mohammadzadeh