Effects of TPACK-Based Blended Learning on Iranian EFL Teachers’ Reflection and Critical Thinking
Subject Areas : All areas of language and translation
Mojgan Barekat
Amin Naeimi
Ashraf Haji Meibodi
1 - Department of English, Maybod Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maybod, Iran
2 - Department of English, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Department of English, Maybod Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maybod, Iran
Keywords: Critical thinking, Reflection, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK),
Abstract :
Successful technology integration initiatives hinge on the skills and knowledge of teachers to effectively implement technology in classroom teaching. The effect of technology in blended learning can be maximized if the three aspects of content, pedagogy, and knowledge are well incorporated. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) offers a framework for teacher knowledge to combine technology and teaching successfully. Using digital tools in TPACK to understand EFL teachers’ skills and ability levels is considerably important. This study examined the impact of blended learning according to the TPACK framework presented by Mishra and Koehler (2006) on critical thinking and reflection. To this end, 60 EFL teachers were selected from among 100 EFL teachers based on their OPT scores. They were asked to participate in a pre-post-test design experiment. The data were gathered from the EFL teachers through three questionnaires including the TPACK questionnaire, reflective questionnaire, and critical thinking questionnaire. During the 12 sessions of intervention, the experimental group experienced BL instruction based on the TPACK model, while the control group went through traditional face-to-face instruction. The teachers took the critical thinking and reflection questionnaires in the first and last sessions. To analyze the data, independent and paired sample t-tests were conducted. Data analyses revealed that blended-learning training instruction based on TPACK had a statistically significant influence on Iranian EFL teachers’ reflection and critical thinking. The findings have implications for EFL teacher educators, school administrators, and other stakeholders to be encouraged to develop TPACK-based professional programs for EFL teachers.
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