Textbook Evaluation and Teachers’ Perceptions of Task-Based Language Teaching: A Case of Iranian Bilingual Schools
Subject Areas : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Fatemeh Pirzad
Shirin Abadikhah
Fatemeh Khonamri
1 - Department of English Language Teaching and Literature, University of Mazandaran, Iran
2 - Department of English Language Teaching and Literature, University of Mazandaran, Iran
3 - Department of English Language Teaching and Literature, University of Mazandaran, Iran
Keywords: tasks, Textbook evaluation, Bilingual education, Teacher’s perspective, TBLT,
Abstract :
Task-based language teaching (TBLT) with its strong theoretical bases and emphasis on meaningful and interactive use of language has received substantial attention in the context of foreign language teaching. The present study investigated the extent to which TBLT was incorporated into the textbooks and the extent to which teachers were aware of its concept in the bilingual education setting in Mazandaran province, Iran. A descriptive qualitative approach, using content analysis of the textbook based on a general task framework (Ellis, 2003) and a survey through a questionnaire, was employed to determine the implementation of tasks. Findings related to the textbook analysis indicated that the number of tasks in the textbook was relatively limited for real communication. Regarding the teachers’ (n=28) perceptions of TBLT, the results of the one-sample t-test analysis revealed that the participating teachers agreed with the idea of using tasks in teaching English language. Based on the findings, it is recommended that TBLT materials should be included in the bilingual textbooks in order to enhance learners’ collaboration and interactional skills.
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