Investigating Competitive Forces of Emotions versus Intellects in English Academic Performance of Iranian University Students
Subject Areas : Research in English Language PedagogyMarjan Vosoughi 1 * , Seyedeh Susan Marandi 2
1 - English Department, Sabzevar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar, Iran
2 - Alzahra University, tehran, iran
Keywords: problem solving, self-awareness, academic linguistic performance, assertiveness, Bar's On EI Ques, Emotional intelligence,
Abstract :
To testify the contrastive properties of two combinations of Emotional Intelligence (EI) index including emotional vs. cognitive subscale dyads among some one hundred and twenty university students (52 male & 68 female), this study was carried out to predict their success in their General English (GE) course during one academic semester. Datasets were obtained through a self-report Bar's On EI Questionnaire (1977) and mapped over the participants' academic linguistic performance through Discriminant Function Analyses (DFA) techniques within two successive phases: In the first phase, the statistical results revealed that, overall, Wilks's Lambda was significant: ᴧ= .000, ᵡ2 (2, N= 120) = .000, p
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