ESP Courses for Psychology and Law Tertiary Level Students: Attitudes, Challenges Needs and Obstacles
Subject Areas : Research in English Language PedagogyElahe Sadeghi 1 * , Mohammad Hassan Tahririan 2
1 - Sheikhbahaee University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Sheikhbahaee University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: ESP, psychology, tertiary students, Law,
Abstract :
Educators have not started talking about affective factors in ESP until lately (Makrami, 2010). ESP has found its way in daily lives of a majority of people and it has also become a part of tertiary education programme in Iranian universities. However, rarely has anything been done after putting these ESP courses into work while many obstacles appear soon after putting ESP courses into practice. The current study aims to investigate the attitudes and views instructors and students hold in ESP courses. Data were gathered by interviewing instructors and students of psychology and law in Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch. The results showed that crowded classes, lack of motivation and poor infrastructure are the main issues that they are dealing with. Furthermore, the need for integration of some aspects of English like pronunciation and grammar is felt in ESP courses. The findings of this study could be of help for to practitioners and material designers.
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