Open Access Article
1 - Experimental measurement of dynamic viscosity of CeO2-EG at different concentrations and temperatures and proposing a new correlation
محمد اکبری امیرحسین سعیدی -
Open Access Article
2 - Numerical simulation of mixed convection heat transfer of nanofluid in an inclined enclosure by applying LBM
ارش کریم پور -
Open Access Article
3 - Investigation of nanoparticles diameter on free convection of Aluminum Oxide-Water nanofluid by single phase and two phase models
میثم اسفندیاری بابک مهماندوست آرش کریمی پور -
Open Access Article
4 - Time Dependent Analysis of Micro-tubes Conveying Nanofluids Under Time-Varying Heat Flux
محمد حسینی میثم خالویی عباس زندی باغچه مریم -
Open Access Article
5 - Experimental investigation of the effect of suspended nanoparticles into conventional fluid on the heat transfer improvement
ارش کریم پور داود طغرایی امید علی اکبری مجید زرین قلم غلامرضا احمدی شیخ شبانی -
Open Access Article
6 - Nanofluid forced convection through a microtube with constant heat flux and slip boundary
سعید جاوید آرش کریمی پور -
Open Access Article
7 - Numerical investigation of heat transfer and laminar Water-Al2O3 nanofluid flow in a rectangular Rib-Microchannel
داود طغرایی آرش کریمی پور امید علی اکبری مجید زرین قلم حبیب اله عالیپور -
Open Access Article
8 - The numerical study of heat transfer of water-TiO2 nanofluid in the triangular microchannels with semiattached and offset mid-truncated rib,s
موسی حیدری داود طغرایی امید علی اکبری -
Open Access Article
9 - An experimental investigation on effect of hybrid solid MWCNTs and MgO on thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol
مسعود وفایی مسعود افرند -
Open Access Article
10 - Investigation of Dynamical Behavior (Transverse Vibration) and Instability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Nanofluid
سهیل اویسی حسن نحوی داود طغرایی -
Open Access Article
11 - a
محمدامیر آقانجفی بابک مهماندوست -
Open Access Article
12 - Study Effect of Deformation Nanochannel Wall Roughness on The Water-Copper Nano-Fluids Poiseuille Flow Behavior
محمد میثم امراللهی پورشیرازی داود طغرایی احمدرضا عظیمیان -
Open Access Article
13 - Experimental Measurement of Dynamic Viscosity of CeO2-EG at Different Concentrations and Temperatures and Proposing a New Correlation
محمد اکبری امیر حسین سعیدی