Multi-valued fixed point theorems in complex valued $b$-metric spaces
Subject Areas : Fixed point theoryF. Ahmad 1 , M. ‎Shehu Shagari 2 * , A. Azam 3
1 - Department of Mathematics, COMSATS University, chak shahzad, Islamabad, 44,000, Pakistan
2 - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
3 - Department of Mathematics, COMSATS University, chak shahzad, Islamabad, 44,000, Pakistan
Keywords: fixed point, Common fixed point, multi-valued mappings, complex valued $b$-metric spaces,
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to establish and prove some results on common fixed pointfor a pair of multi-valued mappings in complex valued $b$-metric spaces. Ourresults generalize and extend a few results in the literature.
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