Making a Difference in Teacher Education Courses: A Psychological Reconsideration
محورهای موضوعی : Research Paper
Faezeh Fatehi Ghahfarokhi
Ahmad Mohseni
Massood Yazdani Moghaddam
Alireza Ameri
1 - Islamic Azad University, South-Tehran Branch, Tehran. Iran
2 - Islamic Azad University, South-Tehran Branch, Tehran. Iran
3 - Islamic Azad University, South-Tehran Branch, Tehran. Iran
4 - Islamic Azad University, South-Tehran Branch, Tehran. Iran
کلید واژه: psychology, Educational Psychology, teacher education courses,
چکیده مقاله :
The interdependency between education and psychology has been valued for a long time and the educational psychology as an interdisciplinary field reconciling these two disciplines has been introduced to the field of teacher education. However, theoretically present in teacher training programs, the practical ways of applying educational psychology has not gained enough attention. The interviews with 21 Iranian EFL teachers and educators reveal that those teachers start their career after doing a teacher education course, do not have enough awareness to deal with learners’ cognitive and emotional problems. Therefore, the researchers tried to put psychological theories into practice through assigning some mini-action research during the teacher education courses. To check the effectiveness of the method, two groups (experimental and control) were selected and then their awareness of psychological issues while reflecting on their teaching process were compared after the treatment. The qualitative findings of the study indicate that the method was successful in increasing pre-service teachers’ psychological awareness towards language teaching. The method is beneficial for those designing and planning teacher education courses.
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