In Memory of Professor Farzad Sharifian (1964-2020): A Selected Bibliography
محورهای موضوعی : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
Azizeh Chalak
1 - Director in Charge of
Research In English Language Pedagogy (RELP)
2 - Editor-in-Chief of
Research In English Language Pedagogy (RELP)
کلید واژه: cultural linguistics, Memory of Professor Farzad Sharifian, Selected Bibliography,
چکیده مقاله :
In the early hours of 12 May 2020, Professor Farzad Sharifian unexpectedly passed away after a short illness. We in RELP have absolutely missed Farzad Sharifian (RIP) as one of our vibrant and valued Editorial Board members and a wholly decent, wonderful gentleman. Highly awarded as a competent researcher, Farzad was a leading, prolific scholar and an outstanding, inspirational figure in Cultural Linguistics, an internationally recognized, flourishing field of inquiry that he successfully developed on the foundation laid by Palmer (1996). Farzad will undoubtedly live on not only in his numerous presentations and publications but also in the hearts and minds of all those who, like us, respected Farzad personally or professionally (across his discipline) nationally and internationally, including his family, friends, academic fellows, and former students. To celebrate his incredible, life-long contributions to the field, RELP decided to publish a selected bibliography of his seminal, influential works, the majority of which were devoted to Cultural Linguistics, disseminated in the form of books, book chapters, and journal articles. The list is by no means claimed to be comprehensive; his conference presentations and interviews are not included here either. Our meticulous colleagues are invited to help us add to and update it by contacting RELP via the official email of the journal: or our personal emails. May God bless his soul!
In the early hours of 12 May 2020, Professor Farzad Sharifian unexpectedly passed away after a short illness. We in RELP have absolutely missed Farzad Sharifian (RIP) as one of our vibrant and valued Editorial Board members and a wholly decent, wonderful gentleman. Highly awarded as a competent researcher, Farzad was a leading, prolific scholar and an outstanding, inspirational figure in Cultural Linguistics, an internationally recognized, flourishing field of inquiry that he successfully developed on the foundation laid by Palmer (1996). Farzad will undoubtedly live on not only in his numerous presentations and publications but also in the hearts and minds of all those who, like us, respected Farzad personally or professionally (across his discipline) nationally and internationally, including his family, friends, academic fellows, and former students. To celebrate his incredible, life-long contributions to the field, RELP decided to publish a selected bibliography of his seminal, influential works, the majority of which were devoted to Cultural Linguistics, disseminated in the form of books, book chapters, and journal articles. The list is by no means claimed to be comprehensive; his conference presentations and interviews are not included here either. Our meticulous colleagues are invited to help us add to and update it by contacting RELP via the official email of the journal: or our personal emails. May God bless his soul!
Books Written
Sharifian, F. (2011). Cultural conceptualisations and language: Theoretical framework and applications. John Benjamins.
Sharifian, F. (2017). Cultural Linguistics: Cultural conceptualisations and language. John Benjamins.
Books Edited
Sharifian, F. (Ed.). (2009). English as an international language: Perspectives and pedagogical issues. Multilingual Matters.
Sharifian, F. (Ed.). (2015). The Routledge handbook of language and culture. Routledge.
Sharifian, F. (Ed.). (2017). Advances in Cultural Linguistics. Springer.
Sharifian, F., Dirven, R., Yu, N., & Niemeier, S. (Eds.). (2008). Culture, body, and language. Conceptualizations of internal body organs across cultures and languages. Mouton de Gruyter.
Sharifian, F., & Jamarani, M. (Eds.). (2013). Language and intercultural communication in the new era. Routledge.
Sharifian, F., & Palmer, G. B. (Eds.). (2007). Applied cultural linguistics: Implications for second language learning and intercultural communication. John Benjamins.
Sadeghpour, M., & Sharifian, F. (Eds.). (2021). Cultural Linguistics and world Englishes. Springer.
Book Chapters
Sharifian, F. (2002). Chaos in Aboriginal English discourse. In A. Kirkpatrick (Ed.), Englishes in Asia: Communication, identity, power, and education (pp. 125-141). Language Australia.
Sharifian, F. (2007). L1 cultural conceptualisations in L2 learning. In F. Sharifian, and G. B. Palmer (Eds.), Applied cultural linguistics: Implications for second language learning and intercultural communication. John Benjamins.
Sharifian, F. (2008). Cultural models of home in Aboriginal children’s English. In G. Kristiansen, and R. Dirven (Eds.), Cognitive sociolinguistics: language variation, cultural models, social systems (pp. 333-352). Walter de Gruyter.
Sharifian, F. (2008b). Distributed, emergent cultural cognition, conceptualisation, and language. In (Eds.), Body, language, and mind: Sociocultural situatedness (pp. 109-136). Walter de Gruyter.
Sharifian, F. (2009a). Cultural conceptualisations in English as an international language. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), English as an international language: Perspectives and pedagogical issues (pp. 242-253). Multilingual Matters.
Sharifian, F. (2009b). English as an international language: An overview. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), English as an international language: Perspectives and pedagogical issues (pp. 1-18). Multilingual Matters.
Sharifian, F. (2009c). On collective cognition and language. In H. Pishwa (Ed.), Language and social cognition: Expression of the social mind (pp.163-180). Mouton de Gruyter
Sharifian, F. (2010). Glocalization of English in World Englishes: An emerging variety among Persian speakers of English. In M. Saxena, and T. Omoniyi (Eds.), Contending with globalization in world Englishes (pp. 137-158). Multilingual Matters.
Sharifian, F. (2012). World Englishes, intercultural communication and requisite competences. In J. Jackson (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication (1st ed., pp. 310-322). Routledge.
Sharifian, F. (2013). Cultural Linguistics and intercultural communication. In F. Sharifian and M. Jamarani (Eds.), Language and intercultural communication in the new era (pp. 74-94). Routledge.
Sharifian, F. (2014a). Conceptual metaphor in intercultural communication between speakers of Aboriginal English and Australian English. In A. Mussolff, & F. MacArthur (Eds.), Metaphor and intercultural communication (pp.117-129). Springer.
Sharifian, F. (2014b). Cultural schemas as ‘common ground’. In K. Burridge and R. Benczes (Eds.), Wrestling with words and meanings: Essays in honour of Keith Allan (pp. 219-235). Monash University Publishing.
Sharifian, F. (2014c). English as an international language: A multilingual and pluricentric perspective. In J. Hajek, and Y. Slaughter (Eds.), Challenging the monolingual mindset, (pp. 49-62). Multilingual Matters.
Sharifian, F. (2014d). Teaching English as an international language in multicultural contexts: Focus on Australia. In R. Marlina, and R. A. Giri (Eds.), The pedagogy of English as an international language: Perspectives from scholars, teachers, and students (pp. 35-46). Springer.
Sharifian, F. (2015b). Cultural Linguistics. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and culture (pp.473-492). Routledge.
Sharifian, F. (2016). Cultural pragmatic schemas, pragmemes, and practs: A Cultural Linguistics perspective. In A. Keith, A. Capone, and I. Kecskes (Eds.), Pragmemes and theories of language use (pp. 505-519). Springer.
Sharifian, F., & Tayebi, T. (2017a). Perceptions of impoliteness from a Cultural Linguistics perspective. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), Advances in Cultural Linguistics, (pp. 389-409). Springer.
Sharifian, F. (2017b). Cultural Linguistics: The state of the art. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), Advances in Cultural Linguistics (pp. 1–28). Springer.
Sharifian, F. (2018). Metacultural Competence in English Language Teaching (ELT). In J. I. Liontas and M. DelliCarpini (Eds.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, (pp.1-6). Wiley.
Sharifian, F. (2021). Cultural Linguistics and religion. In H. G. Wolf, A. Finzel, and D. Latić (Eds.), Cultural-Linguistic explorations into spirituality, emotionality, and society (pp.9-22). John Benjamins.
Sharifian, F., Dirven, R., Yu, N., & Niemeier, S. (2008). Culture and language: Looking for the “mind” inside the body. In F. Sharifian, R. Dirven, N. Yu, and S. Niemeier (Eds.), Culture, body, and language: conceptualizations of internal body organs across cultures and languages (pp. 3-23). Mouton de Gruyter.
Sharifian, F., & Jamarani, M. (2013). Language and intercultural communication: From the old era to the new one. In F. Sharifian and M. Jamarani (Eds.), Language and intercultural communication in the new era. Routledge.
Sharifian, F., & Marlina, R. (2012). English as an international language (EIL): An innovative academic program. In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Principles and practices of teaching English as an international language (pp.140-153). Multilingual Matters.
Sharifian, F., & Sadeghpour, M. (2020). World Englishes and intercultural communication. In J. Jackson (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication (2nd ed., pp. 299-311). Routledge.
Sharifian, F., & Sadeghpour, M. (2021). Cultural Linguistics and world Englishes: An overview. In M. Sadeghpour & F. Sharifian (Eds.), Cultural Linguistics and world Englishes (pp.1-14). Springer.
Sharifian, F., & Samani, R. (1997). Hierarchical spreading of activation. In F. Sharifian (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Language, Cognition, and Interpretation (pp. 1-10). IAU Press.
Benczes, R., Burridge, K., Sharifian, F., & Allan, K. (2017). Cultural Linguistics and ageing: What naming practices in Australian English can reveal about underlying cultural conceptualisations. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), Advances in cultural linguistics (pp. 607-624). Springer.
Benczes, R., Burridge, K., Allan, K., & Sharifian, F. (2018). Old age revolution in Australian English: Rethinking a taboo concept. In A. P. Pedraza (Ed.), Linguistic taboo revisited: Novel insights from cognitive perspectives (pp. 99-116). Walter de Gruyter.
Dinh, T. N., & Sharifian, F. (2021). EIL and Cultural Linguistics approach to ESP/EAP/GE textbook analysis: Examples from locally developed English lessons in Iran and Vietnam. In Z. Tajeddin and Z. Abolhassani Chime (Eds.), Interface between culture and English for academic purposes (pp. 9-22). SAMT.
Malcolm, I. G., & Sharifian, F. (2007). Multiword units in Aboriginal English: Australian cultural expression in an adopted language. In P. Skandera (Ed.), Phraseology and culture in English (pp. 375). Walter de Gruyter.
Samani, R., & Sharifian, F. (1997). Cross-language hierarchical spreading of activation. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), Proceedings of the conference on language, cognition, and interpretation (pp. 11-23). Isfahan: IAU Press.
Xu, Z., & Sharifian, F. (2017). Cultural conceptualisations in Chinese English: Implications for ELT in China. In Z. Xu, D. He, & D. Deterding (Eds.), Researching Chinese English: The state of the art, (pp. 205-218). Springer.
Journal Articles
Sharifian, F. (2000). Aspects of schematic processing in Indigenous speakers of Aboriginal English: An initial exploration. Applied Language and Literacy Research, 1(5), 1-9.
Sharifian, F. (2001). Schema-based processing in Australian speakers of Aboriginal English. Language and Intercultural Communication, 1(2), 120-134.
Sharifian, F. (2002). Memory enhancement in language pedagogy: Implications from cognitive research. TESL-EJ, 6(2).
Sharifian, F. (2003). On cultural conceptualisations. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 3(3), 187-207.
Sharifian, F. (2005a). Cultural conceptualisations in English words: A study of Aboriginal children in Perth. language and Education, 19(1), 74-88.
Sharifian, F. (2005b). The Persian cultural schema of shekasteh-nafsi: A study of complement responses in Persian and Anglo-Australian speakers. Pragmatics & Cognition, 13(2), 337-361.
Sharifian, F. (2006). A cultural-conceptual approach and world Englishes: The case of Aboriginal English. World Englishes. 25(1),11-22.
Sharifian, F. (2007). Politics and/of translation: Case studies between English and Persian. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 28(4), 413-424.
Sharifian, F. (2008a). Aboriginal English in the classroom: An asset or a liability? Language Awareness. 17(2), 131-138
Sharifian, F. (2008b). Cultural schemas in L1 and L2 compliment responses: A study of Persian-speaking learners of English. Journal of Politeness Research, 4, 55-80. 10.1515/PR.2008.003
Sharifian, F. (2009). Figurative language in international political discourse: The case of Iran. Journal of Language and Politics, 8(3), 416–432.
Sharifian, F. (2010a). Cultural conceptualisations in intercultural communication: A study of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal-Australians. Journal of Pragmatics, 42(12), 3367–3376.
Sharifian, F. (2010b). Michael Clyne (1939–2010). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 31(6), 513-513.
Sharifian, F. (2011). “They felt sorry about our Sorry”: Indigenising English by Aboriginal Australians. Asian Englishes, 14(1), 70-73.
Sharifian, F. (2012). Translation and body-part terms: The case of cheshm ‘eye’in Persian. Journal of Language, Culture, and Translation, 1(1), 1-16.
Sharifian, F. (2013a). Cultural conceptualisations in learning English as an L2: Examples from Persian-speaking learners. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 1(1), 90-116.
Sharifian, F. (2013b). Globalisation and developing meta-cultural competence in learning English as an international language. Multilingual Education, 3, 1–11.
Sharifian, F. (2014). Editorial: International Journal of Language and Culture. International Journal of Language and Culture, 1(1), 1-4.
Sharifian, F. (2015a). Cultural Linguistics and world Englishes. World Englishes, 34(4), 515-532. 10.1111/weng.12156
Sharifian, F. (2015b). Cultural linguistics: The development of a multidisciplinary paradigm. Language and Semiotic Studies, 1(1), 1-26.
Sharifian, F. (2016). “Glocalisation” of the English Language: A Cultural Linguistics perspective. KEMANUSIAAN: The Asian Journal of Humanities, 23., 1-17.
Sharifian, F. (2017). Cultural linguistics and linguistic relativity. Language Sciences, 59, 83-92.
Sharifian, F. (2020). Cultural linguistics and poetry: The case of Khayyām’s Rubā’iyyāt. International Journal of Persian Literature, 5(1), 21-39. 10.5325/INTEJPERSLITE.5.0021
Sharifian, F., & Bagheri, M. (2019). Conceptualisations of xoshbaxti (‘happiness/prosperity’) and baxt (‘fate/luck’) in Persian. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 20(1), 78-95.
Sharifian, F., Chalak, A., & Dehkordi, Z. (2019a). Investigating choice of compliment response strategies on social networking sites by different gender. Journal of new advances in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 159-176.
Sharifian, F., Chalak, A., & Dehkordi, Z. (2019b). The Persian cultural schema: Compliment response strategies on social networking sites among Persian EFL learners. The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics and Advances, 7(2), 61-81.
Sharifian, F., & Clyne, M. (2008) English as an International Language: Synthesis. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 31 (3), 36.1–36.19.
Sharifian, F., & Jamarani, M. (2011). Cultural schemas in intercultural communication: A study of the Persian cultural schema of sharmandegi ‘being ashamed’. Intercultural Pragmatics, 8(2), 227–251.
Sharifian, F., & Jamarani, M. (2015). Conceptualizations of damâ, “temperature” in Persian: A Cultural Linguistic study. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 2(2), 239-256. 10.1075/cogls.2.2.08sha
Sharifian, F., & Lotfi, A. R. (2007). “When stones falls”: A conceptual-functional account of subject-verb agreement. Modern Persian. Language Sciences. 29(6), 787-803.
Sharifian, F., & Malcolm, I. G. (2003). The pragmatic marker like in English teen talk: Australian Aboriginal usage. Pragmatics & cognition, 11(2), 327-344.
Sharifian, F., Malcolm, I. G., Rochecouste, J., Konigsberg, P., & Collard, G. (2005). “They were in a cave”: Schemas in the recall of Aboriginal English texts. TESOL in Context, 15(1), 9-12.
Sharifian, F., & Manan, S. A. (2016). Linguistics, Literature: Interaction between the Global and the Local. Journal KEMANUSIAAN. 23 (2), 5-9.
Sharifian, F., & Musgrave, S. (2013). Migration and multilingualism: Focus on Melbourne. International Journal of Multilingualism, 10(4), 361-374.
Sharifian, F., Sadeghpour, M., Barton, S. M., Barry, J., Barton, G., & Yilmaz, I. (2021). English language learning barriers of Afghan refugee women in Australia. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 31(1), 65-78.
Sharifian, F., & Sussex, R. (2010). Michael George Clyne (1939–2010): Scholar and champion of languages. Current Issues in Language Planning, 11(4), 371-377.
Sharifian, F., & Tayebi, T. (2017). Perception of (im) politeness and the underlying cultural conceptualisations: A study of Persian. Pragmatics and Society, 8(2), 231-253.
Babai Shishavan, H., & Sharifian, F. (2013). Refusal strategies in L1 and L2: A study of Persian-speaking learners of English. Multilingua, 32(6), 801-836.
Babai Shishavan, H., & Sharifian, F. (2016). The refusal speech act in a cross-cultural perspective: A study of Iranian English-language learners and Anglo-Australian speakers. Language & Communication, 47, 75-88.
Browning, C. J., Zeqi, Q., Zhang, T., Sharifian, F., Yang, H., & Thomas, S. (2007). Cross cultural conceptualisations of successful and healthy ageing: Australia and China. Chinese General Practice, 10(15), 1226-1228.
Clyne, M. G., & Sharifian, F. (2008) English as an International Language: Challenges and possibilities. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 31 (3), 28.1–28.16.
Dinh, T. N., & Sharifian, F. (2017). Vietnamese cultural conceptualisations in the locally developed English textbook: A case study of ‘Lunar New Year’/‘Tet’. Asian Englishes, 19(2), 148-159.
Ghahraki, S., & Sharifian, F. (2005). The relationship between overall reading comprehension and determination of fact/opinion in L2. Reading, 5(1), 36-46.
Huang, H., Sharifian, F., Feldman, S., Yang, H., Radermacher, H., & Browning, C. (2018). Cross-cultural conceptualizations of ageing in Australia. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 5(2), 261-281.
Malcolm, I. G., & Sharifian, F. (2002). Aspects of Aboriginal English oral discourse: An application of cultural schema theory. Discourse Studies, 4(2), 169-181.
Malcolm, I. G., & Sharifian, F. (2005). Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue: Australian Aboriginal students' schematic repertoire. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 26(6), 512-532.
Rahimi, E., & Sharifian, F. (2020). An evaluation of visuals in Iranian domestically developed English textbooks: A Cultural Linguistics perspective. i-Manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 10(2), 13. 10.26634/jelt.10.2.16590
Rochecouste, J., Sharifian, F., Quartermaine, L., Pollard, C., & Lewis, J. (2004). Aboriginal health and nutrition: The process of developing new materials to train Aboriginal health workers in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 44(2), 179-201.
Sadeghpour, M., & Sharifian, F. (2017). English language teachers’ perceptions of world Englishes: The elephants in the room. Asian Englishes, 19(3), 242-258.
Sadeghpour M., & Sharifian F. (2019) World Englishes in English language teaching. World Englishes. 38, 245–258.
Xu, Z., & Sharifian, F. (2017). Unpacking cultural conceptualizations in Chinese English. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 27(1), 65-84.
Xu, Z., & Sharifian, F. (2018). Cultural conceptualizations of Chinese zodiac animals in Chinese English. World Englishes, 37(4), 590-606.
Yang, H., Browning, C. J., Thomas, S., & Sharifian, F. (2007). How to find their beliefs through metaphor analysis in community health service research? Chinese General Practice, 10(20), 1700-1703.