Prioritization of the influential factors of corporate social responsibility in Iranian airline industry by CRITIC and COPRAS methods
محورهای موضوعی : Operation Research
Mehdi Fadaei
Hamed Gheibdoust
1 - Department of Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
کلید واژه: Iran, COPRAS, Critic, CSR, Airline industry,
چکیده مقاله :
Nowadays, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a significant role in the airline industry. The purpose of the present paper is to prioritize the factors influencing CSR in the airline industry. The present study prioritizes the factors influencing CSR in Iran's airline industry by using criteria importance through inter-criteria correlation (CRITIC) and Complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) to find the best airline among five Iranian airlines in Iran in 2021. Factors influencing this study include 4 main criteria and 15 sub-criteria. The results show that energy consumption is the most influential factor among influence factors, and airline 3 obtained the first rank. The present study helps airline managers to improve the performance of CSR by influencing factors in the airline industry.
Nowadays, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a significant role in the airline industry. The purpose of the present paper is to prioritize the factors influencing CSR in the airline industry. The present study prioritizes the factors influencing CSR in Iran's airline industry by using criteria importance through inter-criteria correlation (CRITIC) and Complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) to find the best airline among five Iranian airlines in Iran in 2021. Factors influencing this study include 4 main criteria and 15 sub-criteria. The results show that energy consumption is the most influential factor among influence factors, and airline 3 obtained the first rank. The present study helps airline managers to improve the performance of CSR by influencing factors in the airline industry.
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