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        1 - Study and analyzing the obstacles to achieving humanperfection in the Holy Qur'an
        mohammadreza azimi alireza abdorrahimi faraj behzad
        Study and analyzing the obstacles to achieving humanperfection in the Holy Qur'anAbstract:Human perfection is one of the important topics and goals of the Holy Qur'an. But we see that the Almighty God creates billions of people, but at any time, a small number of these More
        Study and analyzing the obstacles to achieving humanperfection in the Holy Qur'anAbstract:Human perfection is one of the important topics and goals of the Holy Qur'an. But we see that the Almighty God creates billions of people, but at any time, a small number of these innumerable human beings can be perfected and as a human being, which is the purpose of God for the sake of mankin. Therefore, the research question is what are the barriers to achieving human perfection. According to the research hypothesis, it seems that the barriers to achieving human perfection and their virtues have been expressed through numerous verses from the Quran. In this research, with descriptive-analytical method and library study and using interpretive and narrative resources, by examining the number of 110 Quranic verses, forty barriers were extracted as obstacles to achieving human perfection, and classified in the four groups of obstacles: belief, internal and physical, material and erotic, behavioral and social groups. Then analyzed by qualitative content analysis method and categorized in 11 groups according to the threats of verses. The findings of the research indicate a direct relationship between the severity of the barriers and the severity of the obstacles. Consequently, the barriers to belief are the most severe and most important threats, and thus the main obstacles. Forty obstacles, in fact, are forty hijab perfection that by overcoming one of these hijabs a person can complete a degree of perfection. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The role of texture in similar verses on the Theory Firth
        Zohreh Ghorbanimadavani behnaz khajeh mohammad abadi reyhaneh alavi tabaei
        Due to the necessity of understanding the meaning in the analysis of phrases and in order to correctly understand the words of the speaker, paying attention to the context is one of the most essential topics in semantics; Therefore, linguists in semantic studies pay att More
        Due to the necessity of understanding the meaning in the analysis of phrases and in order to correctly understand the words of the speaker, paying attention to the context is one of the most essential topics in semantics; Therefore, linguists in semantic studies pay attention to context from two perspectives. The first group believes that the meaning of a sentence can be determined separately from any context, and the second group, like Firth, believes in the theory of situational context. He believes that all the constituent elements of speech, including the personality of the speaker and the listener and the social environment, etc. should be examined in order to reach a correct understanding of the phrase. For this purpose, the present article tries to investigate the role of texture in the use of prepositions and its importance in creating meaning in some similar verses by using descriptive-analytical method and with the help of Firth theory. It was concluded that similar verses, in which only the preposition is different, have played a different meaning, which is influenced by the context and texture of the verses. For example, the letters (Ali) and (Eli) are in two separate contexts with different meanings but in two similar verses. Also, the letters (Ba) and (Lam) are the same. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analysis and validation of the list of Ebn Abbas in the order of revelation of the surahs of the Quran
        Alireza Sadreddiniahmadiani mojgan sarshar Maryam Hajiabdolbaghi
        Abstract Some commentators and scholars of Quranic sciences believe that interpreting according to the order of the surahs is the best way to understand the Quran and serve it; Because in this way, the states and stages of revelation can be clearly and accurately unders More
        Abstract Some commentators and scholars of Quranic sciences believe that interpreting according to the order of the surahs is the best way to understand the Quran and serve it; Because in this way, the states and stages of revelation can be clearly and accurately understood, and in this way, the reader is placed in the space of the revelation of the Quran and its conditions, relationships, purposes, and concepts, and the wisdom of the revelation is revealed to him. Therefore, from the beginning of Islam, some companions and followers tried to collect the Quran based on the order of descent. In the meantime, the list provided by Ibn Abbas based on the narration of Ata Khorasani of the order in which the surahs of the Quran were revealed is more reliable. Abdullah ben Abbas was a distinguished student of Ali (PBUH) and his interpretations of various verses of the Qur'an have a privileged position in interpretation. It shows him well compared to other Companions. In this article, it has been shown with Quranic, historical and narrative evidence that the mentioned list also has many weaknesses, and the priority and delay of the surahs in that list is facing serious problems. In addition, the precedence and backwardness of the surahs in that list does not necessarily mean the precedence and backwardness of the verses of those surahs; Several examples have been given to clarify this matter. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The investigation and analysis of the narration time in the story of Moses (PBUH) from the perspective of Gérard Genette's theory based on the Quran
        faramarz talaei mohammad farahmand sarabi vododo valizadeh faramarz jalalat
        Abstract The narration is one of the basic and primary aspects of any storytelling in which objects, places, and static aspects of the story and characters are represented. One of the components of narration is the issue of time, which has been the focus of various narr More
        Abstract The narration is one of the basic and primary aspects of any storytelling in which objects, places, and static aspects of the story and characters are represented. One of the components of narration is the issue of time, which has been the focus of various narratologists. French structuralist Gérard Genette is one of the most prominent theorists in this field. In addition to mood and voice, he considered the time and anachronism of the narration to be the most important components of the narration of the story in order to convey the message quickly and effectively. Considering the importance of this issue in the narrations of the Holy Quran, the present research has tried to point to the narrative theory of Genette through the descriptive-analytical method as well as the narrative time of the story of Moses (PBUH), which is one of the most prominent stories in the Quran. The result of this research indicates that although more of the techniques of the anachronistic (i.e., order, duality, and frequency) are used, through retrospect in the story the dominant aspect of the anachronistic is the frequency of a repeated type, and in the duality, it has mostly been with the state of deletion or summary. Manuscript profile
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        5 - مبانی و اصول انتقام سخت در قرآن و حدیث
        رسول تاجیک akbr ashrafi ahmad bakhshayeshi hosein allakaram
        هر کدام از اعمال و رفتار مردم و مسئولان در یک نظام اسلامی باید مبتنی بر تعالیم اسلام باشد. یکی از مسائلی که یک کشور مسلمان با آن مواجه است، دشمنی و خصومت دشمنان است که منجر به ایجاد مشکلات و خساراتی می شود. در برابر این ضرباتی که از جانب دشمنان ایجاد می شود یکی از اقدام More
        هر کدام از اعمال و رفتار مردم و مسئولان در یک نظام اسلامی باید مبتنی بر تعالیم اسلام باشد. یکی از مسائلی که یک کشور مسلمان با آن مواجه است، دشمنی و خصومت دشمنان است که منجر به ایجاد مشکلات و خساراتی می شود. در برابر این ضرباتی که از جانب دشمنان ایجاد می شود یکی از اقداماتی که انجام می شود انتقام است. لذا در این تحقیق تلاش می شود مهم ترین مبانی و اصولی که در آیات و روایات برای انتقام وجود دارد تبیین شود. البته در برابر دشمنی که دست از دشمنی بر نمی دارد «انتقام سخت» مطرح است لذا این مبانی برای انتقام سخت نیز وجود خواهد داشت. از جمله نتایج به دست آمده در این تحقیق این است که انتقام سخت امری مسلم و پذیرفته شده در اسلام است که برخی از مبانی آن عبارتند از: وجود و یگانگی و عدالت خداوند، معاد، کرامت انسان و حرمت جان او و مسئولیت او. همچنین برخی از مهم ترین اصول انتقام، اصل انتقام گرفتن، ظلم ستیزی، عدالت در انتقام، مقابله به مثل و حفظ کرامت و جان انسان است. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - بررسی و حل تناقض‌های موجود در روایات تفسیری اهل بیت (ع) (مطالعة موردی: تفسیر نورالثقلین)
        elham zarinkolah
        از تفاسیر مشهور و مورد توجه روایی شیعه، نورالثقلین است که مفسر در آن با نقل روایات اهل بیت(ع) و بعضاً صحابه، به تفسیر آیات قرآن پرداخته است. اثرپذیری حویزی، از گرایشات اخباری‌گری، باعث شده که بدون توجه به سند و متن و بررسی صحت و سقم آن، احادیثی را نقل کند که گاهاً متناق More
        از تفاسیر مشهور و مورد توجه روایی شیعه، نورالثقلین است که مفسر در آن با نقل روایات اهل بیت(ع) و بعضاً صحابه، به تفسیر آیات قرآن پرداخته است. اثرپذیری حویزی، از گرایشات اخباری‌گری، باعث شده که بدون توجه به سند و متن و بررسی صحت و سقم آن، احادیثی را نقل کند که گاهاً متناقض بوده و منجر به نسبت‌دادن دیدگاه‌های متفاوت در یک موضوع به ائمه(ع) و در نتیجه سردرگمی مخاطب شود. البته مفسر خود به این موضوع در تفسیر اذعان داشته، اما در رفع آن نکوشیده است. با توجه به اهمیت موضوع، در این پژوهش با بکارگیری روش کتابخانه‌ای، تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها ضمن استخراج روایات تفسیری متناقض، به ارزیابی و تحلیل آن پرداخته و به این نتیجه دست‌یافته-ایم که از حدود 6418 روایت منقول از ائمه (ع) در 15 جزء ابتدایی قرآن این تفسیر، 19% (حدود 1200 روایت) مشمول موارد تفاوت‌های ظاهری بوده که اکثراً با روش‌های جمع ظاهری حل می‌شود. در نهایت حدود 2/7 % آن شامل تناقضات می‌باشد که غالباً با معیارهایی همچون تطابق با قرآن، سایر روایات، عقل، گفتار مفسران، ترجیح سند و... قابل حل است. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The interpretative method of interpreting al-Borhan based on the principle of implementation and adaptation
        seyed hossein moosavi dorcheh Mohsen Ehteshminia amir tohidi
        The rule of "conveyance and adaptation" is the flow of the general concepts of the verses of the Qur'an on their examples over time. This rule is one of the many rules of interpretation method that explores the new and esoteric concepts of the divine vers More
        The rule of "conveyance and adaptation" is the flow of the general concepts of the verses of the Qur'an on their examples over time. This rule is one of the many rules of interpretation method that explores the new and esoteric concepts of the divine verses of the Qur'an.Considering that the most important source for interpreting the Qur'an is the interpretation traditions of the Prophets .Muhaddith Bahrani has based the interpretation of Al Burhan on the traditions of Ahl al-Bayt Infallibility and Purity that with careful consideration of the arrangement and selection of narrations in the introduction chapters and the text of Tafsir al-Barhan, the rule of "carrying out and adapting" can be studied and researched as the interpretation method of this Tafsir.The meaning of the rule "implementation and adaptation" is that the general and absolute words and interpretations of the Qur'an refer to cases and examples that can be adapted and are aimed at them.In this article, organized as a library and documentary research and organized in a descriptive and analytical method, it tries to apply the interpretation method of Muhaddith-e-Bahrani with precision and reflection on the traditions of Tafsir al-Barhan, while examining the rule of "implementation and adaptation" and its difference with tafsir and interpretation. Explain and derive this rule Manuscript profile
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        8 - Analytical comparison of the grammar (word structure) and syntax (adopting the meaning of letters and referencing pronouns) influence on speculative theology in two commentaries of Mufatih al-Ghaib (Al-Tafsir al-Kabir) and Tasnim
        Masome Soltan Mirjalili Mohamad Reza Amin
        Abstract: One of the requirements for commentators to understand the divine verses is, undoubtedly, knowledge of grammar and syntax. In the current article, to understand the purpose of God, some examples from the commentary books of Mufatih al-Ghaib and Tasnim have bee More
        Abstract: One of the requirements for commentators to understand the divine verses is, undoubtedly, knowledge of grammar and syntax. In the current article, to understand the purpose of God, some examples from the commentary books of Mufatih al-Ghaib and Tasnim have been examined. Also, the influence of grammar and syntax on thinking and speculative theological methods in these two commentaries has been investigated. In some cases, due to the commentators' lack of attention to the morphological structure of the words, the context of their lack of understanding of the purpose of the verse has been created; Because sometimes they have confirmed their theological thinking by citing a special analysis of the verse arrangement. Here, attention is paid only to those verses whose influence on the speculative theological style of the commentator is evident. In order to investigate the role of syntax knowledge, only those verses of the Qur'an that recount the influence of syntax knowledge on the commentator's speculative theological method have been examined; such as the dispute about "Waw" in the seventh verse of Surah Aale-Imran, the dispute about "Lam" in the verse seventy-ninth of Surah An'am, and the dispute about the reference to pronouns in the fifteenth verse of Surah Hajar and the hundred and fifty-seventh of Surah A'raf. It seems that trying to understand the correct application of examples of morphological and syntactical rules is related to the speculative theological character of commentators and affects it. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Investigating the effectiveness of Soltani's fatutnameh style from the style of Golestan and Saadi's prose treatises with the approach of Quranic verses based on the theory of intertextuality
        Najmiyeh Karimi Hossein Azarpivand Gholamreza Tamimitavandashti
        Fatwat or chivalry is a social movement and spiritual impulse in the culture of ancient Iran, which has been mixed with the Quranic culture and the foundations of the Muhammadan Sharia (PBUH) since the introduction of the religion of Islam to the vast geography of Iran, More
        Fatwat or chivalry is a social movement and spiritual impulse in the culture of ancient Iran, which has been mixed with the Quranic culture and the foundations of the Muhammadan Sharia (PBUH) since the introduction of the religion of Islam to the vast geography of Iran, and has been widespread among the masses of the people of that time. This research, using the method of qualitative content analysis and referring to valid library documents, investigated the effectiveness of the style of Soltani's fatut-nameh from the style of Golestan and Saadi's epistles, based on the theory of intertextuality, and reached the following results: Soltani's fatut-nameh It has been most influenced by the luminous verses and blessed surahs of the Holy Quran and the works of Saadi Shirazi. Waez Kashfi has embellished the Quranic teachings and the basics of Islamic mysticism in the style of prose mixed with order and masterful imitation of the authorities of Hariri, Badiul Zaman and Saadi Shirazi. Because emotional states make people's character and the poet, like other members of the society, is influenced by emotional states and feelings and emotions, and his artistic personality, which is actually his style, is developed in this way. So, if two or more poets lived in a certain geography at the same time and wrote poetry, it cannot necessarily be said that they have the same style. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Analysis of the duties of mass media from the perspective of Quranic jurisprudence and Iranian law in media propaganda
        mohammad heidari narmandi Mohammad Ali Heidari masoud rae
        The purpose of this article is to explain the policies and criteria that the religion of Islam and the jurisprudence of the Qur'an in the way of transmitting content in the mass media is seen as mandatory propositions and considers them a necessity of religious com More
        The purpose of this article is to explain the policies and criteria that the religion of Islam and the jurisprudence of the Qur'an in the way of transmitting content in the mass media is seen as mandatory propositions and considers them a necessity of religious communication in the mass media. The Qur'an is quoted in the media and is briefly as follows: A. The free flow of information is not prohibited, except in cases where an explicit prohibition has been received from the Holy Shari'a or an expedient reason arises from a secondary ruling prohibiting freedom of information and the obligation to censor. B- Justice in information means equality between people in receiving information and prohibition of discrimination in providing information service to the audience of news media are other specific policies in the view of the Shari'a. C- Activation of the information system is another policy that has a positive dimension and a current aspect. According to this policy, the information system should not be indifferent to what is happening in society and should deal with unhealthy news flows and put service to the goals of the Islamic system on its agenda. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Comparative study of the interpretation method of Mohabe Rahman and Al Mizan
        zahra mohebpoor haghighi mohammad sharifani
        The method of adaptation is always one of the most effective methods in obtaining the truth in most subjects. In the present era, the book of Tafsir Al-Rahman Al-Rahman and Al-Mizan is one of the great interpretations of our era, which in general view the method of ijti More
        The method of adaptation is always one of the most effective methods in obtaining the truth in most subjects. In the present era, the book of Tafsir Al-Rahman Al-Rahman and Al-Mizan is one of the great interpretations of our era, which in general view the method of ijtihad of the Qur'an to the Qur'an is a characteristic of both interpretations. After explaining the general structure of these two interpretations and referring to the characteristics of each in the position of comparison and application of the method of the Qur'an to the Qur'an, the present article explains the vocabulary and the important issue of the context in both interpretations. The detailed, comprehensive and extensive explanation of the meaning of words is one of the key components of the interpretation of blessings, which truly has a new style. As dealing with the issue of context as a noble innovation is one of the very important characteristics of al-Mizan's interpretation, and finally, it must be admitted that the use of both interpretations can lead us to a deep and comprehensive understanding of the Qur'an, which is the art of this article. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A comparative study of the International Declaration of Human Rights with Quranic teachings
        moein sabahi goraghani Hamidreza Dejan
        The Universal Charter of Human Rights, which was compiled with the motivation of the rule of justice and world peace and was effective creating peace and security, is based on certain principlespresent research, while examining materials and contents declaration and its More
        The Universal Charter of Human Rights, which was compiled with the motivation of the rule of justice and world peace and was effective creating peace and security, is based on certain principlespresent research, while examining materials and contents declaration and its adaptation to the perspective of the Holy Quran, in terms theorizing, applying and implementing, it should be examined by referring verses and traditions and authentic religious and legal books. The axis determining the most important principles of human rights and freedoms, including the principle of freedom, the principle equality, which is included the declaration of human rights and is apparently ine with the teachings of the Islamic religion, but does not have sufficient validity. Despite the universality of the Declaration of Human Rights, it has so far provoked many challenges among some nations of the world, including Muslim countries, which ignore the main basis of human rights in Islam, which isoneness of God and the reliance human reason and the axis Being human has been involved in compiling this declaration. The general result this research was examine common points and points difference between the articles Declaration of Human Rights and the views of the Holy Qur'an in terms of content and theme following areas, such as; Human dignity, foundations, views, types of freedoms, property, differences implementation, inherent equality and the principle of equality, right life and security in personal life, differences type of attitude towards humans, neglecting the relationship between humans and God, solving challenges and shortcomings Human rights. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Semantic dimensions of the Syntactic-rhetorical roles of the word hereafter in the Holy Quran
        Zahra Jalili
        The Hereafter has been repeated one hundred and thirteen times in the Holy Quran.And communicates a Divine message in different syntactic roles like a subject, predicate, adjective, object, etc.And paying attention to these different combinations has a significant effec More
        The Hereafter has been repeated one hundred and thirteen times in the Holy Quran.And communicates a Divine message in different syntactic roles like a subject, predicate, adjective, object, etc.And paying attention to these different combinations has a significant effect on the meanings derived from the verses.The main question of this article is what attention to morphological is and syntactic issues change the meaning of the Hereafter.Our method to answer this question is a descriptive-analytical method based on library resources. First, some verses in which the word of the Hereafter is mentioned are extracted, and then, according to the relevant interpretations and books, its semantic changes are examined.The purpose of this study was to become more familiar with the word hereafter in the divine word.Among the most important results of the research, we can mention some points. Instability has been explained by the present verb and stability has been described by the nominal sentences.The verses that the wise man intends to rule on the Hereafter and emphasize on it, the Hereafter comes from the beginning because the beginning is condemned against and in the verses where the allocation of the Hereafter is desired, it is given as the beginning of the latter to indicate the allocation.The Hereafter is in its additional role, to show the meanings of property and capacity, and honor and these meanings are not expressed with a descriptive role.The Hereafter in the passive role binds the news and therefore increases the usefulness of the word.The appearance of ... Manuscript profile