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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Bush's Aggressive Foreign Policy and Obama's East Asia Rebalancing Strategy; Tactical Difference or Strategic Similarity
        Mohammad Reza Dehshiri Shayan Jozani Kohan Shahin Jozani Kohan
        Mohammad Reza  Dehshiri[1] Shayan Jozani Kohan[2] Shahin Jozani Kohan[3] Abstract: When Obama came to power, Bush's multilateralism and aggressive foreign policy was converted to a "rebalancing" policy, in which US int­e­r­e­s­t­s were consi More
        Mohammad Reza  Dehshiri[1] Shayan Jozani Kohan[2] Shahin Jozani Kohan[3] Abstract: When Obama came to power, Bush's multilateralism and aggressive foreign policy was converted to a "rebalancing" policy, in which US int­e­r­e­s­t­s were considered more than any other issue. Obama's East Asia reb­al­a­n­c­i­n­g policy was pursued with the aim of redefining interests, threats and political, economic and military strategies. The question of the current paper is how were Bush's "aggressive foreign policy" and "Obama's" reb­al­a­­ncing policy pursued to promote US interests in East Asia? For answering this question, the authors believe that Bush's foreign policy has been pursued by adopting a multilateralism approach focused on resolving the Korean Peninsula’s crisis with the aim of creating consensus in East A­s­ia and co­op­eration with China. While the policy of rebalancing with a multilateralism approach has been pursued and focusing on the prevention of China's economic and military growth with the goal of consensus among the co­u­n­tr­ies aligned with US policies in East Asia. The research method in this pa­pe­r is analytical and descriptive through library resources. Using the theory of offensive realism and the Copenhagen School, this paper seeks to exp­la­i­n and analyze the policies of Bush and Obama in East Asia, to ex­a­m­i­n­e the dif­ferences, commonalities and approaches of each, and the orientation of U­S foreign policy in the East Asian region [1]-Associate Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Inte­rn­at­i­o­n­al Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran: Corresponding Author [2]-MA in Regional Studies (East Asia), Faculty of International Relations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran [3]-MA in Regional Studies (West Asia (Middle East) and North Africa), Faculty of International Rela­ti­o­n­s of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Guest Researcher of the Middle East Strategic Studies Research I­nst­itute, Center for Scientific Research and Strategic Studies of the Middle East, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Tehran, Iran   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Economic Diplomacy and Strategic Relationships (Case Study: India)
        Yaser Kahrazeh
        Yaser Kahrazeh [1]   Abstract: Increasing the role of economics in foreign policy is one of the important factors in maximizing the power of the countries in the international system. Each country, based on its foreign policy sources, draws the principles of econo More
        Yaser Kahrazeh [1]   Abstract: Increasing the role of economics in foreign policy is one of the important factors in maximizing the power of the countries in the international system. Each country, based on its foreign policy sources, draws the principles of economic diplomacy in its relations with other countries. Meanwhile, developmental governments, whose principles of internal and external planning are based on the principle of internal empowerment and wealth, and the maximization of foreign power and influence, are more concerned with economic diplomacy. Among these countries is India, which, along with the capitalization of its foreign policy resources, has launched extensive economic diplomacy around the world. The present study, based on an analytical framework, analysis India's economic diplomacy in two major regions, including South Asian regions through the Sark and Africa organization. Based on this, we begin with the concept of economic diplomacy and its explanation, and then, while describing the historical basis of India's foreign policy, we look at the country's economic diplomacy in its relations with the organization of Sark and Africa. The basic hypothesis of the present study is that, in principle, India's leap towards economic diplomacy is, in addition to economic reasons, a geostrategic strategy based on the re-emergence of Indian nationalism against its rivals. [1]- Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Obstacles to the Realization of Bureaucratic Authoritarianism in the First Pahlavi Era
        Hosein Shariati Alireza Azghandi Ahmad Saei Abolghasem Taheri
        Hosein Shariati[1] Alireza Azghandi[2] Ahmad Saei[3] Abolghasem Taheri[4]   Abstract: Authority, as one of the fundamental concepts of political science has developed a new definition in the modern era. Authority, as a modern concept, is defined as legitimate power More
        Hosein Shariati[1] Alireza Azghandi[2] Ahmad Saei[3] Abolghasem Taheri[4]   Abstract: Authority, as one of the fundamental concepts of political science has developed a new definition in the modern era. Authority, as a modern concept, is defined as legitimate power and legitimacy has become a secular and rational concept in this era. To describe this concept, Max Weber comes up with three prototypes of traditional, charismatic and legal authority. He believes that the criterion for the evaluation of the modern state is in the realization of the bureaucratic legal authority. In his view, the barrier against the realization of such authority is the opposition of traditionalists and aristocrats. The formation of the modern era in Iran began with the rise of Reza Shah Pahlavi, thus such government should necessarily have had the features of the modern concept of authority. However, due to losing their status and appearance of conflict of values, the traditional strata of Iran’s society such as clergies, merchants, aristocrats and nomads became a barrier in the way of the realization of the bureaucratic legal authority in Iran in the Reza Shah era. [1]-PhD Graduate of political science (Iranian studies) department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran [2]- Full professor of department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran:Corresponding Author [3]- Associate professor of department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran [4]- Full professor of department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Ira.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Regional Security Order in Its Postwar Period and the Position of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran
        farzad navidi nia Mahnaz Goodarzi Seyed Javad Emam Jomezzadeh
        farzad navidi nia[1] Mahnaz Goodarzi[2] Seyed Javad Emam Jomezzadeh[3] Abstract: The Middle East is a full of tension area. The existence of despotic governments and relatively stable dictatorships has at least been governed by a threat balanced, state-owned security st More
        farzad navidi nia[1] Mahnaz Goodarzi[2] Seyed Javad Emam Jomezzadeh[3] Abstract: The Middle East is a full of tension area. The existence of despotic governments and relatively stable dictatorships has at least been governed by a threat balanced, state-owned security structure as part of the essence of the region. The rise of religious terrorism, extremism, and in particular its spread to al-Qaeda and Taliban groups and in the current era of ISIS, has gradually diminished this state-owned Westphalian order. In this article, the structure of the regional order of this part of the world in the post-war period and the situation of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic is examined. Given the realistic approach, the main claim of this article is that ISIS in the context of terror assimilation has transformed the pattern of balance of power into unstable patterns. Thus, in the post-war period, regional governments will experience close relations to strengthen their desired security order. This article is a library-based descriptive method. [1]- PhD Student of International Relations, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran [2]- Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran:Corresponding Author [3]-Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the Role of Unhealthy Political Culture (Superstition and Fatehism) on the Underdevelopment of the Qajar Era
        Ruhollah Pourmolaee Aliakbar Amini Asadolah Athariy
        Ruhollah Pourmolaee [1] Amini Aliakbar [2] Asadolah Athariy Mariyan[3]   Abstract: Political culture is a set of beliefs, values, and norms about power and politics that are shaped by factors such as geographic and climatic conditions, political and social structur More
        Ruhollah Pourmolaee [1] Amini Aliakbar [2] Asadolah Athariy Mariyan[3]   Abstract: Political culture is a set of beliefs, values, and norms about power and politics that are shaped by factors such as geographic and climatic conditions, political and social structures, historical conditions, customs, and the economic system, and then form a process. Constant socialization is institutionalized and passed down from generation to generation. In the Qajar era, political culture in its unhealthy area, such as Patrimonialist culture, believed in superstitious beliefs, fatalism, and prevailing thinking in society, so that its footprint is abundantly found in travelogues, literary works, and intellectuals of this period. The present study, using a desc­r­i­p­ti­v­e-analytical approach and using the theoretical framework of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, seeks to answer the question of what role did unhealthy (superstitious and fatalistic) political culture play in the underdevelopment of the Qajar era? According to studies using library-documentary tools, it was concluded that irrationality, irrationality and ignorance, along with patrimonial culture and authoritarian structure, in this period challenged various economic, political and social challenges. It led to a tendency towards unhealthy political culture such as superstition and destiny, and this led to the reproduction of tyranny, the reproduction of ignorance, the reproduction of ignorance, and ultimately the unde­rde­vel­op­m­ent and backwardness of this period. [1]- PhD Student, Political Science (Iran Issues), Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran [2] - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran:Corresponding Author [3] - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Evaluating Liberalist Approaches in the Face of Global Environmental Problems
        Moslem Sanei mashaallah heydarpour Davoud Kiyani
        Moslem Sanei[1] mashaallah heydarpour[2] Davoud Kiyani[3] Abstract: The development and expansion of industrial civilization, scientism, and the originality of the individual, although it has enabled human to dominate the nature, failed to provide the ideal world of lif More
        Moslem Sanei[1] mashaallah heydarpour[2] Davoud Kiyani[3] Abstract: The development and expansion of industrial civilization, scientism, and the originality of the individual, although it has enabled human to dominate the nature, failed to provide the ideal world of life. The challenges arising from this epistemological methodology and the resulting global env­ir­on­m­e­n­tal dilemmas have raised fundamental questions about such selfish civilizational behavior and unbridled industrial growth. Different theories of international relations have offered different solutions to these questions. According to their ontological and epistemological foundations, liberal approaches also seek to solve global environmental problems. Focusing on global cooperation, peace, the role of nongovernmental actors, inte­rn­ati­o­n­a­l law, institutionalism and international regimes are among the positive points of liberal theories in the face of global environmental problems. On the other hand, the emphasis on individual authenticity and individual freedoms, the priority of economic issues, the neglect of other factors limi­t­i­n­g cooperation and the national interests of the great powers, the lack of practical attention to sustainable development, the neglect of levels of regional and regional analysis has been considered as weaknesses of this approach. [1] - PhD student in International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch. [2] - Assistant Professor of International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch; Corresponding Author [3] - Associate Professor of International Relations, Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A Study of Party System in Kurdistan Regional Government from the Perspective of Prismatic Society
        Rahmat Hajimineh Arsalan Abdolahpour
        Rahmat Hajimineh [1] Arsalan Abdolahpour [2] Abstract: In 1991,the Iraqi Kurdistan Region declared autonomy within the Ir­­aqi legal framework following the plan for safe and no-fly zone. The region has officially become a federal region with a local gover­n More
        Rahmat Hajimineh [1] Arsalan Abdolahpour [2] Abstract: In 1991,the Iraqi Kurdistan Region declared autonomy within the Ir­­aqi legal framework following the plan for safe and no-fly zone. The region has officially become a federal region with a local gover­n­ment with a semi-independent Iraqi administration, following the approval of the Federalism Act in Iraq in 2005. This study examines the theory of Fred Riggs' prismatic community and the char­ac­te­r­i­s­t­i­c­s of this type of society to examine the historical features of the bureaucracy in the Kurdistan region. The main question of the rese­a­r­ch is whether the Regional Government has been able to remove s­u­c­h indicators as heterogeneity, formality, interference, kinship and et­­h­nicism, market and concentration of power, as components of p­­r­i­smatic community, or does it continue to pursue its governance ba­sed on traditional structures? The method of data collection, due to the overseas nature of the subject of study and lack of access to the documents of that system, is in the form of library and Internet, and the research method is descriptive-analytical. According to Riggs' m­odel, the results suggest that the conditions and characteristics of the region's political system, despite having democratic components, are more in line with the status of the prismatic society. [1]- Assistant Professor of International Relations, Department of Communication and Social Sciences, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran: Corresponding Author [2] - PhD Student of Public Policy, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Pathology of Government Economic Policies in Higher Education System (Case Study of Student Welfare Services in Iran during 2010-2019)
        Kiuomars cheraghi Alireza Soltani
        Kiuomars cheraghi[1] Alireza Soltani[2]   Abstract: In the eighties and nineties, with the rising number of students, as well as the number of universities and higher education centers, universities have faced many problems in the field of finance. In this article, More
        Kiuomars cheraghi[1] Alireza Soltani[2]   Abstract: In the eighties and nineties, with the rising number of students, as well as the number of universities and higher education centers, universities have faced many problems in the field of finance. In this article, our goal is to answer this question: the main factors what is harmful in economic policy in the field of student welfare services? Given this, our hypothesis is that the increase in the wave of economic sanctions and the decrease in oil sales, and on the other hand, the rising wave of inflation has led to the weakness of universities in meeting the living and welfare needs of students. Our main goal in this paper is to examine and analyze economic policies, how to overcome existing barriers and problems, and identify five serious harms and challenges of economic policy in the field of welfare services and solutions to these barriers and to make the necessary reforms in economic policy. [1]-Ph. D. Student, Public Policy, Political Science,Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branc [2]- Assistant Professor of International Relations,Islamic Azad University Tehran Branch: Corresponding Author     Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Impact of Ukraine Crisis on Russia, Focusing on Ukraine's Geopolitical Importance to Russia after Soviet Collapse by 2018
        Sohila Poladi Bahram Yusefi Fereydoon Akbarzadeh Hossein Karimi Fard
        Sohila Poladi[1] Bahram Yusefi[2] Fereydoon Akbarzadeh[3] Hossein Karimi Fard[4]     Abstract: Ukraine is a country with a specific geopolitical position between the EU and Russia; this geopolitical situation has unintentionally engaged Ukraine in internationa More
        Sohila Poladi[1] Bahram Yusefi[2] Fereydoon Akbarzadeh[3] Hossein Karimi Fard[4]     Abstract: Ukraine is a country with a specific geopolitical position between the EU and Russia; this geopolitical situation has unintentionally engaged Ukraine in international disputes, which generally arise between the three powers Russia, the European Union and the United States. In this research, the research is descriptive-analytical and the data are col­le­cted using library resources. Research Question: What were the origins and effects of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis? Conclusion: Russia has felt threatened by the West's presence in Ukraine and its position on the Western Front, and with the separation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine and its accession to its territory, it has sought to balance the W­est; The parties involved have argued that Ukraine's territorial integrity could be eroded, Ukraine's economic situation weakened, Ukraine's def­e­­nse capability boomed, Russia's boycott of the West and its economy we­akened, Russia's suspension of Eighth membership, NATO's sus­pe­ns­ion of cooperation. Russia, an EU boycott of EU agricultural products a­nd challenge among EU members on how to deal with Re-entry vehicle, challenged the hegemony of America and Asian countries are close to Russia. [1]- PhD in Political Science - International Relations - Khorramshahr International Branch - Persian Gulf - Islamic Azad University of Khorramshahr - Iran [2]- Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Khorramshahr International Branch - Persian Gulf, Khorramshahr Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran: Corresponding Author [3]- Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Khorramshahr International Branch - Persian Gulf, Khorramshahr Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran [4]- Associate Professor and Scientific Memberships Department of Political Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Basis of the Legitimacy and Acceptance of the Islamic Government in the Political Thought of Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Bagher Sadr
        Mohammad Bazvand Masoud Motallebi Ali Fallahnejad Ali Fallahi Saifuddin
        Mohammad Bazvand[1] Masoud Motallebi[2] Ali Fallahnejad[3] Ali Fallahi Saifuddin[4]   Abstract: One of the fundamental issues of any government is the issue of legitimacy and acceptance, the strengthening of which plays an irreplaceable role in the establishment an More
        Mohammad Bazvand[1] Masoud Motallebi[2] Ali Fallahnejad[3] Ali Fallahi Saifuddin[4]   Abstract: One of the fundamental issues of any government is the issue of legitimacy and acceptance, the strengthening of which plays an irreplaceable role in the establishment and stability or,conversely, the weakening of it in the ins­ta­bi­lity and collapse of the government. In this article, which has been written with a descriptive-analytical approach, in response to what is the basis of legitimacy and acceptability in the theory of Islamic government, Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Baqir Sadr, argues that he considered legitimacy as a combination of divine-popular will. As in addition to accepting Velayat-e-Faqih such as the source of divine legitimacy of the Islamic government, it emphasizes the role of the people in determining their destiny and tries to create a link between legitimacy and acceptance in the Islamic government by granting the right to choose the nation in all aspects of government. [1]- PhD Student in Political Science, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lorestan, Iran [2]- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Golestan, Iran:Corresponding Author [3]- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lorestan, Iran [4]- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lorestan, Iran   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Review Mechanism and Its Examples in the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
        Soheila Yousefi Mahdi Momeni
        Soheila Yousefi[1] Mahdi Momeni[2] Abstract:  Reviewing international documents is a manifestation of dynamics of rights. The most common way is to achieve maximum consensus of the Members. The statute of International Criminal Court states how to revise it. At the More
        Soheila Yousefi[1] Mahdi Momeni[2] Abstract:  Reviewing international documents is a manifestation of dynamics of rights. The most common way is to achieve maximum consensus of the Members. The statute of International Criminal Court states how to revise it. At the Kampala Conference 2010, important points about review were introduced. The 2017 New York Conference largely complemented the efforts of ICC member states at the Kampala Conference. The main question is based on how effective is the proposed solution in the statute and to what extent have all the capacities been used? It seems that all the capacities of the statute, including the capacity of the Security Council, have not been used by the Contracting States in the solutions presented. Therefore, the assessment of the court's performance is faced with serious criticism. Based on the legal doctrine and the international documents (UN, ICJ, ICC) the present study examines and criticizes the principles of revision, practical procedures and documents of international organizations. [1]. PhD Student of Law (General International Law), Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran [2]. Assistant Professor of Criminology, Department of Law, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran:Corresponding Author Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A Study of Cognition from the Perspective of the Quran and the School of Liberalism (Carl Popper's Case Study)
        Ebrahim Zare Hamid Reza Haghighat Abdolamir Jorfi
        Ebrahim Zare[1] Hamid Reza Haghighat[2], Abdolamir Jorfi[3] Abstract:  In this article, we examine the knowledge from the perspective of Shiite Islamists and we compare the subject of cognition from the perspective of Liberal school thinker Carl Popper. In this ar More
        Ebrahim Zare[1] Hamid Reza Haghighat[2], Abdolamir Jorfi[3] Abstract:  In this article, we examine the knowledge from the perspective of Shiite Islamists and we compare the subject of cognition from the perspective of Liberal school thinker Carl Popper. In this article, we tried to recognize the fundamentals of epistemology from the perspective of Islam and Popper, while being neutral. For this purpose, we referred to the Holy Quran as the holy book of the Muslims of the world. Due to the abundance of inte­rp­r­e­t­a­t­i­o­ns of the Qur'an, the book of the Muslims of the world is presented, in this study, we used interpretations in the Qur'an that dealt with the issue of co­gn­it­ion and they have been presented by religious scholars whose main affiliation with the Shiite religion of the Twelve Imams is obvious. The main question of the research is whether there is a difference between Islamic cognition and cognition from Popper's point of view? The hypothesis of the present article is that Popper's cognition and cognition from the perspective of Islam are different. And the reason for the importance of this research is that basically Islamic knowledge relies on religious principles. That is why the Islamic worldview and ideology relies on this knowledge, and this style of cognition is the basis and shaping of the social and political relations of Muslims. And from Popper's style of cognition, the ideology of liberalism is presented [1]- PhD Student of Law, Department of Political Science, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran [2]- Assistant Professor of Criminology, Department of Political Science, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran:Corresponding Author) [3]- Assistant Professor of Criminology, Department of Political Science, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Criminal Policy of Protecting Children from Diversion in International Documents and Iranian Criminal Law Abstract
        Behnam Nikoo Esmaiel Abdulahi Maryam Safaee
        Behnam Nikoo[1] Esmaiel Abdulahi[2] Maryam Safaee[3]   Abstract: Nowadays, one of the most common issues among scholars, espe­ci­a­l­ly lawyers and criminologists, is the issue of child criminality and how to deal with it and the ways of deviant in More
        Behnam Nikoo[1] Esmaiel Abdulahi[2] Maryam Safaee[3]   Abstract: Nowadays, one of the most common issues among scholars, espe­ci­a­l­ly lawyers and criminologists, is the issue of child criminality and how to deal with it and the ways of deviant in society. Since the causes and reasons of crime among children are different from those of adults and on the other hand, this class of society is more psychologically and so­ci­­ally sensitive and more vulnerable than others, so a method should be adopted according to the conditions and situation of these people.This method, known as criminal policy for children and adolescents, is of great importance. Having a crim­in­al and penal policy appropriate to the circumstances of minors and adol­esc­ents can h­­elp civil society to advance one of its goals, which is to prevent future crimes. Therefore, criminal policy on children exposed to diversion sho­­uld be a preventive criminal policy in order to take legal steps to protect children at risk of crime and victimization. Given the imp­ort­a­n­c­e of this topic, this descriptive-analytical study examines the criminal policy of protecting children exposed to distortion in inte­rn­a­ti­onal documents and in Iranian criminal law. [1]- PhD student in Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran [2]- Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran: Corresponding Author [3]-Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Foundations of Dejudicialization and its Forms in the Iranian and International Penal System
        Amir Azarmanshah Tayebeh Bijani Mirza
        Amir Hossein Azarmanshah[1] Tayebeh Bijani Mirza[2]   Abstract: Dejudicialization is one of the most important issues that have been occupying the minds of criminal law practitioners as the criminal population grows; this is because criminal prosecution is a two-wa More
        Amir Hossein Azarmanshah[1] Tayebeh Bijani Mirza[2]   Abstract: Dejudicialization is one of the most important issues that have been occupying the minds of criminal law practitioners as the criminal population grows; this is because criminal prosecution is a two-way issue that deals with the rights and freedoms of individuals in society on the one hand, and with public order and security on the other. As new conditions and require­em­ents emerge, criminal law has had to comply with new human rights considerations in its proceedings, inclu­di­ng the principles governing punis­h­m­ent, those that criminal law must seek to adopt new human rights app­roa­ch­es, in accordance with these principles. There is no doubt that this issue and its requirement are not only for domestic criminal law, but also for international cri­m­in­al law. Explain that, today, the need for trial and pun­ish­m­ent of international criminals is not hidden from anyone. [1]- Ph.D. Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran [2]-Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran:Corresponding Author   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The Role of third Generation Iranian Intellectuals in Shaping the Revolutionary Ideology of the Islamic Revolution
        Jahanshah ShokerBigi Ghasem Toraby Aabbas Salehi nejafabadi
        Jahanshah ShokerBigi[1] Ghasem Toraby [2] Aabbas Salehi nejafabadi[3] Abstract: The Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1977 is based on ideas that, a­lt­h­o­u­gh predominantly Islamic, are sometimes the source of their political thinking, ideological ide More
        Jahanshah ShokerBigi[1] Ghasem Toraby [2] Aabbas Salehi nejafabadi[3] Abstract: The Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1977 is based on ideas that, a­lt­h­o­u­gh predominantly Islamic, are sometimes the source of their political thinking, ideological ideas. The form of ideological thinking during the struggle against the Shah's rule was an accepted form in the world. To this end, it was accepted in the shaping of political Islam and other forms of opposition to the Shah's opposition, by the ideological left and even right wing intell­ectu­als of the left and even right, in the form of an ideology, so that this ideology also attempted a program. Provide in­cl­u­sive, both scientific solutions to the struggle and answer any qu­esti­ons. On this basis, the main question of this article is what role di­d the intellectuals play in shaping the revolutionary ideology of the Islamic Revolution? To answer this question, the method of the article is an­al­yti­cal and interpretive, while also trying to describe the thoughts of these intellectuals. The purpose of this article is to identify and study the revolutionary aspects of the intellectuals of that period. The overall result also shows that intellectuals such as Shariati, Fardid, Barzegan, etc. each had a revolutionary form of thinking that sought to present it in the form of a coherent ideology to provide a consistent plan to fight the fall of the Shah To bring. [1]- PhD Student, Department of Political Science (Iran Problems), Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University,Hamadan,Iran [2] -Associate Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University,Hamadan,Iran: Corresponding Author [3]- Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Strategic Human Capital Policy Making and its Relationship with Financial Performance Improvement in Tehran Stock Exchange
        Saman Mousa Nejad Esfandiar Mohammadi Farshad Sabzali Pour Rahmatollah Mohammadi pour
        Saman Mousa Nejad[1] Esfandiar Mohammadi[2] Farshad Sabzali Pour[3] Rahmatollah Mohammad pour[4] Abstract: The aim of this study is Strategic Human Capital Policy Making and its Relationship with Financial Performance Improvement in Tehran Stock Exchange Given the Conti More
        Saman Mousa Nejad[1] Esfandiar Mohammadi[2] Farshad Sabzali Pour[3] Rahmatollah Mohammad pour[4] Abstract: The aim of this study is Strategic Human Capital Policy Making and its Relationship with Financial Performance Improvement in Tehran Stock Exchange Given the Contingent Mediating Role of Contingent Market Strategy. This research is descriptive of the kind of correlation and purpose of purpose.The statistical population consists of stock companies.To measure the strategic human capital from the standard questionnaire of Edward et al. to measure financial performance from the Gheranfeleh financial performance questionnaire was used to mea­su­re the ad hoc variable from the Schuler and Jackson standard questi­on­naire. Content method was used to determine the validity of the co­nte­nt method, and to determine the reliability of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (range between 0.05 to 83) after extraction of data using the SPSS software using frequency distribution tables, the mean, standard deviation and change coefficient were explained and an­a­l­y­z­e­d using Pearson correlation coefficient test and Sobel test to inv­esti­ga­te the research hypotheses. The results show that the VAF statistic is equal to 0/2844. This means that 28/44 per cent of the total effect of strategic h­u­­man capital on improving financial performance through the me­di­ati­n­g variable of market strategy. [1]-PhD Student in Financial Management, Department of Management, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran [2]-Associate Professor of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran:Corresponding Author [3]- Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran [4]- Assistant Professor of Accounting Department, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Challenges of our Cultural Diplomacy between Iran and Tajikistan
        Reza Osati Fazel Feizy
        Reza Osati[1] Fazel Feizy[2] Abstract: Cultural diplomacy, which is conducted by governments, using cultural factors and capacities to support foreign policy and dipl­om­at­ic purposes. In fact, cultural tools are applied in international relations to bring More
        Reza Osati[1] Fazel Feizy[2] Abstract: Cultural diplomacy, which is conducted by governments, using cultural factors and capacities to support foreign policy and dipl­om­at­ic purposes. In fact, cultural tools are applied in international relations to bring national benefits. This study is going to explain why Iran and Tajikistan couldn’t have developed and maintained their bilateral relationship, in spite of their many cultural commonalities? In res­pon­se to this hypothesis, it is suggested that despite the cultural and civili­za­tional commonalities between the two countries, due to the different approach to the political element and the way of governing in the political and social arena, cultural and civilizational com­mon­al­iti­e­s between the two countries did not contribute to increase in their rel­at­ions. In this study, by looking at the cultural and civilizational co­m­­­m­o­nalities of the two countries, we seek to identify the obstacles to the development of their foreign relations from the perspective of cultural diplomacy. [1]-M.Sc., Political Science, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran, email [2]-Assistant Professor of International Relations and Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University of Takestan: Corresponding Author Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Intention in Iranian and British law
        Somayeh Rahmani Hamid Reza Ghasemi
        Somayeh Rahmani[1] Hamid Reza Ghasemi[2]   Abstract: The purpose of choosing this topic is to understand the meaning of the will and its differences and commonalities in Iranian and British law, which is a descriptive and analytical method to answer the ques­ti More
        Somayeh Rahmani[1] Hamid Reza Ghasemi[2]   Abstract: The purpose of choosing this topic is to understand the meaning of the will and its differences and commonalities in Iranian and British law, which is a descriptive and analytical method to answer the ques­ti­on of the questions and what are the differences between the Iranian and British law? It is a hypothesis that, by reviewing intention and consent, and the pros and stages of intention create legal action, it is not only to recognize the concept of the will of its formation, but also to be better in the Iranian and British law. The will in the word means to ask for it. In the so - called Iranian law, it can also be called will. The will in the word means to ask for it. In the so - called Iranian law, it can also be called will. Therefore, when discussing the psychological condition of transaction in the Iranian law, it is based on the analysis that comes from mental states and its various stages as legal rules, for the will or the will of two separate internal states. One is consent and the other is the intention, which is interpreted as the intention to write. In order to fulfill any legal act, the intention to write is necessary. In th­is a­rticle, an attempt has been made to examine and explain the general views (of jurists) of Iran and Britain in each issue [1] - M.Sc. Student, Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran [2] - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran: Corresponding Author Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Analyzing the Issue of Removal of Brain Dead's Organs, from the Viewpoint of Jurisprudence and Law
        Alireza Zare Hosein Khanifar
        Alireza Zare[1] Hosein Khanifar [2]   Abstract: One of the most important medical issues that are reviewed and judged from the aspect of legal and jurisprudence is the issue of brain death. This category has a number of different issues. Including whether the perso More
        Alireza Zare[1] Hosein Khanifar [2]   Abstract: One of the most important medical issues that are reviewed and judged from the aspect of legal and jurisprudence is the issue of brain death. This category has a number of different issues. Including whether the person with brain death is actually dead? How is the situation in the perception of this person's organ? Is it just to remove equipment from the patient, or is it just the harvesting of the organs of the stuff that causes the definitive death of the person? From the point of view of jurisprudence and law, this issue seems permissible in some cases, and in some cases is prohibited. Since non-dead brain’s organs are of no use to the individual and the harvest of these organs does not harm him, but can save another person's life with the same organs, so in terms of religion and wisdom, this perception and connection to the comment is allowed. However, under the current circumstances, the judicial decree (fatwa) dispute and the lack of clarification of the various aspects of the subject matter have not yet been enacted, and if this legal vacuum persists, it will have severe consequences that will generally be irreparable. If a comprehensive law is passed to prevent this, save the lives of those in need and save on the costs of keeping two sick people (those with brain death and those in need), in cases of abuse of law and silence. Complaints are prevented because of a lack of law. [1] - M.Sc. Student, Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran [2]- Full Professor and Member of Official Faculty of Tehran University, Qom: Farabi Campus, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Qom, Iran: Corresponding Author Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - A Comparative Study of the Effects of the Decline of the Main Case on Mutual Countermeasures in the Laws of Iran and France
        Azad Rashid Azarpour Akbar Bashiri
        Azad Rashid Azarpour[1] Akbar Bashiri[2]   Abstract: The impact of the decline and the seizure of the main dispute over a cross-appeal is one of the issues discussed and the disagreement in the civil proc­edure. There may be a major dispute over the length of t More
        Azad Rashid Azarpour[1] Akbar Bashiri[2]   Abstract: The impact of the decline and the seizure of the main dispute over a cross-appeal is one of the issues discussed and the disagreement in the civil proc­edure. There may be a major dispute over the length of the trial due to sei­zure and detention, what is the point in this regard to what extent is the li­nk­ that has been created between the main and the reciprocal of the dispute? Therefore, in this research, we will examine the effect of the deconstruction and seizure of the proceedings in the main dispute as to the mutual dispute raised during the main pro­ce­ed­ings. Due to the fact that the seizure and the decay of the proceedings to protect the rights of the parties to the lawsuit and the observance of the rights of defense of the parties to the lawsuit are also part of the rules of procedure, the existence of this longing is necessary. The result is that the loss of the main claim may result in the recovery of the cl­aim, the extradition of the petition, the decline of the right, the reco­nciliation between the parties and the change of court. These cases have been explicitly mentioned by the legislator in French law. [1]- Master of International Trade Law, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran [2]-Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, International Trade Law, Private Law and International Trade Group, Maragheh, Iran:Corresponding Author Manuscript profile