List of Articles Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Wavelet based Filtered historical simulation value at risk model in different time horizons in Tehran Stock Exchange وحید ویسی زاده جواد شکرخواه میثم امیری 10.30495/fed.2021.687914 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The Effects of the Number of Branches and its Geographical Distribution on Bank Profitability اصغر ابوالحسنی رویا آل عمران فرزاد رحیم زاده سیامک شکوهی فرد 10.30495/fed.2021.687915 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Providing a model for formulating export development strategies in foreign markets using data-driven method (Case study of Iranian petrochemical companies) محمدعلی مناف زاده هیر رضا شافعی عادل فاطمی 10.30495/fed.2021.687917 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Determining Factors Affecting Optimal Risk Level, Optimal Capital Structure and Efficiency in Iranian Banks (Delphi-Fuzzy Approach) میرحمید سادات سلماسی ایمان داداشی حمیدرضا غلام نیاروشن 10.30495/fed.2021.687918 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - export of hand-woven carpets in the field of personal economic interests (Case study: Sistan hand-woven carpets) سعید عبدالمنافی علی اکبر نقابی محمد مجد عاملی سمیه ایزدی راضیه پهلوانی 10.30495/fed.2021.687921 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Presentation of Smart Money Model in Iranian Stock Market Based on Grounded Theory خدیجه عیدان ترک زاده فرزین رضایی محسن صیقلی 10.30495/fed.2021.687922 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - The Effect of Energy Price Shocks on Iran's Oil-centric Economy base on New-Keynesian Modeling Method and Using Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Equations علی محمدی پور علی سلمانپور زنوز سید فخرالدین فخرحسینی 10.30495/fed.2021.687923 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - The Causal Relationship Between Financial Development and Underground Economy in Iran: MIMIC and Hsiao Causality Approach یونس کارآزموده فرد بیت الله اکبری مقدم اکبر میرزاپور باباجان آرش هادی زاده 10.30495/fed.2021.687925 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Investigating the Asymmetric Effects of Changes in Liquidity on Value Added of Services in Iran’s Economy مهناز حاله کامبیز هژبرکیانی فرید عسگری محمد صادق علی پور 10.30495/fed.2021.687927 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Presenting a Model for Explaining the Role of Social Capital in the Success of International Entrepreneurship محمدجعفر چراغی جمشید عدالتیان شهریاری محمدرضا کاباران زاده 10.30495/fed.2021.687928 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - Behavioral biases and decisions of individual and institutional investors based on technical information in Tehran Stock Exchange محمد زینی وند محمد حسن جنانی محمود همت فر محمدرضا ستایش 10.30495/fed.2021.687929 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - The Impact of Entrepreneurship Financing Methods on Collective Participation in Knowledge-Based Businesses بهمن اسکندری حسین وظیفه دوست پریوش جعفری مرتضی موسی خانی 10.30495/fed.2021.687930 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 13 - Investigating the Impact of CEO Power, Political Communication and Social Responsibility on Cash Investment Sensitivity in Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange فاطمه مرانی اله کرم صالحی علیرضا جرجرزاده احمد کعب عمیر 10.30495/fed.2021.687931 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 14 - Investigating the relationship between free cash flow, investment sensitivity and the moderating role of financial constraints فاطمه مدانلو آرش نادریان علی خوزین جمادوردی گرگانلی 10.30495/fed.2021.687932 20.1001.1.25383833.1400. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 15 - The Relationship between Smart Business and Integrated Reporting and Its Impact on the Financial Performance of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange حسین احتشام مهر یحیی کامیابی مهدی خلیل پور 10.30495/fed.2021.687933 20.1001.1.25383833.1400.