List of Articles soluble carbohydrates Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Effect of Electrical Conductivity and Sodium Adsorption Ratio of Irrigation Water on some Physiological Indices and Yields of Two Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Varieties Farzad Jalili 10.30495/jcep.2019.664835 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Effect of Nano-TiO2 and Salicylic Acid Foliar Application on some Biochemical Traits of Corn 704 Single Cross under Water Regimes Faezeh Shargi Ebrahim Khalilvand Behrouzyar 10.30495/jcep.2019.669710 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Phytochemical analysis of various organs of Rheum ribes weed at the phonological stage of flowering (Case study: heights of Karizak Village of Kashmar) ابراهیم Gholamalipour Alamdari فاطمه Makari جواد Bayat Kohsar Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Investigating the effect of air pollutants in Tehran on leaf surface, proline concentration, soluble carbohydrates and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids) in two Nerium oleander and acacia (Robinia pseudo acacia L.) plants. مهلقا ghorbanaali gh bakhshi زینب bakande Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis on some physiological characteristics of maize (SC704) under water deficit condition Ahmad Afkari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Investigation of physiological properties and antioxidant activity of cumin by using of magnetic water and superabsorbent under water stress conditions ali ashori manochher gholipoor ahmad gholami hamid Abbasdokht 10.30495/jdb.2022.1959313.1311 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Effects of Mixed and Row Intercropping on Yield and Quality Traits of Alfalfa and Three Grass Species in Rainfed Areas of Northern Khorasan, Iran Ali Akbar Ameri Ali Ashraf Jafari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - Variations of Water Soluble Carbohydrate in Plant Organs of Bromus tomentellus and Festuca ovina in Three Phenological Stages Hoseyn Arzani Mehdi Zohdi Ghavam Aldin Zahedi Raziyeh Shahbandari Roja Safaian Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - The Effect of Paclobutrazol on Physiological Characteristics of Bermuda Grass under Drought Stress asghar pakdel حمید رضا میری رامین سامانی بابادائی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Effect of Zinc on the Growth of Two Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Rootstocks under Drought Stress Alireza Kermani Azam Jafari Soheil Karimi Mostafa Shirmardi 10.22034/jon.2022.1942039.1134 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 11 - Effects of Vermicompost Application and Moringa Extract on Growth Responses, Yield and Bioactive Compounds in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) AHMED ALI HANI AL-HAIDERI HOSSEIN ALI ASADI-GHARNEH YASAMEEN FADHIL SALLOOM 10.30486/roce.2023.705611 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 12 - The Effect of Magnetic Field and Iron Fertilizer on Growth Characteristics of Greenhouse Cucumber MORADALI GHANBARPOURI AHMAD MOHAMADI GHAHSAREH MITRA ATAABADI MEHRAN HOODAJI 10.30486/roce.2021.706751