List of Articles nitrogen fixation Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Effect of Foliar Treatment of Micronutrients (Iron, Zinc, and Manganese) on Nitrogen Yield and Biological Fixation of Bami Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) With Inoculation of Bacteria in Kerman Hojjat Safari Kamal Abadi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - The effect of drought stress on the efficiency of rhizobial bacteria symbiotic with faba bean Barkat variety Mohammad hossein Arzanesh 10.30495/jper.2023.1976428.1838 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - nifH gene Study of Mesorhizobium ciceri isolated From Iran Elham Moazemian Mohammad Kargar Ahmad Asgharzadeh Sayed Mehdi Hoseini Mazinani Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Evaluation the effect of native rhizobial treatment, animal manure and urea fertilizer on the growth of alfalfa plants in Fars province Mohammad Javad Nowrooz Nejad Mohammad Kargar Kavoos Ayaz Pour Mehdi Kargar Sareh Raeiszadeh Jahromi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Estimating the Contribution and Economic Value of Various Services of Pollinator Insects in a Northern Rangeland Ecosystem of Iran Yadollah Bostan Ahmad Fatahiardakani Majid Sadeghinia Masoud Fehresti Sani 10.30495/rs.2022.683655 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - Effect of phosphorus rate, Rhizobium phaseoli inoculation and Nitragin biofertilizer on growth and yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Meysam Ghanbarzadeh Hashem Aminpanah Hasan Akhgari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Effects of drought stress on noduling and nitrogen fixation of Rhizobium Japonicum bacteria strains of soybean A. Farnia G. Noormohamadi A. Naderi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - The effect of drought stress on the efficiency of rhizobial bacteria (Rhizobium leguminosarum) symbiotic with faba bean (Phaseoulus vulgaris) Barkat variety Mohammad Hossein Arzanesh Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - Evaluation of different strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli inoculation on ecophysiological nitrogen fixation ability of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., cultivars Mahdi Taherkhani ghorban normohammadi mohammadjavad Mirhadi hosein Haydari Sharif Abad amirhosein Shirani Rad Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 10 - Evaluation of nitrogen fixation ability of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars with three types of inoculants which contain different strains of Rhizobium phaseoli Mahdi Taherkhani Gorban Mirhadi Mohammad Javad Mirhadi Rahim Alimohammadi