• List of Articles Yemen

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        1 - Analysis of Saudi Arabia's approach in Syria and Yemen "with an emphasis on delimiting the strategic area of ​​Iran"
        shahram Askari hesn SEYED MOSTAFA IRANNEJAD
        The developments known as the Arab Spring began in 2011 with the popular uprising of Tunisia in the Horn of Africa and quickly spread to other countries in the region and led to dramatic changes in the political and social structures of some countries in the Horn of Afr More
        The developments known as the Arab Spring began in 2011 with the popular uprising of Tunisia in the Horn of Africa and quickly spread to other countries in the region and led to dramatic changes in the political and social structures of some countries in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. In the meantime, in particular, the country of Saudi Arabia, which has a closed system of the royal type, considered its existence to be seriously exposed to the damage caused by this wave of transformation in both domestic and foreign spheres. As Umm al-Qari, the Islamic world has defined the continuity, expansion of its presence and influence in the region, and specifically "Syria and Yemen" in line with the strategic interests of Iran, as a result of which the emotional and non-constructive reaction in It appeared before the This country, which is known for adopting conservative policies in its foreign policy, has tried to protect its interests, expand its influence in the region and maintain its position as the leader of the Islamic world by adopting an aggressive approach. In this article, the author tries to is to compare the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia in the crisis of Yemen and Syria by using the approach of aggressive realism. The findings of the research show that: "The two countries of Syria and Yemen are the focus of strategic competition between the two countries, Saudi Arabia by transferring terrorist groups "Takfiri to Syria and direct attack on Yemen has appeared in the role of an actor in the atmosphere of conflict, and with an aggressive dynamic approach, it is acting in maximum conflict with the strategic interests of J.A. Iran".Middle East developments Manuscript profile
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        2 - Yemen Trade in the Rasulids Era (626-858 A.H.)
        Ebrahim Mohammadi Hadi Alemzadeh
        Yemen, has continuously been a significant centre for importing and exporting hence its geographical location at the trade crossroads of the East and the West, particularly the bokhur (spice) road. Under Rasulids dominance (626-858A.H.), the commercial relationships bet More
        Yemen, has continuously been a significant centre for importing and exporting hence its geographical location at the trade crossroads of the East and the West, particularly the bokhur (spice) road. Under Rasulids dominance (626-858A.H.), the commercial relationships between Yemen and different areas such as India, Egypt and Hijaz was developed and so the merchants carried the goods and products via sea routes from Yemen to Indian and Egyptian ports; and in return, importing different goods to Yemen. In addition, Yemen had also the commercial relationship with internal areas of Arabian Peninsula, especially Hijaz, by land and sea. The present article is an attempt to consider the causes of commercial development of Yemen in the Rasulids era. This study shows that in this period, Yemen was different from its prior time .It was due to the dominance of Mongols over the far East to Baghdad, that makes the commercial roads insecure and so the red sea became an alternative and safe route. It should be noticed that the role of Karemi merchants who had a disposal trade between Mediterranean sea and Indian Ocean coastlines to china via the Red sea was also developed the trade activities in Yemen. References Abū Makhrama, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd Allāh Ṭayyib, Tārīkh-i Thaghr Adan wa Tarādjum Ulamā- hā, Revised by Orvar Löfgren, Leiden, 1936/ 1314. Badkoobeh, Ahmad & Tajbakhsh, Ghadariyeh, “Rawābiṭ Bāzargānī-yi Ārāgūn wa Ḳashtāla bā Baybars wa Taḥrīm-i Iḳtiṣādī-yi Miṣr”, Journal of History & Civiliazation of Islamic Nation, No. 10, 1388/ 2009. Bakri, Abdallāh b. ʿAbd al ʿAzīz, al- Masālik  wal- mamālik, Revised by Van Leeuwen, Dār al- Maghrib al- Islāmī, Beirut, 1992 AD/ 1412 AH. Bosworth, Clifford Edmund, Silsila- hā-yi Islāmī(The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual),Trans. Fereydoon Badrei, Bāz- Shināsī-yi Tāʾrīkh-i Islām wa Iran, 1371/ 1992. Brūsawī, Muḥammad b. ʿAlī, Awḍaḥ al- Masālik Alā Marifa al- Buldān, Dār al- Maghrib al- Islāmī, Beirut, 1427 AH/ 2006 AD. Buzurg b. Shahriyār Rāmhurmuzī, Adjāib al- Hind Barrt wa Baḥra, Trans. Muhammad Malek Zadeh, Cultural foundation of Iran, Tehran, 1348/ 1969. al- Fāsī, Taḳī al- Dīn Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, al- Iḳd al- Thamīn fī Tārīkh al- Balād al- Amīn, Mawʾasisa al- Risāla, Beirut, 1406 AH/ 1985 AD. al- Fīfī, Muḥammad b. Yaḥyā, al- Duwala al- Rasūliyya fī al- Yaman, Dirāsat fī Awḍāʿ-i- hā al- Siyāsiyya wa al- Ḥaḍāriyya, al- Dār al- ʿArabiyya al- Mawsūʿāt, 2005/ 1383. Hamdānī, Ḥasan b. Aḥmad, Ṣifat Djazīrat al- Arab, Revised by Muḥammad ʿAlī al- Akwaʿ, Maktaba al- Irshād, Sanʿāʾ,1410 AH/ 1989 AD. Ibn ʿAbd al- Madjīd, Tādj al- Dīn ʿAbd al- Bāḳī, Bihdjat al- Zaman fī Tārīkh al- Yaman, Revised by Muḥammad al- Ḥabashī, Dār al- Ḥikmat al- Yamāniyya, Sanʿāʾ, 1408 AH/ 1987 AD. Ibn Athīr, ʿIzz al- Dīn Abū al- Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Muḥammad, al-Kāmil fī al- tārikh, Beirut, Dār Ṣadir, 1965/1343. Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, Safar-nāma-yi Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, trans. Muhammad Ali Movahed, Tehran, Bungāh-i Tardjuma wa Nashr-i Kitāb, 1980/ 1359. Ibn Daybaʿ, Abd al- Raḥman b. ʿAlī, Ḳurat al- Uyūn bi- Akhbār al- Yaman al- Maymūn, Revised by ʿAlī b. Muḥammad al- Akwaʿ, Matbaʿa al- Salafiyya, Cairo, 1374/ 1995. Ibid, Bughyat al- Mustafīd fī Akhbār Madīnat Zabīd, Revised by ʿAbd Allāh al- Ḥabashī, The Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research, Yemen, 1374/ 1995. Ibn Djubayr, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Safar-nāma-yi Ibn Djubayr, Trans. Parviz Atabak, Astan print, Mashhad, 1991/ 1370. Ibn Duḳmaḳ, Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad, al- Intiṣār li- Wāsiṭat iḳd al- Amṣār, Manshūrāt Dār al- Āfāḳ, Beirut, 1893/ 1271. Ibn Faḳīh, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, al- Buldān, Revised by Yūsuf Hādī, ʿĀlam al- Kutub, Beirut, 1416 AH/ 1995 AD. Ibn al- Furāt, Naṣir al- Dīn Muḥammad, Tārīkh-i Ibn al- Furāt, Revised by Zurayḳ Ḳusṭanṭīn, Beirut, 1942/ 1320. Ibn Ḥawḳal, Abū ʾl- Ḳāsim, Ṣūrat al- Arḍ, Trans. Jafar Shoar, Bunyād-i Farhang-i Iran, Tehran, 1966/ 1345. Ibn ʾl- ʿIbrī, Gharīghūrīyūs (Gerīghōr) Malaṭī, Mukhtaṣar Tārīkh al- Duwal, Trans. Abdolmuhammad Ayati, ʿIlmī Farhangī, 1377/ 1998. Ibn Khurradādhbih, ʿUbayd Allāh b. Allāh, al- Masālik wa l- Mamālik, Trans. Hossein Gharachanlu, Nashr-i Nū, Tehran, 1991/ 1370. Ibn Mādjid, Shahāb al- Dīn Aḥmad, Kitāb al- Fawāid fī Uṣūl ilm al- Bahr wa l- Ḳawāid, Trans. Ahmad & Omid Eghtedari, Andjuman Āthār wa Mafākhir-i Farhangī. Tehran, 1372/ 1993. Ibn Manẓūr, Djamāl al- Dīn, Muḥammad b. Mukarram, Lisān al- Arab, Nashr-i Adab al- Hawza, Qom, 1363/ 1984. Ibn Mudjāwir, Yūsuf b. Yaʿḳūb, Ṣifat al- Balād al- Yaman wa Makka wa Ba al- Ḥidjāz, Revised by Mamdūḥ Ḥasan Muḥammad, Maktaba al- Thaḳāfat al- dīnīya, Cario, 1996/ 1375. Ibn Rusta, Aḥmad b. ʿUmar, al- Alāḳ al- Nafīsa, Trans. Hossein Gharachanlu, Amīrkabīr, Tehran, 1986/ 1365. Ibn Taghrībirdī, Djamāl al- Dīn Abū ʾl- Maḥāsin b. Yūsuf, al- Nudjūm al- Zāhira fī mulūk miṣr wa l- ḳāhira, Cairo, 1935/ 1313. Ibrāhīm, Muḥammad Karīm, “al- ʿAlāḳāt al- Tidjāriyya Bayn ʿAdan wa al- Hind Khilāl al- Ḳarnayn al- Sādis wa al- Sābiʿ al- hidjriyyan”, Markaz Dirāsāt al- Khalīdj, University of  Basrah, 2002/ 1380. Idrīsī, Abī ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad, Nuhzat al- Mushtāḳ fī ikhtirāḳ al- Āfāḳ, Maktaba al- Thaḳāfat al- dīnīya, Egypt, (Und.). Ghassānī, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbbās, al- Asdjad al- Masbūk wa al- Djawhar al- Maḥkūk fī Ṭabaḳāt al- Khulafā wa al- Mamlūk, Revised by Shākir Maḥmūd ʿAbd al- Munʿim, Dār al- Turāth al- Islāmiyya, Baghdad, 1395 AH/ 1975 AD. Himyarī, Ibn ʿAbd al- Munʿim, al- Rawḍ al- Miār fī Khabar al- Aḳtār, Revised by Iḥsān ʿAbbās, Syndicate of Publishers Union in Lebanon, Beirut, 1984/ 1363. Hudūd al- Ālam min al- Mashriḳ Alā al- Maghrib, Unknown Author, Revised by Manouchehr Sotodeh, University of Tehran, Tehran, 1340/ 1961. Ḳalḳashandī, Aḥmad b. ʿAbdallāh, Ṣubḥ al- Asha fī Ṣināat al- Inshā, Dārā al- kutub al- ʿIlmiyya,  Beirut, 1915/ 1293. Karimi, Alireza & Rezaie, Muhammad, “Rawabiṭ-i Tidjārī-yi Iran wa Djinuwā dar Dawra-yi Ilkhānī”,  History of  Islam & Iran al-Zahra University, No. 18, Summer 1392/ 2013. Ḳazwīnī, Zakariyyāʾ b. Muḥammad, Āthār al- Bilād Wa Akhbār al- Ibād, Trans. Muḥammad Murād b. ʿAbd al- Raḥmān, University of Tehran, 1371/ 1992. Khazradjī, ʿAlī b. Ḥasan, al- Uḳūd al- Luluiyya fī Akhbār al- Dawla al- Rasūliyya, Revised by Muḥammad Bisyūnī, Yemen Center for Studies and Research, Dār al- Adab, Sanʿāʾ, 1403 AH/ 1982 AD. Labīb, Ṣubhī,  “al- Tidjārat al- Kārmiyya wa Tidjarat Miṣr fī al- ʿUṣur al- Wusṭā”, al- Madjlla al- Tārīkhiyya l- Miṣriyya, No. 4, 1952/ 1330. Luḳmān, Ḥamza ʿAlī Ibrāhīm, Tārīkh Adan wa Djanūb al- Djazīra l- Arabiyya, Dar Misr For Printing, Cairo, 1959 AD/ 1379 AH. Madjid, ʿAbd al- Munʿim, al- Alāḳat bayn al- Sharḳ wa l- Gharb, Maktaba al- Djāmiʿa al- ʿArabiyya, Beirut, 1966/ 1344. Maḳdasī, Abū ʿAbdallah Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Aḥsan al- Taḳāsīm fī Marifat al- Aḳālīm,Trans. Alinaghi Monzavi, Shirkat- i Mūʾalifān wa Mutardjimān-i Iran, Tehran, 1361/ 1983. Maḳḥafī, Ibrāhīm Aḥmad, Mudjam al- Madan wa l- Ḳabāil al- Yamaniyya, Ṣanʿāʾ, Dār al- Kalama, 1985/ 1363. Maḳrīzī, Taḳī al- Dīn Aḥmad b. ʿAlī, al- Dhahab al- Masbūk fī Dhikr Min Ḥadjdj Min Khulafā wa al- Mulūk, Revised by Djamāl al- Dīn al- Shayyāl, Cairo, Maktaba al- Khāndjī, 1955/ 1333. Masʿūdī, Abū al- Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Ḥusayn, Murūdj al- dhahab wa Maādin al- Djawhar, Trans. Abul-Qasim Payandeh, Bungāh-i Tardjuma wa Nashr-i Kitāb, 1360/ 1981. Mojtaba, Khalifeh, “Tafawwuḳ-i Tidjārī-yi Daryā-yi Surkh Bar Khalīdj-i Fārs Dar Sada- Hā- yi Pandjum wa Shishum-i Hidjrī: Bā Taʾkīd Bar Naḳsh-i Tudjdjār-i Kārm”, Khalīdj Fārs, Farhang wa Tamaddun: Madjmūa Maḳālāt, 2008/ 1387. Pigulevskaia, Nina vikorovna, Tārīkh-i Iran Az Dawrān-i Bāstān Tā Pāyān-i Ḳarn-i Hidjdah-hum-i Mīlādī, Trans. Karim Keshavarz, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, 1349/ 1970. Rashīd al- Dīn Hamdānī, Faḍlallāh, Djāmi al- Tawārīkh, Revised by Bahman Karimi, Iḳbāl, Tehran, 1362/ 1983. Rāzī, Aḥmad b. ʿAbdallāh, Tārīkh-i Madīnat Sanā, Revised by Ḥusayn b. ʿAbdallāh al- ʿAmrī, Dār al- Fikr al- Muʿāṣir, Damascus, 1409 AH/ 1988 AD. Sīrāfī, Ḥasan b. Yazīd, Riḥla al- Sīrāfī, al- Madjmaʿ al- Thaḳāfiyya, Abu Dhabi, 1999/ 1377. Ṭabarī, Muḥammad b. 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        3 - The Impact of the Yemeni Crisis on International Peace and Security
        Shirin Masoudi MohammadAli Abdollahzadeh Majid Saeedi
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        4 - A Pause with the Yemeni Present Writer, Abdelaziz AlMaqaleh, and Analysis of his Poetry
        Mehdi Momtahen Seyyed Javad Hosseini Naniz
        The writer and professor Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh is considered one of the most contemporary writers of and outside Yemen and especially in the field of poetry and literary criticism and teaching university but he also has other literary works and intellectual and politic More
        The writer and professor Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh is considered one of the most contemporary writers of and outside Yemen and especially in the field of poetry and literary criticism and teaching university but he also has other literary works and intellectual and political writings and has columns in newspapers and magazines in Yemen and other Arab countries. He also sang a verse of poetry in various purposes of the poetry, therefore, we find his divans, poetry collections, dealing with a variety of topics such as: praise and lamentation and the description and asceticism and mysticism, and the play and dram and the patriots and the prose poem and that to the purposes of poetry, we also note the influence of the Koran and the sciences, religion and the environment in which he lives on his poems where he used the allusion and the quotation best. On the other hand, the poet, Abdulaziz AlMaqaleh, was an epic self who worked hard in the passing of his poetry from lyrics to metaphysical poetry, a patriot who chooses a national patriotism by hiding the direct superficial meaning of this love and improving it, and from historic event to the deep dream through nostalgia for the past and its resurrection and he regarded it as a lost paradise like his lost childhood. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The Policy of the European Union and the United States towards the War in Yemen form the Perspective of Neorealism (2015-2019)
        Majid Abbasi Akbar Zareai
        The purpose of the present study is to research about the policies of the European Union (E.U) and United States of America (U.S.A) towards the attack of Saudi-led coalition forces to Yemen. The main hypothesis of the study is that the E.U mostly aims to use legal and d More
        The purpose of the present study is to research about the policies of the European Union (E.U) and United States of America (U.S.A) towards the attack of Saudi-led coalition forces to Yemen. The main hypothesis of the study is that the E.U mostly aims to use legal and diplomatic solutions as well as national and international talks to resolve the crisis in Yemen but the U.S.A attempts to support Saudi policies and the military attack of Saudi-led coalition forces to handle the crisis with the purpose of defeating Ansarullah. This study was conducted by descriptive-analytical method and qualitative approach and the results showed that the Europeans and Americans hold that Houthi Movement in Yemen is under the influence and guidance of Islamic Republic of Iran so they attempt to prevent Iran’s penetration in the region and the establishment of a government like Iran. The Europeans assume that ongoing negotiations to end conflict and return to peace should be supported. Despite this announced policy by the E.U, the governments of Germany, France, and U.K are still continuing to sell their military weapons to Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E and do not want to lose this important market for selling their weapons. The Americans think that the stabilization of Houthi state in Yemen entails the spread of Iran’s penetration in the region and it will lead to the imbalance of power to the disadvantage of the U.S allies. The solution for the crisis in Yemen is to hold national talks between opposing parties and resolve conflicts in short term and long term under the supervision of the United Nation to decrease military tension and conflict and force the attacking military forces out of Yemen. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Investigating Ideological and Political Origins of the Houthis' Movement
        Ahmad Jansiz Mostafa Tarin
        The purpose of the present study is to investigate and identify the political, ideological roots, motivations, and motives of the Houthi movement that has emerged in Yemen in recent years. In this study, the scientific and theoretical reasons of the Houthi movement have More
        The purpose of the present study is to investigate and identify the political, ideological roots, motivations, and motives of the Houthi movement that has emerged in Yemen in recent years. In this study, the scientific and theoretical reasons of the Houthi movement have been taken into consideration by Dokmajian theory, and the role of Zaydieh and the actions of Yemeni rulers, especially Ali Abdullah Saleh and the ideas of Hussein Al Houthi have been noticed. This paper, using a descriptive-analytical method, shows that in analyzing the causes of the Houthi movement, some internal factors such as political, social, cultural and economic conditions are considered to be a factor for this movement and some other theorists believe external factors, international system and the effects of external events have contributed to this movement. The dynamics of the Houthi movement indicate that it will gain an important place in the political future of Yemen and in power position. Studying the intellectual roots of this movement has mostly political and ideological backgrounds that have fed the will of its followers. Combating oppression, American hegemony, Zionist influence, and the destruction of secularism have a particular place in these ideas, and they emphasize the legitimacy of the political system, justice and the renunciation of evil. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Organic Geochemical Evaluation of Madbi Source Rock, Al-Jawf Basin, NE Central Yemen
        Abdulwahab S. Alaug Khaled A. Al-Wosabi
        Organic geochemical evaluation of the Madbi Formation as the main source rock of the Al-Jawf Basin, NE Central Yemen was the main objective of this study. The organic geochemical methods used in the study include: rock-eval pyrolysis, total organic carbon, and optical m More
        Organic geochemical evaluation of the Madbi Formation as the main source rock of the Al-Jawf Basin, NE Central Yemen was the main objective of this study. The organic geochemical methods used in the study include: rock-eval pyrolysis, total organic carbon, and optical measurements as the vitrinite reflectance and thermal alteration index. In this study, 67 well core and side-well core samples of the H-1 and K-1 exploratory wells of the Al-Jawf Basin were analyzed to calculate the several organic geochemical and optical parameters. The obtained results show the presence of strong source rock probabilities within the Madbi Formation in this basin. The results are classified into three categories: poor, fair, and good source rocks, with a mixed marine Kerogen type  II/III and continental Kerogen type III. The maturation of source rocks was affected by  heating and re-cycling of heat events during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. This interpretation is strongly related to the breakup of the southern Gondwanaland and the opening of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Based on the evaluation of the source rocks, the shale, calcareous shale, and claystones of the Madbi Formation are considered the main source rocks in this basin. According to the present study, the hydrocarbon potential ity is good to fair grade in the Al-Jawf Basin. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Nomenclature Review of the Rock Units in the StratigraphicLexicon of Yemen
        Hamed A. El-Nakhal Abdulwahab S. Alaug
        The nomenclature. development of the Phanerozoic rock units mentioned in the stratigraphic lexicon of Yemen is revised. Forms violating the nomenclature rules are corrected in accordance with the nternational rules of the stratigraphic nomenclature. The concerned forms More
        The nomenclature. development of the Phanerozoic rock units mentioned in the stratigraphic lexicon of Yemen is revised. Forms violating the nomenclature rules are corrected in accordance with the nternational rules of the stratigraphic nomenclature. The concerned forms are categorized as: informally introduced, dropped, named or re-named units, all of these categories are discussed in detail. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Source Rock evaluation, Modelling, Maturation, and Reservoir characterization of the Block 18 oilfields, Sab’atayn Basin, Yemen
        A.S. Alaug D. Leythaeuser B. Bruns A.F. Ahmed
        A total of 183 core and cutting samples from seven exploratory wells were selected to be analyzed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. These cores have been drilled through the Lam and Meem Members of the Madbi Formation and contain the major source rocks of Yemen´s sedimentar More
        A total of 183 core and cutting samples from seven exploratory wells were selected to be analyzed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. These cores have been drilled through the Lam and Meem Members of the Madbi Formation and contain the major source rocks of Yemen´s sedimentary basins. Contents of total organic carbon were measured and Rock-Eval pyrolysis was performed to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of Block 18 oilfields in central Yemen. Most of the studied samples have fair to excellent petroleum generation potential as shown by the results of PP, PI, HI and TOC. They have also sufficient TOC values with an average value of 1.48 wt% and a maximum value of 12.34 wt% with a good petroleum potential averaging 4.54 kg HC/ton of rock and a maximum value of 44.78kg HC/ton of rock. HI values of the Madbi Formation in its full thickness range from 16 mg to 1114 mg HC/g TOC with an average value of 273 mg HC/g TOC. Kerogen types II and III, and a small amount of type I can be observed. These kerogens are thermally mature and mostly within the hydrocarbon generation zone. In a numerical simulation approach the thermal and burial history of the Alif-1 well, which is representative for this area was modelled. Using vitrinite reflectance data, as means of calibration, the modelling results were subjected to a sensitivity analysis concerning paleo-heat flow, radiogenic heat production, basement thickness and eroded overburden or maximum burial, respectively. The calculated temperature during deepest burial of the source rock layers of the Madbi Formation reached 158 °C for the Lam Member and 182 °C for the Meem Member. Compliance with the measured R0 values, used as calibration parameter, could be achieved by assuming an erosion of 1100 m of the Upper Tawilah Group. The heat flow is maximized at the onset of basin rifting in Late Jurassic to 90 mW/m2 having a base level of 60 mW/m2. Thus, the Lam Member has reached the main oil to wet gas window at its deepest burial whereas the Meem Member has undergone the wet gas window in its full thickness. The isopach map of the Alif Member, as the main reservoir in the studied area, indicates thickening of the sandstone unit towards the eastern and western parts of Block 18 around the Dostour Al-Wahdah gasfield in the east and at the Alif oilfields in the west. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The Role Of Women In Social Political Movements In Middle East 2010 (Republic of Yemen)
        Samireh Hazbave Mohammad Reza Alam
        The international community in 2011 witnessed a set of popular uprisings in the Middle East region .In these developments, the world faced the presence of women in the public arena. One of the countries where women played an important and determining role in furthering More
        The international community in 2011 witnessed a set of popular uprisings in the Middle East region .In these developments, the world faced the presence of women in the public arena. One of the countries where women played an important and determining role in furthering the uprising was "Republic of Yemen". The presence of women in such development was so significant, that some of the violent uprising media analysis called the rebels as "Bloody Friday", "Day of Rage" or "Day of Fate". In this context, the main analytical approach of the current research paper was a descriptive; that investigated the role of women in the Middle East recent movement by relying on Yemen. Research findings showed that concerning the domination of the dictatorship prior to the recent developments in Yemen and the poverty of the country compared to other countries in the region, the women, along with the men by taking part in different ways, either directly or indirectly exposed their participation in 2010 social political developments to the international community  This was an example of promoting social and political participation of women. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Abna` role in political developments and social Yemen
        جمشید Bagherzadeh R. Akbarzadeh
        Abna were Yemenis with Iranian origin. During the ruling of  Anushirvan(531-571.AD), one of the Mamiri’s princes took refuge in Iran , asking for assistance to recapture power in Yemen. Anushirvan   sent 4000 troops to Yemen to expel Ethiopian from More
        Abna were Yemenis with Iranian origin. During the ruling of  Anushirvan(531-571.AD), one of the Mamiri’s princes took refuge in Iran , asking for assistance to recapture power in Yemen. Anushirvan   sent 4000 troops to Yemen to expel Ethiopian from Yemen. This led to Hamirian taking power. Vaharz, the Iranian army officer, and his troops remained in Yemen. Their intermixing with Yemenis resulted in a new group called Abna. They had a significant role in the social and political situation in Yemen. The paper tries ti investigate to study the role of Abna in the last few years of Sassanids.   Manuscript profile
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        12 - A study of relationship between perceptions of social ineqality, social loafing, job stress and job satisfaction among the personnels of Islamic azad university Islamshahr branch
        Saeid Najarpour Ostadi Alireza Agdamibaher AsadAllah Khadivi
        The aim of the paper is to study the relationship between perception of social inequality, social loafing,job stress and job satisfaction among the personnels of Islamic Azad university-Islamshahr branch.The statistical population was 175 people: 77 official employees, More
        The aim of the paper is to study the relationship between perception of social inequality, social loafing,job stress and job satisfaction among the personnels of Islamic Azad university-Islamshahr branch.The statistical population was 175 people: 77 official employees, 72 temporary contract-based employees and 26 pemanent contract- based employees were selected through random stratified method.The data were collected through two standard questionnaires,namly spector’s job satisfaction, Davis and et.al.job stress,and two researcher made questionnaires regarding social inequality perception, and social loafing.All the tools enjoyed a desirable reliability.The test of hypotheses showed that there is relationship between each of the variables of hypotheses showed that there is relationship between each of the variables of social inequality perception,social loafing,job stress and job satisfaction.It was also determined that 33.190 job satisfaction variance results from the studied variables.It became clear that the type of employment,academic degree and their interaction has a significant effect on job satisfaction.The effect of academic degree is more than that of other variables.Each of the job stress,social inequality,social loafing,type of employment and academic degree variables had separate effects.job stress of temporary contract-based employees and official employees is more than that of the permanent contract-based employees.Job stress among the employees with bachelor degree is more than that of other employees and it became clear that the rate of loafing among the employees with bachelor degrees is more than that of the other personnels. Manuscript profile
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        13 - An Analysis of the Security Crisis in Yemen: the Causes and Context
        سید امیر نیاکوئی احسان اعجازی
        Abstract The present paper wants to explain the causes of security crisis of Yemen after the Arab Spring by the help of theories of security. Yemen which faced internal conflicts in the past after unification plunged into widespread insecurity and civil war after the A More
        Abstract The present paper wants to explain the causes of security crisis of Yemen after the Arab Spring by the help of theories of security. Yemen which faced internal conflicts in the past after unification plunged into widespread insecurity and civil war after the Arab Spring. Taking into consideration the present condition of Yemen, the present paper wants to answer this question that “what factors prepared the ground for the formation of security crisis in Yemen”? The paper uses descriptive-analytical method and the toll for collection of data is library sources. The finding of the study shows that complicated multi-layer mixtures of internal and external factors which strengthen each other have led to the formation of Yemen security crisis. The paper argues that Yemen is moving towards chaotic rule and the military intervention of Saudi Arabia in support of pro-Saudi tribes and groups has exacerbated the insecurity and conflicts. The article explains the Yemen’s development from the viewpoint of Little theory of security. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The Impact of New Social Media on the Yemeni Conflict (2020-2011)
        fereshteh bahramipoor azadeh olfati Najva hazeri
        Social construction of technology is one of the ideas raised in the field of technology, which is less considered in the analysis of issues. This theory is concerned with the social construction of societies and the role of technology in this social construction. The Mi More
        Social construction of technology is one of the ideas raised in the field of technology, which is less considered in the analysis of issues. This theory is concerned with the social construction of societies and the role of technology in this social construction. The Middle East has also had a conflicting social structure due to the multiplicity of religions, ethnicities and cultures, as well as the actions of regional and extra-regional actors, and when social technologies entered this region, it was affected by this conflicting social structure. they got. The aim of the current research is to clarify the relationship between the social construction of new social technologies and the conflicts in Yemen. Yemen is one of the most tense countries in the region, which intensified after the removal of Ali Abdullah Saleh, and continues at three national, regional and extra-regional levels. Therefore, the main question is, what effect have new social technologies had on the conflicts in YemenBased on this, this research by adopting a descriptive-analytical method tries to explain this innovative hypothesis that it seems that the new social technologies developed on the web platform have caused the escalation of conflicts in the controversial social structure of Yemen. Manuscript profile
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        15 - "The Yemeni crisis and the international responsibility of the United Nations"
        elham karimi sohrab salahi Abomohammad Asgarkhani
        The purpose of this paper is to examine and assess the UN's international responsibility in the Yemeni crisis, which has been carried out through library methods. The main question of the article is how to explain the responsibility of the United Nations on the issue of More
        The purpose of this paper is to examine and assess the UN's international responsibility in the Yemeni crisis, which has been carried out through library methods. The main question of the article is how to explain the responsibility of the United Nations on the issue of Yemen in accordance with the rules of international law and the regulations related to the international responsibility of international organizations? The findings show that in the Yemeni war, Saudi Arabia and its allies have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Crimes other than those of the United Nations. The United Nations Security Council has not taken the necessary steps to end the war and immediately stop the violence in Yemen, to act in support of the attackers on Yemen and violators of international law, and to impose comprehensive sanctions on Yemen. It has issued a resolution, which, due to the siege and widespread sanctions, has led to horrific international crimes as well as widespread famine. In addition to maintaining international peace and security, the United Nations has a responsibility to determine the fate of the nation in Yemen, given the sensitive situation in Yemen Manuscript profile
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        16 - An Investigation of the Reasons for Conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia (The Case Study Conflicts in Iraq, Bahrain, and Yemen)
        Ehsan Khazri Seyed Hamzeh Safavi Amin Parhizkar
        Abstract: Iran and Saudi Arabia are two prominent countries in the Islamic World. They play important role in the Middle East region’s developments. The present article examines the developments of the three countries of Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen as the sphere of i More
        Abstract: Iran and Saudi Arabia are two prominent countries in the Islamic World. They play important role in the Middle East region’s developments. The present article examines the developments of the three countries of Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen as the sphere of influence of Iran and Saudi Arabia to find out the root cause competition and rivalry between the two governments and give suggestion for solving the problem. The aim of the present study is to show that the nature of the conflict between the two countries has roots in ideological consideration which originates from the prevalence of contrasting ideological and value system which has led to wide gulf between Iran and Saudi Arabia and strained regional relations. It seems that any attempt to strengthen the grounds of cooperation and interaction and attenuating the tension between the two depends on change in semantic structure of the two governments and flexibility on both sides. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Drone Strikes in Counterterrorism Operations: An Analysis with Emphasis on Yemen
        Mohsen Karami Navehkesh Abbas Alipour
        Abstract                Over the past year in restive Yemen, in Abyan and Shabwa provincial regions, it was declared that fighters of Al-Qaeda, who were related to Saudi Arabia, were hiding and More
        Abstract                Over the past year in restive Yemen, in Abyan and Shabwa provincial regions, it was declared that fighters of Al-Qaeda, who were related to Saudi Arabia, were hiding and accumulating their power which resulted in shaping new groups such as Ansar al-Sharia. In this regard, the above-mentioned group, before being destroyed by Yemeni military in summer 2012, was attacked by unmanned drones, in line with Obama‘s counterterrorism strategy. The present study discusses whether the use of unmanned drones can help promote regional stability and security or it only serves as a new way to expand and extend extremism? We argue that the drone strikes in so called counterterrorism operations in tribal Pakistani areas and expanding these operations to Yemen has helped extremism and rise of bloody conflicts in the region and Al-Qaeda and Taliban have used this opportunity for more destabilizing the region. This indicates that Obama's counterterrorism and military strategy does not work. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Environmental and Genetic Factors Affecting Early Growth Traits in Three Yemeni Indigenous Sheep Breeds
        A.M. Albial J. Singh
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        19 - A Comparative Study of Iranian-Saudi Foreign Policy in Yemen and Syria Crisis Based on Cubic Crisis Model
        farzad jahanbein محمدجواد javad
        Syria and Yemen are now active focal points of unrest in the West Asian region, and Iran and Saudi Arabia are the most prominent actors in the crisis. An important issue for understanding and managing these two models. The country is in control of developments. The pres More
        Syria and Yemen are now active focal points of unrest in the West Asian region, and Iran and Saudi Arabia are the most prominent actors in the crisis. An important issue for understanding and managing these two models. The country is in control of developments. The present study seeks to answer the question of how the crisis in Iran and Saudi Arabia is perceived in terms of the crisis in Syria and Yemen and how they have managed the developments in these countries. The region is Iran's influence and Yemen is Saudi Arabia's backyard, so according to the three main components of the crisis, namely threat, time and awareness, the two countries differ in their perceptions of these crises. Iran is in an acute and threatening situation at point 'A', but the Yemeni crisis is due to the geographical distance from the direct line. The axis of resistance and the lower threat level for Iran is at the "C" point of the cube. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia considers the Syrian crisis an opportunity, so it is at the "C" point, the Yemeni crisis One of the most acute and threatening issues for Saudi Arabia is at point "A". Research findings indicate that Saudi Arabia and Iran's foreign policy is in sharp conflict with the Syrian and Yemeni crises; . Manuscript profile
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        20 - Explaining the change and continuity of Saudi Arabia's foreign policy approach towards Yemen; The role and impact of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Alireza Mohammadinigjeh Hossain Daheshiar nozar shafiee
        Abstract With the onset of what is known as the Arab Spring, it was inevitable for Iran and Saudi Arabia to play a role. These two important countries in the region took completely different positions regarding the current developments in the crisis-affected countries, More
        Abstract With the onset of what is known as the Arab Spring, it was inevitable for Iran and Saudi Arabia to play a role. These two important countries in the region took completely different positions regarding the current developments in the crisis-affected countries, including Yemen. After Iran's support for Ansarullah, Saudi Arabia launched a military attack on Yemen in April 2014. After 6 years of war, Saudi Arabia shifted towards engaging in political dialogue with the Yemeni side. The main issue of this article is why this change occurred. In response to this problem, using the explanatory-analytical method, it is argued that factors at three levels of analysis - domestic (Saudi Arabia), regional, and international - led to the Saudi military attack on Yemen and subsequent changes at these three levels. It is mentioned that this caused Saudi Arabia to opt for diplomacy. Meanwhile, Iran's role is examined at the regional level of analysis. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The Crisis in Yemen and the Regional Security Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Farzad Rostami Kamran Lotfi Saeid Pirmohamadi
        Often, in studies related to international relations, the security of activists, especially in the regional arena, is considered as one of the most important principles in the foreign policy of countries. Especially since the political-security issues after the Arab Spr More
        Often, in studies related to international relations, the security of activists, especially in the regional arena, is considered as one of the most important principles in the foreign policy of countries. Especially since the political-security issues after the Arab Spring in the region, have made common interests among the regional actors, and added to the growing concern of Middle East about security. For this reason, today, the regional counterparts in the Middle East who have common interests have generally focused on regional security assemblies in order to maintain their survival. In this regard, the security agenda in the Middle East concerns the crisis in Yemen, which may extend to other areas and challenge the other players' interests. That’s why, the Islamic Republic of Iran, as an active actor and regional hegemony, has been struggling to adopt a protective approach for the Yemeni nation-state in order to secure its regional security since the beginning and growth of the crisis in Yemen. Therefore, the focus of this study is on the efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran to maintain the axis of resistance, the geopolitical security of Yemen, and to maintain its ideological and regional influence. So, the main question of the present research focuses on the issue which is "what approach of the foreign policy can be relied on for the analysis of the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the crisis in Yemen. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Anatomy of Pink Revolution in Yemen and the Role of Saudi Arabia in Its Repression
        Habibollah Abolhassan Shirazi Seyed Reza Mazlum
        Abstract The emergence of colored revolutions in the Middle East countries was an unexpected event in the early years of the third era. The Yemeni Pink Revolution followed the initial stages of the Tunisian Yasmin Revolution and occurred simultaneously with the Egyptia More
        Abstract The emergence of colored revolutions in the Middle East countries was an unexpected event in the early years of the third era. The Yemeni Pink Revolution followed the initial stages of the Tunisian Yasmin Revolution and occurred simultaneously with the Egyptian Lotus Revolution and other mass protests in the Middle East in early 2011. Protests in Yemen were initially escalated to calls for Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to resign. For much of the year in 2011, demonstrators have been camped in a sprawling tent city near the university, in Sanaa, flying pinki banners and singing protest songs on a stage. But unity among the antigovernment forces- focusing solely on the goal of deposing Saleh- has splintered.  But during recent years, Saleh’s state used all possible instruments against protesters and with support of foreign countries has faced with crises such as war against Al-hosi shiites. Entering the field of military conflict with Shiite militant groups in nearly seven years, six full-scale war with the warriors Al-hosy have to deal with the uprising in the territories of southern Yemen and the dangers of intense activities of Wahhabism led to the growing of people's dissatisfaction with the political system in this country which created variables for challenging. Saudi Arabia trying to expand Wahhabi tradition in her country in order to repress the Shiites and deal with the Shiites in Bahrain, Saudi influence in fear lest they be.Saudi bombing in the Shiite areas in Yemen and doing a proxy war and interventionist policies on behalf the Arab Muslim countries such as Bahrainled military presence as "island shields" to calm the Bahraini Shiites to be.On the other hand, the economic objectives of America and Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the joint is aligned so that they are trying to suppress the revolution in Bahrain. The aim of this paper is to identify how the maturing of the revolution in this country, but Saudi cooperation with the help of American has tried to suppress it.   Manuscript profile
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        23 - The strategic position of Yemen in foreign policy and security
        Hamid Dorj ُSeyed Davoud Aghaei
        These days,Tramp's actions are at the top of the region's and the world's news.His new contracts for the sale of military weapons have created a wave of worries about the growing crippling of warfare in the world. Tramp's government has attracted attention since it came More
        These days,Tramp's actions are at the top of the region's and the world's news.His new contracts for the sale of military weapons have created a wave of worries about the growing crippling of warfare in the world. Tramp's government has attracted attention since it came up with frequent claims that it has entered the military arena in the region.He initially sought to justify the direct presence of the US in the West Asian region, with opposition from both Russia and Iran, creating modifications to his plan by introducing a safe area in Syria.Tramp has chosen a new option for the United States in the region, given the many problems that Washington faces to enter the Syrian military arena,in which Tramp ordered the use of American drone to bombard Yemen's various areas under the pretext of fighting.With al-Qaeda.The main question of the research is that what is the strategic importance of Yemen in foreign policy and security of Tramp?The findings of the study indicate that Tramp has adopted a rigorous and power-hungry approach to Yemen's developments with goals such as tearing down the axis of resistance,removing Iran from regional equations,and preventing the spread of Shiite waves to Saudi Arabia,Is.He does not complain about taking American action in the region to take a dramatic action,and with a comforting, profit-oriented view of the developments in Yemen,the stockpile of Western weapons is flooding the oil dollars of the Arab reactionaries into the region.The research method is descriptive-analytic and based on invasive realism. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran Strategy towards the Crisis in Yemen
        Seyed Ali Nejat Raziyeh Musavi Mohammadreza Saremi
        Abstract Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the past years had turned cold with military attack on Yemen and Saudi Arabia accuse Iran of military and political support for the movement Ansar Allah, their opposition was procedural. Therefore, this essay is to ex More
        Abstract Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the past years had turned cold with military attack on Yemen and Saudi Arabia accuse Iran of military and political support for the movement Ansar Allah, their opposition was procedural. Therefore, this essay is to explain the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia is responsible for the crisis in Yemen. In this regard, the author using descriptive - analytical and comparative approach, to answer the fundamental question that the Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen have adopted a strategy for the crisis? In response to the question of Saudi Arabia has tried to form a coalition and military intervention in Yemen, Ansar Allah movement from the political power and in line with the current arrangements in the power structure of Iran's influence in the new government of Yemen to prevent it. Iran's spiritual and political support for the movement Ansar Allah and the revolutionaries in Yemen has been trying to alter the balance of regional power to their advantage. The results of this suggest that competition and conflict of interests between Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran on the crisis in Yemen, has created a zero-sum game. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Armed attack of Saudi Arabia to Yemen according to International Criminal Law
        Mohammad Javad Heidarian Dolatabadi Rasool Mazaheri Koohestani
        The military offensive against the Yemeni-led Arab-led Arab-led coalition and the firefighting of civilian targets are an illicit justification and a clear indication of the violation of Yemen's territorial integrity.  The legal right to self-defense for the Yemeni More
        The military offensive against the Yemeni-led Arab-led Arab-led coalition and the firefighting of civilian targets are an illicit justification and a clear indication of the violation of Yemen's territorial integrity.  The legal right to self-defense for the Yemeni people as well as the international responsibility for Saudi Arabia, including the results of this violation, is in the light of international law. The crimes of the Saudis in Yemen are punishable by international criminal law in violation of the principle of separation and non-invasion of civilians and civilian property, the non-use of prohibited weapons and the prevention of the transfer of humanitarian assistance in accordance with humanitarian law, such as acts, Is in violation of the Geneva Conventions and can be considered as a war crime. It can also be seen that with the formation of a coalition and the systematic and systematic attack of Saudi Arabia and the widespread slaughter of the Yemeni people because of their religion, elements of the international crime of genocide can be observed. . Saudi Arabia's unlawful involvement in the attack on Yemen, even if viewed as legitimate in defense of the incumbent president of that country and made it an unconventional armed conflict, is still not justified by the humanitarian violations of the military and civilians. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Iran's response to Bahraini and Yemeni popular uprisings, opportunities and challenges
        mojtaba ostovar abolfazl khampichi
        Popular movements in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Bahrain have highlighted the importance of paying attention to public opinion in a sheikdom. Globalization and the globalization of democratic processes have made authoritarian rule more expensive. When they are fac More
        Popular movements in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Bahrain have highlighted the importance of paying attention to public opinion in a sheikdom. Globalization and the globalization of democratic processes have made authoritarian rule more expensive. When they are faced with internal and external pressure to maintain democracy, authoritarian regimes usually do not comply with it and try to reestablish their elements at the helm of the country. From this perspective, the Islamic Republic's security interests require it to use its political, cultural, and security levers to achieve the ideals of Islamic movements in Muslim countries, including Bahrain and Yemen. Due to the initial obstacles to statebuilding in Yemen and Bahrain, strengthening the fundamental impetus to nation-building could turn the popular Islamic movements in those countries into an efficient political system in the long run. Movements, the elements of previous governments, the power blocs that benefited from the former regime, and the interventions of foreign powers are among the main obstacles to systematization in Yemen and Bahrain. In what ways can the Islamic Republic of Iran contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the political regimes in Bahrain and Yemen? By providing state-building and system-building experiences at the domestic level and by supporting governments formed at the regional level (political balance and stability), the Islamic Republic can contribute to the survival of the new governments in Bahrain and Yemen. In this study, the research method is descriptive-analytical and to answer the research question, Manuscript profile
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        27 - Chemical and physical analysis of some ground water sample in Al-Quti wells Hodiedah, Yemen
        Badr Ismael Abdul Razzak Atta Ibraheem Atta
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        28 - A Survey of the Yemeni Crisis: Developments, Roots, Actors and Strategies for the End of the Crisis
        Garineh Keshishyan Siraki soheil soheiy najafabadi
        The Yemeni crisis is the result of inefficient political structures and the lack of a fair distribution of power and resources at the social level, and adds to this the involvement of foreign powers such as Saudi Arabia, The United States, Russia, Britain, Israel, the P More
        The Yemeni crisis is the result of inefficient political structures and the lack of a fair distribution of power and resources at the social level, and adds to this the involvement of foreign powers such as Saudi Arabia, The United States, Russia, Britain, Israel, the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt and Islamic Republic of Iran. In general, they can be identified at two levels of internal and external crisis factors. Accordingly, the main question of the paper is that "the factors involved in the Yemeni crisis, including the process of transformation, the roots of the crisis and its actors, and what are the solutions to this crisis coming out of the future?" As a result of the whole article, it is concluded that due to the problems of the internal structure of Yemen, such as tribalism and the failure of the process of nation-state building in this country, as well as the competition between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as other regional powers of the Middle East and major powers in this country; The Yemeni crisis may end in one of the following four situations: Establishing a balance of power between the groups and their supporting countries, the victory of one of the forces and its supporting states, namely the Yemeni government or the victory of Ansarullah, the intervention of the UN Security Council to establish a temporary ceasefire to begin the process of peace negotiations and national reconciliation. Manuscript profile
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        29 - A Comparative Study of the Evolution of the Concept of Power in Iran's Regional Politics in the Age of Globalization with Emphasis on Iraq, Yemen and Syria (2013-2009)
        Reza Aliakbar pour Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
        Since cultural characteristics, ideological approaches, geography and religious beliefs are among the factors that determine Iran's position in the regional arena, Iran, according to the national and Islamic tradition as a revolutionary actor, By emphasizing Iran's majo More
        Since cultural characteristics, ideological approaches, geography and religious beliefs are among the factors that determine Iran's position in the regional arena, Iran, according to the national and Islamic tradition as a revolutionary actor, By emphasizing Iran's major role in the Islamic world, they emphasize the position of regional power in Iran. Now, according to the conditions and requirements of globalization; The question addressed in this article is what effect has the evolution of the concept of power due to globalization had on the nature of the regional politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the three countries of Iraq, Yemen and Syria? In response, in a comparative reaserch it seems that with the evolution of the concept of power from hard power to soft power and then smart power in the age of globalization, the nature of regional politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran also seeks to combine soft power cooperatively with hard politics asymmetric balance of power. Has changed. In this regard, it can be emphasized that the formation of Shiite groups throughout the Middle East, which is influenced by the principle of exporting the revolution and the model of Islamic government, is supported by the tactics of intelligent power and cultural diplomacy of Iran. The purpose of writing this article is to a comparative study the evolution of the concept of power in Iran's regional politics with emphasis on Iraq, Yemen and Syria from 2013 till 2019. Manuscript profile
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        30 - relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia; the continuation of the Yemeni
        hamidreza shirzadnesheli خسرو وفایی علی باقری زاده
        Abstract: Arabic developments in 2011 boosted competition among Western powers. The crisis of the overthrow of the Saudi-dominated dictatorship provided a platform for Iran's influence in a natural unification with these Arab developments. To counteract this threat, the More
        Abstract: Arabic developments in 2011 boosted competition among Western powers. The crisis of the overthrow of the Saudi-dominated dictatorship provided a platform for Iran's influence in a natural unification with these Arab developments. To counteract this threat, the Saudis adopted a revisionist policy for the diversion of the Arab Spring by resorting to proxy wars, especially in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. The politics of Saudi Arabia were a sectarian manifestation of these developments around Shiite-Sunni. Yemeni developments and the rise of Ansarullah's power after the overthrow of Ali Abdullah Saleh and Mansour Hadi provided Saudi military intervention against Ansarullah. The disagreement between the groups on the formation of the government and the support of Saudi Arabia from Mansour Hadi and the fear of Houthi and Ansarullah domination provided Saudi Arabia with a 2015 military attack on Yemen. The Saudis have provoked the continuation of the war in Yemen, arguing that they are struggling with Iran's supporters. This paper seeks to investigate the effect of the Saudi proxy war on Iran in the continuing crisis in Yemen. The question is why the Saudi-backed war on Iran continued in Yemen? This paper, using the explanatory method and the use of library resources, has shown that the collapse of the balance of power in Asia for the benefit of Iran to the detriment of Arabia has led to the emergence and continuation of pro-war wars, especially in Yemen, and Saudi Arabia has tried with the coalition of other countries to disturbs the balance Manuscript profile
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        31 - The role of Yemen's internal developments in the regional competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia in 2010-2020
        narjes arabshahi behnaz azhdari
        The continuous and stable competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East region has a long history,and according to internal,regional and international tensions and issues,the rules of their behavior and performance are different from each other.The politi More
        The continuous and stable competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East region has a long history,and according to internal,regional and international tensions and issues,the rules of their behavior and performance are different from each other.The political approach emanating from this competition has been less based on cooperation,more based on confrontation and sometimes conflict. Yemen's internal developments after the Arab Spring, and Saudi Arabia's role as a godfather to this country due to Yemen's strategic location, caused Saudi Arabia to adopt a hostile policy.Accusing Iran of supporting Yemen's Ansarullah turned this crisis-stricken country into a field of competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia. This research seeks to answer the question, what role does Yemen's internal developments play in the regional political competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia?The hypothesis of the research in response to the question is that the internal developments in Yemen have caused the direction of the aggressive foreign policy of Saudi Arabia towards Iran.The purpose of the research is to investigate the role of the Houthis in the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the method of data collection is the use of library and internet documents. The findings of the research show that Saudi Arabia has made a systematic change in its foreign policy under the title of "Salman Doctrine" due to the challenges facing the region.The competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the field of Yemen is analyzed in the framework of Barry Buzan's regional security theory as a theoretical framework. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Yemen according to Shahnameh’s account of the revenge campaign led by Shapur, the second
        Farzin Ghafouri
        AbstractThe defeat of Narsi in the war with Rome and the early death of his successor, Hormoz the second was the reason behind the Arabs plundering invasion of western and southern part of Iran at a time when Shapour the second was only a child.  The Invaders kidna More
        AbstractThe defeat of Narsi in the war with Rome and the early death of his successor, Hormoz the second was the reason behind the Arabs plundering invasion of western and southern part of Iran at a time when Shapour the second was only a child.  The Invaders kidnapped a high stature Sassanid princess from a palace in  the suburb of Ctesiphon.  On one hand Yemen in parallel with Hamavaran is referred to in Shahnameh and in the Sassanid part of Shahnameh it is clearly named Hira and this matter in the reign of Yazdgerd the first is completely evident.   On the other hand in the reign of Shapur the second Yemen is  also referred to as Hira in  Shahnameh while the early historians of the Islamic era such as Tabari and Bala’mi overlooked the circumstances in Hira before and in the midst of  the revenge operations of Shapur.  In fact according to Shahnameh’s account this operation was directed first towards Hira and then against the Arabs tribes who were behind the attacks.  The examination of Namara epitaph and the study of the Roman political events concurrent with shapur’s revenge attack confirms the truthfulness of the Shahnameh’s account. Manuscript profile