A Comparative Study of the Evolution of the Concept of Power in Iran's Regional Politics in the Age of Globalization with Emphasis on Iraq, Yemen and Syria (2013-2009)
Subject Areas :
Reza Aliakbar pour
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
1 - Department of International Relations, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran
2 - Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Iran, Soft power, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Regional Politics,
Abstract :
Since cultural characteristics, ideological approaches, geography and religious beliefs are among the factors that determine Iran's position in the regional arena, Iran, according to the national and Islamic tradition as a revolutionary actor, By emphasizing Iran's major role in the Islamic world, they emphasize the position of regional power in Iran. Now, according to the conditions and requirements of globalization; The question addressed in this article is what effect has the evolution of the concept of power due to globalization had on the nature of the regional politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the three countries of Iraq, Yemen and Syria? In response, in a comparative reaserch it seems that with the evolution of the concept of power from hard power to soft power and then smart power in the age of globalization, the nature of regional politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran also seeks to combine soft power cooperatively with hard politics asymmetric balance of power. Has changed. In this regard, it can be emphasized that the formation of Shiite groups throughout the Middle East, which is influenced by the principle of exporting the revolution and the model of Islamic government, is supported by the tactics of intelligent power and cultural diplomacy of Iran. The purpose of writing this article is to a comparative study the evolution of the concept of power in Iran's regional politics with emphasis on Iraq, Yemen and Syria from 2013 till 2019.