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        1 - Acceptance of punishment in the criminal justice system
        hamid ghorbanpur seyad mohammad mehdi sadati Ali jamadi
        Punishments are constantly changing due to their variable nature. The emergence of new punishments under the title of alternative punishments to imprisonment, as well as the provision of penal institutions in the legal systems of various countries, including Iran, confi More
        Punishments are constantly changing due to their variable nature. The emergence of new punishments under the title of alternative punishments to imprisonment, as well as the provision of penal institutions in the legal systems of various countries, including Iran, confirms the change and expansion of new examples of criminal responses to crime. Among these, the acceptance of new criminal responses among judicial actors is of great importance; So that in case of non-acceptance of new punishments, the implementation of new approaches to punishment in law will be ineffective. Therefore, the acceptance of punishment and its acceptance among judicial actors effective in issuing and enforcing it is becoming increasingly important; Because in different stages from the determination to the execution of punishments, different actors play a role and the attitude of each of them can affect the punishment, the type or even the principle of its execution. For this reason, it is necessary to first carefully study the concept of "acceptability of punishment" and then to address the question of what are the components of punishment and recourse or non-recourse to the various stages of the trial, from the prosecution stage to the execution stage and execution of punishments? Correctional and compassionate punishments affect. Explaining these two issues can not only be useful in identifying the challenges ahead, but also can prevent the taste of judicial actors in sentencing by unifying the attitude based on the acceptability of punishment. The finding of this s Manuscript profile
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        2 - Religious Experience and Perceiving God; A Critical Evaluation of Alston’s Theory
        بابک عباسی
        In his magnum opus Perceiving God, William Alston has tried to showthat one can be justified in believing some religious beliefs on thegrounds of some religious experiences. According to his theory, thosereligious experiences which have -phenomenologically- perceptualch More
        In his magnum opus Perceiving God, William Alston has tried to showthat one can be justified in believing some religious beliefs on thegrounds of some religious experiences. According to his theory, thosereligious experiences which have -phenomenologically- perceptualcharacters are entitled to play the role of ground for some other beliefs.This paper examines some of the main criticisms of this view, as wellas Alston's replies to them. Evaluating the arguments of two sides ofthe debate, the author puts forward his comments and criticism. It hasbeen finally concluded that as far as Alston's arguments are concernedhis main claim remains under question. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Main Features of Critical Rationalism
        مریم عسگرپورعلی مجید اکبری
        In history of ideas, although traditional rationalists used reason andreasoning to justify any claim (hypothesis, theory, and…), Popper andhis pupils, as critical rationalists, emphasis on falsifying any. Criticalrationalists believe that human knowledge is falli More
        In history of ideas, although traditional rationalists used reason andreasoning to justify any claim (hypothesis, theory, and…), Popper andhis pupils, as critical rationalists, emphasis on falsifying any. Criticalrationalists believe that human knowledge is fallible; and thisknowledge not only can’t fulfill any justification, but also need to noone. For human knowledge is fallible and confined, critical rationalistsrelay on rationality to the extent that it help us to detect our errors andfailures. According to critical rationalists, critical method is merely tocriticize all of ideas, beliefs, and etc. unstoppably in order to reveal theprobable, tacit faults. Scientific theories, in their view, are daringconjectures which come from encountering with problems; theseconjectures are not justifiable and must be falsifiable (and thereforerefutable) through severe test. The refutation to old theory is theparamount process of scientific discovery. If any new theory survivemore of such refutations, it would have a higher verisimilitude andtherefore, critical rationalists suggest that it is closer to truth. So criticalrationalists have exposed some innovations in philosophy of science,but there are a few critiques which they are (or should be) going to dealwith. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Methodology of Justification and Critique in Sadrian Theosophy
        عبدالعلی موحدی
        One of the major issues in modern methodological discussions isthe method of justification in different schools of thought, whichwas formerly called “the why of justification”, that is, the reasonwhy something is justified. Defying the limiting methodologies More
        One of the major issues in modern methodological discussions isthe method of justification in different schools of thought, whichwas formerly called “the why of justification”, that is, the reasonwhy something is justified. Defying the limiting methodologies ofhis predecessors in justification, Mullā Sadrā makes methodologicaluse of his intuitive findings, on equal footing with demonstrativesyllogism. He resorts to methods of mystics in justifying thetranscendent theses in his philosophy. Moreover, in listing the basicpropositions, next to the first principles of the past philosophers, healso includes intuitive propositions acquired through the faculty ofillumination.Since Mullā Sadrā sought to found a novel system of thought, heconcerned himself with analyzing and criticizing otherphilosophers, employing logical methods in dealing with theirprinciples, arguments, and conclusions Manuscript profile
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        5 - Evaluation Susan Haacke's Critique of Popper's Epistemological Anti Justification Votes
        Mahdi Brojerdi Alireza Mansouri Reza Azizi Nezhad
        Critical rationalism is an approach to biological behavior, and especially to science, that has been introduced by Karl Popper. But his views on the rejection of induction and justification have met with opposition from Susan Haacke as a philosopher of logic. In this ar More
        Critical rationalism is an approach to biological behavior, and especially to science, that has been introduced by Karl Popper. But his views on the rejection of induction and justification have met with opposition from Susan Haacke as a philosopher of logic. In this article, we will evaluate Haacke's view of Popper's views as logical negativity, and show that Haacke makes every effort to maintain justification methods in various interpretations and forms, mostly under the shadow of induction. We will also show that Haacke's critique of Popper, due to his tendency to justify, suffers from some psychological and semantic confusion with epistemological issues. In response, we will see that Popper denies the connection between rationality and justification, and essentially considers justification impossible, and proposes a three-step model, including problem-solving, finding innovative solutions to the problem, and eliminating some of which there is no need for justification. And there is no supporting evidence. The product of such an approach would be to present creative conjectures and conjectures that, while accepting the existence of an ideal truth and a reality outside our minds, do not establish any relation of reality or truth to the hypotheses, and as a result We will be safe from the problems of justification. That is why we are always ready to criticize our solutions and take a more modest position on our hypotheses and theories. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Overcoming the Justificationist Addiction
        دیوید میلر
        It is a simple, though ancient, mistake in the theory ofknowledge to think that justification, in any degree, is central torationality, or even important to it. We must cut for ever the intellectualapron strings that continue to offer us spurious and unneeded security, More
        It is a simple, though ancient, mistake in the theory ofknowledge to think that justification, in any degree, is central torationality, or even important to it. We must cut for ever the intellectualapron strings that continue to offer us spurious and unneeded security, andreplace the insoluble problem of what our theories are based on by thesoluble problem of how to expose their shortcomings. The paper willoutline (not for the first time) the critical rationalism of Karl Popper,taking account of some recent criticisms. A brief discussion of the statusof the laws of logic provides an illustration of the power of the criticalapproach. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Concept of Faith from the Viewpoint of Mohammad Ghazzālī and Martin Luther
        احسان شکوری نژاد قربان علمی
        In Islamic and Christian theology faith is defined as an inner assent.This assent, as a divine grace, grants to man's heart the hope of beingblessed in this mundane world and eternal happiness in the Hereafter.As a result, man loses his selfishness and submits his desir More
        In Islamic and Christian theology faith is defined as an inner assent.This assent, as a divine grace, grants to man's heart the hope of beingblessed in this mundane world and eternal happiness in the Hereafter.As a result, man loses his selfishness and submits his desires to God'swill and commands, moreover, when he reaches a higher place, God’swill would be manifested in his all existential aspects. MuhammadGhazzālī and Martin Luther, as two influential Islamic and Christianthinkers, look at faith as such. By referring to their theological works,this essay reaches the conclusion that according to them faith is aninner assent which is given to man’s heart as a divine gift and grace. Inthis respect both thinkers have a common view. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Religious Law and Salvation from Paul's View
        mahboobeh safaei sadegh Tahereh Hajebrahimi
        Paul's contradictory view about law has provoked Christian thinkers to argue and dispute about it. Although Paul was from a Pharisee background and considered the religious law sacred and binding but he propounds the case of redemption from the curse of the law, and ass More
        Paul's contradictory view about law has provoked Christian thinkers to argue and dispute about it. Although Paul was from a Pharisee background and considered the religious law sacred and binding but he propounds the case of redemption from the curse of the law, and asserts that no one justify by law. Here the question is if no one can justify by law, why did God originally give us the law? It seems that the secret of the Paul's negative view about law is concealed in this question. If it is asked how one can be justified? Paul always says that "by Christ" and "not by law". Therefore, the only requirement to enter the community of believers is the faith in Christ, not acceptance of the law. But he emphasizes that after coming into Christian life, a Christian should act according to the divine commandments. So, it must be said that Paul was not against the law. In this article, Paul's view about religious law and its connection with salvation is surveyed in a descriptive- analytic method. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Mystical Approach towards the Concept of Projection in Psychology
        Nasser Kazem Khanloo Nasrin Beyranvand
        "Projection" in psychology is one of the mechanisms through which we can realize and understand the mind and the relative recognition of his personality. Among poets and great thinkers of Iran, there are few people such as Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi who could be found as More
        "Projection" in psychology is one of the mechanisms through which we can realize and understand the mind and the relative recognition of his personality. Among poets and great thinkers of Iran, there are few people such as Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi who could be found as the psychological aspects of human behavior is attended by him. All through his poetic and prose works, especially in the Masnavi and -the psychological analysis and even some knowledge of the issues and concepts such as "self-deception", "justification", "projection" and frequently viewed is.The Great sourcepsychology that personality traits, interests, attitudes and motivations withthe creation of its elementsreflect. One of the new concepts in this article reflect the psychology of the "projection" in his works, especially his iconic imagery, tracking and based on evidence, are reasonably determining the concept of projection, projection and causes along with the incidence listed. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Structural Justification as the Achievement of Audi's Internalism
        Mohsen Shams Amirhossein Mansouri Nouri abdollah salavati Einollah Khademi
        The conventional tripartite definition of knowledge represents it as "true justified belief" and implies that three conditions are necessary to know something namely truth, justification and belief. Here justification has proved to be more controversial than the other t More
        The conventional tripartite definition of knowledge represents it as "true justified belief" and implies that three conditions are necessary to know something namely truth, justification and belief. Here justification has proved to be more controversial than the other two. Epistemologists usually recognize only two types namely doxastic and situational. This is where the Audi's categorization stands out; he proposes four types and speaks of propositional and structural types as well. Structural Justification is an Innovation and the result of Audi's internalist view in justification. Internalism and externalism are two rival views for explaining epistemology and justification. Audi Believes in Accessibilism weak internalism in justification and Structural Justification is the conclusion of his special internalist approach to justification. Given that one of the major criticisms leveled at internalism rests upon its indefinite and mental nature, Audi’s formulation of a definite mental process leading to doxastic justification has successfully reinforced the internalists’ stance. In this research, content analysis method has been used. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Phenomenal conservatism in epistemic justification
        محمدعلی پودینه
        One of the most important views of epistemic justification in contemporary epistemology is phenomenal conservatism. According to this view on justification, if it seems to one as if a proposition is true, one is prima‌ facie justified in believing in it; Therefore, acco More
        One of the most important views of epistemic justification in contemporary epistemology is phenomenal conservatism. According to this view on justification, if it seems to one as if a proposition is true, one is prima‌ facie justified in believing in it; Therefore, according to those who believe in this view of justification, if it seems true to me that I got the Covid-19 vaccine today, I have justified to believe in the proposition that “I got the Covid-19 vaccine today.” Believers in view of phenomenal conservatism claim that this view is a complete theory of epistemic justification and also provides correct intuitive results in different types of beliefs. In this article, we will explain, interpret and evaluate this view in epistemic justification. We will first articulate and evaluate different perspectives about the nature of “seeming”, and then present an account of phenomenal conservatism. While interpreting and evaluating problems of this view, we come to the conclusion that this view is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for justification; Hence, we can argue that this view cannot be considered as an acceptable view for the epistemic justification of one’s beliefs.   Manuscript profile
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        12 - An Analytical Study of Foundationalism in Epistemology of BonJour
        Isa Mousazadeh mahdi abbaszadeh
        One of the most important epistemological issues in the contemporary era is theories of justification. Justification briefly means providing the necessary proofs or evidences for the truth of a belief. Various theories have been proposed for justifying knowledge, two mo More
        One of the most important epistemological issues in the contemporary era is theories of justification. Justification briefly means providing the necessary proofs or evidences for the truth of a belief. Various theories have been proposed for justifying knowledge, two most important of which are foundationalism and coherentism. The various currents that have arisen in the contemporary Western period in the field of justification, have been the mainstay of epistemologists' tendency towards coherentism, which ultimately results in submission to epistemological relativism, which denies any definite and objective criterion for measuring knowledge. But foundationalism is the most important, serious, and long-standing approach to this trend. The present study aims to pay attention, strengthen and enrich the foundationalist approach and with a descriptive-analytical method examines the foundationalism in Lawrence BonJour 's thought. The authors conclude that BonJour defends the foundations of empirical knowledge by emphasizing the possibility of a direct confrontation between non-conceptual reality and the concepts describing that reality, but by accepting the role of justification for rational intuitions, he is practically inclined to a certain rationalism, and Finally, since he does not rule out the possibility of error in basic beliefs, he believes in moderate foundationalism. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Investigation of the validity of mystical intuition and the possibility of its epistemological justification with the theory of reliabilism in Mulla Sadra’s point of view
        Abbas Ahmadi Saadi
         The epistemological value and validity of intuitive consciousness and knowledge has always been discussed by philosophers and mystics. Naturally, mystics defend such heartfelt cognition, or so-called discovery and intuition but for an epistemologist who looks at t More
         The epistemological value and validity of intuitive consciousness and knowledge has always been discussed by philosophers and mystics. Naturally, mystics defend such heartfelt cognition, or so-called discovery and intuition but for an epistemologist who looks at the problem with rational criteria, the question is why and for what reason should the intuition of the mystic be acknowledged and believed? In various mystical traditions and even some philosophical schools, especially among the theologians of the Abrahamic religions, revelation and the resulting beliefs are considered valid and are emphasized and accepted as one of the important ways of acquiring knowledge. The claim of this paper is that it seems that the theory of reliabilism can justifiably justify the propositions and beliefs about the universe that have been obtained through intuition. This justification is especially valuable for those who did not themselves participate in mystical experience. Reliabilism is one of the external approaches to epistemic justification that has a greater talent for justifying intuitive motives.  Manuscript profile
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        14 - “Internalism intending to Justification and Externalism to episteme": The Achievement of Audi's Dualistic Approach to Epistemology
        Mohsen Shams Amirhossein Mansouri Nouri abdollah salavati ٍEinollah Khademi
        During the past fifty years the internalism/externalism dichotomy in regard with justification and knowledge has been controversial, and inclination toward either of them has been considered as epistemological view of contemporary epistemologists. In opposition to exter More
        During the past fifty years the internalism/externalism dichotomy in regard with justification and knowledge has been controversial, and inclination toward either of them has been considered as epistemological view of contemporary epistemologists. In opposition to externalism, internalism assumed all factors of justification and knowledge are internal affairs. Robert Audi has a combinatory theory: "internalism about Justification and externalism about Knowledge". The central problem under investigation in this paper is the possibility and origins of Audi's view and how it can be distinguished from the others. Like Gattier, Audi takes a critical position against the tripartite definition of knowledge, discussing the differences between the foundations of knowledge vs. justification, and argued that knowledge, due to its dependence on truth, is not accessible like justification. The combinatory of the theory and its elaboration in regard with justification and knowledge is based on both Audi's dualistic view toward epistemology and his belief in the difference of the accessibility of two parallels in epistemology i.e. justification and knowledge. He has regarded the justification as an internal and the episteme as external. Audi’s doctrine is the combined and detailed one on the nature of justification and episteme.   Manuscript profile
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        15 - Knowledge of God in Imam's traditions and its epistemological justification
        Mohammad Hosein Mahdavinejad Masoud Fekri Mohammad Hosein Emamijoo
        The epistemological explanation of the knowledge of God is certainly one of the most important and controversial in the philosophy of religion. One of the theories presented is primordial nature theology. The Imams (as) in their hadith family have largely spoken on the More
        The epistemological explanation of the knowledge of God is certainly one of the most important and controversial in the philosophy of religion. One of the theories presented is primordial nature theology. The Imams (as) in their hadith family have largely spoken on the knowledge of God by primordial nature. The innate knowledge of God in the expression of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is such that God has placed His knowledge in the institution of all human beings and they have no involvement in obtaining this knowledge. In addition, a large group of verses and hadiths have made statements about monotheism that are based solely on narrated sources. The purpose of this research and its innovation is to examine the epistemological validity of propositions related to the knowledge of God based on the Qur'an and the traditions of the Ahl al-Bayt. Accordingly, among the theories of justification, the selected theory of this study is based on the moderate fundamentalism. The method of this article, in terms of theological propositions, is the method of library study (study of documents) and the descriptive-analytical method when the epistemological justification is considered.    Manuscript profile
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        16 - The logic and structure of justification in the propositions of Islamic humanities (with emphasis on the verses of the Holy Quran)
        ramazan alitabar mahdi abbaszadeh
        از مهم‌ترین مسائل معرفت‌شناسی علوم انسانی (اسلامی)، مسأله معیارهای ثبوتی و اثباتی حجیت در سطح گزاره‌ها به‌ویژه ساختار و فرایند توجیه آنها است. گزاره‌های علوم انسانی، به دو دسته توصیفی و توصیه‌ای تقسیم‌ می‌شوند. پژوهش حاضر نشان داده است: در سطح ثبوتی، واقع‌نمایی گزاره‌ها More
        از مهم‌ترین مسائل معرفت‌شناسی علوم انسانی (اسلامی)، مسأله معیارهای ثبوتی و اثباتی حجیت در سطح گزاره‌ها به‌ویژه ساختار و فرایند توجیه آنها است. گزاره‌های علوم انسانی، به دو دسته توصیفی و توصیه‌ای تقسیم‌ می‌شوند. پژوهش حاضر نشان داده است: در سطح ثبوتی، واقع‌نمایی گزاره‌های توصیفی، در مطابقت آن‌ها با واقع و نفس الامر است؛ اما واقع‌نمایی گزاره‌های توصیه‌ای (ازجمله اعتباریات)، قدری متفاوت است؛ زیرا اعتباریات، تابع احتیاجات حیاتی و عوامل محیطی بشر بوده و به تبع سیر تکاملی زندگی اجتماعی، متغیراند؛ لذا برخی با پذیرش ناواقع‌نمایی در این حوزه، قائل به نسبیت شده‌اند، زیرا معتقدند اعتبار گزاره‌های اعتباری در علوم انسانی، وابسته به خواست و قرارداد جامعه است؛ در حالی که گزاره‌های اعتباری نیز دارای نفس الامراند و نفس الامر هر چیزی به حسب خودش است. همچنین معیار اثباتی حجیت گزاره‌های علوم انسانی و شیوه توجیه آنها عمدتاً بر مدار نظریه ابتناء (مبناگرایی) است. پژوهش حاضر می‌کوشد با روش عقلی و با بهره‌گیری از برخی آیات قرآن کریم، مسأله معیار صدق و ساختار توجیه انواع گزاره‌های علوم انسانی را نشان دهد. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Mulla Sadra’s Strong fundationalism and epistemic justification
        Bagher Gorgin Najaf Yazdani Ali Nasr abadi
        Strong foundationalism is considered as one of the theories of epistemic justification with a long-standing history. Most of traditional philosophers including Plato and Aristotle in Greece to the Muslim philosophers, rationalists and empiricists  in the modern cla More
        Strong foundationalism is considered as one of the theories of epistemic justification with a long-standing history. Most of traditional philosophers including Plato and Aristotle in Greece to the Muslim philosophers, rationalists and empiricists  in the modern classic era, and some contemporary philosophers have accepted this doctrine. Mulla Sadra is also a foundationalist epistemologically. It should be also pointed that the foundationalism in the western epistemology is based on a concentration on judgmental acquired knowledge rather than conceptual knowledge. It is assumed that the knowledge is merely a matter of judgment than conceptual.  However, Mulla Sadra’s view has been established when conceptual knowledge was in the center of attention and on the basis of this knowledge, sapiential knowledge has been considered.  For the most important reason for strong foundationalism is based on the notion of cognitive regress infinitum. He by acknowledging the foundationalism, has defended this theory. Mulla Sadra justified the knowledge by the self- evident knowledge and based on their clarity and distinct transparency, he tries to justify the other own beliefs. His approach to pass from self- evident knowledge to the speculative is in fact demonstrative syllogism completely adjust to the strong foundationalism. As a result, it could be claimed that Sadra's theory is susceptible to be unfettered from the problems such as non-standard basic propositions,  the limitation of the self- evident statements, the lack of common middle term in the self- evident propositions and the relationship between the self- evident and truth which could be also raised against foundationalism. However, Mullasadra’s existential outlook to the knowledge and  the role of knowledge in presence in his epistemology let him to answer the questions raising against the basic propositions. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Moral coherency and wide reflective equilibrium
        Behrooz Muhammadi munfared
        Recently,  the wide reflective equilibrium can be considered consistent with the wide moral coherentism and seen to be more reliable than the narrow moral coherency in the ethics, since to justify the moral beliefs, in addition of coherency with the other ethical b More
        Recently,  the wide reflective equilibrium can be considered consistent with the wide moral coherentism and seen to be more reliable than the narrow moral coherency in the ethics, since to justify the moral beliefs, in addition of coherency with the other ethical beliefs, they should be coherent to the related immoral beliefs such as psychological, biological, sociological and anthropological achievements. It is important that this level of coherency faced the challenges and has not provided better explanation than the fundamentalism to justify moral belief. In this article, after explaining the moral coherentism and wide reflective equilibrium, the general approach to the moral coherencies will be criticized.  Finally, it will be clear that even if assumed that a moral belief in a wide coherency is justified, but this belief is justified only neglectfully, that which is meant that the agent has no epistemic reasons to accept or reject that propositions and therefore they cannot be justified epistemologically. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Expounding and criticizing three main objections against Gettier’s paper
        Mahdi Soleimani Ali Fath Taheri Seyyed Masod sayf
        The consequences of Getter’s paper were vast and profound that some epistemologists, in order to get rid of this predicament, decided to cast serious doubts on all contents of his paper. We have selected three main samples, among the objections explaining in detai More
        The consequences of Getter’s paper were vast and profound that some epistemologists, in order to get rid of this predicament, decided to cast serious doubts on all contents of his paper. We have selected three main samples, among the objections explaining in detail. These objections are as following: (1) bewilderment in the claim that Gettier’s counterexamples embrace all kind of knowledge, (2) perplexity in historical and epistemological importance of his claim, and (3) hesitating in validity of deductions are used in his counterexamples. In rejecting (1), it will be shown that how we can generalize the idea behind his counterexamples to all kinds of knowledge and reveal the inclusiveness of his claim. We have divided objection (2) into two sections. At first, by assessing Plato’s and Aristotle’s standpoints concerning the nature of knowledge, its origin and features, we have revealed that why Gettier’s claim has a Platonic-Aristotelian origin and finally, should be regarded as a classic view. Then, we showed that why doubting on epistemological importance of Gettier’s claim should not be neglected and how it caused turning from assessing tripartite definition of knowledge to assessing epistemic justification. In rejecting objection (3), we have examined two proposed ways to undermine the validity of Gettier’s inferences and showed why both are untenable. Manuscript profile