The Concept of Faith from the Viewpoint of Mohammad Ghazzālī and Martin Luther
Subject Areas : Christianity
احسان شکوری نژاد
قربان علمی
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Faith, Qurān, being in Hell in perpetuity, Ghazzālī, Bible, justification
, by faith, Luther,
Abstract :
In Islamic and Christian theology faith is defined as an inner assent.This assent, as a divine grace, grants to man's heart the hope of beingblessed in this mundane world and eternal happiness in the Hereafter.As a result, man loses his selfishness and submits his desires to God'swill and commands, moreover, when he reaches a higher place, God’swill would be manifested in his all existential aspects. MuhammadGhazzālī and Martin Luther, as two influential Islamic and Christianthinkers, look at faith as such. By referring to their theological works,this essay reaches the conclusion that according to them faith is aninner assent which is given to man’s heart as a divine gift and grace. Inthis respect both thinkers have a common view.