List of Articles سفیدک پودری Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Evaluation of resistance of selected bread wheat genotypes of cereal research department of Seed and plant institutes to Fusarium head blight in field conditions Mohammad-Ali Dehghan Ali Milihipoor Manouchehr Khodarahmi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - تاثیر سیلیسیم بر شاخص های رشد و کاهش خسارت بیماری سفیدک پودری آهار (Zinnia elegans Jacq. ʻMagellanʼ) مریم میرصفای مقدم محمد نقی پاداشت دهکایی Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - Evaluation of resistance in different grape cultivars against Uncinula necator in Meshkinshahr region, Iran Hossein Karbalaei Khiavi haji shikhlinski asadallh babaei ahari asghar heydari hossein fathi Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Investigation on barely powdery mildew virulence factors in Fars province,Iran M.J. Maramat mohammad reza Moosavi M. Keshavarzi M. Taeb Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - Study on reactions of different wheat cultivars and improved lines to major foliar diseases in Golestan province M. Kalte, M. A. Aghajani, M. A. Dehghan,