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        1 - Dialectic of Identity and Salvation in Abrahamic Scriptures
        mansour motamedi Yaser Aein Mahdi Hasanzadeh
        A religious tradition cannot be separated from the identification of faith through the intersubjective seeking of truth and salvation. By establishing a criterion for judging the attribution of people to that religion, this provision not only protects the theological me More
        A religious tradition cannot be separated from the identification of faith through the intersubjective seeking of truth and salvation. By establishing a criterion for judging the attribution of people to that religion, this provision not only protects the theological message of religion and legitimizes it, but also distinguishes religious community members from others in the social sphere. Regarding the Abrahamic scriptures, how believers envision God has had an impact on both those who are concerned with salvation and the quality of their relationships with other people. As a result of this dialectic, Abrahamic monotheism has evolved different ideas about identity and salvation over time. To understand the conceptual worldview that governs the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Qur'an, this article examines the semantic field of identity and salvation using Izutsu's semantic method. We have also discussed how salvational approaches in the hermeneutics of Abrahamic scriptures, such as the reinterpretation of Abraham's spiritual heritage, have advanced. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Salvation of Pharaoh in the Holy Quran
        محمود Sheikh
        Three interpretations of the issue of Pharaoh's salvation can be offered;1.Pharaoh truly believed and was saved;2.Pharaoh believed, but his faith did not lead to his salvation,3.Pharaoh only expressed faith, and his faith was not true or complete or genuine. There is ev More
        Three interpretations of the issue of Pharaoh's salvation can be offered;1.Pharaoh truly believed and was saved;2.Pharaoh believed, but his faith did not lead to his salvation,3.Pharaoh only expressed faith, and his faith was not true or complete or genuine. There is evidence in the Qur'an that Pharaoh was tormented in the Hereafter that is difficult to deny, such as Moses' prayer for Pharaoh and his entourage not to succeed and the answer to his prayer, the existence of very negative and sometimes implicit attributes for Pharaoh in the Qur'an, the literal meaning of verses. The torment of Pharaoh, on the torment of the Hereafter. The third interpretation is not acceptable because of the explicitness of the verse of Pharaoh's faith on his belief and its confirmation with the phrase "now and the height of my disobedience before", while the second interpretation is due to accepting Pharaoh's faith but his faith is not beneficial for his salvation because of the verses that faith They do not consider torment to be beneficial at the moment of revelation, it is more acceptable and more in proportion to the appearance and spirit of the verses of the Qur'an.  Manuscript profile
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        3 - The Origin and the Doctrines of Gnosticism
        محبوبه هادی نا
        Gnosis (γνῶσις) is a Greek word which literally means 'knowledge', buttechnically and specifically refers to 'spiritual or esoteric knowledge of,or insight into the Divine'. Gnosticism is a common title assigned to avariety of Gnostic sects th More
        Gnosis (γνῶσις) is a Greek word which literally means 'knowledge', buttechnically and specifically refers to 'spiritual or esoteric knowledge of,or insight into the Divine'. Gnosticism is a common title assigned to avariety of Gnostic sects that flourished during the 2nd century AD,especially in Egypt and Alexandria, and lasted for several centuriesthereafter. Gnosticism had major impact on the formation of mystical,cosmological and theological doctrines of Judaeo-Christian traditionand later, as some scholars believe, on the Islamic mysticism.The most prominent characteristic of the most Gnostic sects was thefirm belief in an essential duality throughout the multiple states ofbeing and universal existence, both macrocosmic and microcosmic.Various speculations made on the specific dualities, such as light anddarkness, spirit and matter, good and evil etc., which are found in themajority of the Gnostic onto-cosmological doctrines, were in factestablished on the basis of the above mentioned essential duality.Regarding the fact that different religious and esoteric trends inGreek, Persian, Aramaic, Egyptian and Jewish traditions could betraced back to the doctrines of various Gnostic sects, it would not besurprising that there are various perspectives on the origin(s) andnature(s) of Gnostic sects and that the issue has always been a matter ofcontroversy among the scholars. However, many scholars believe thatthe Persian influences on the dualistic feature of Gnosticism is clearlyevident.The present study tries to at investigate these variety of perspectivesand surveys Gnostic doctrines on the Divine, man and the Universe. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Axial Age Religions from the Viewpoint of Shmuel Eisenstadt
        Ali Hooshmand Khooy قربان Elmi مجتبی Zarvani
        In this paper, the views of Shmuel Eisenstadt about the emergence of transcendental visions in the religions of axial age are analyzed in a descriptive-analytic method. Eisenstadt considers the most important religious transformation of the axial age to be the emergence More
        In this paper, the views of Shmuel Eisenstadt about the emergence of transcendental visions in the religions of axial age are analyzed in a descriptive-analytic method. Eisenstadt considers the most important religious transformation of the axial age to be the emergence of transcendental visions in Judaism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. In his analysis, transcendental visions distinguished between two realms of transcendental order (refined) and mundane order (polluted), and all attempts for the resolution of the tension between transcendental order and mundane order led to the institutionalization of some different orientations in axial age religions: this-worldly orientation (proper performance of worldly duties) in Confucianism; other-worldly orientation (act of renunciation) in Hinduism and Buddhism; and combination of this and other-worldly orientations (legal rules, cultic orientation, ritual prescriptions and ethical injunctions) in Judaism. In Eisenstadt's viewpoint, the institutionalization of these orientations led to the reconstruction of mundane order in some aspects: Appearance of secular rulers who were partially responsive to the transcendental order; and the separation of collective identity based on sacredness from the other types of collective identities based on civility and primordiality. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A study on Quran, Nahj –Al Balaghah and Mathnavi- e Ma’navi accuracy
        Hossein Shahabi
        One of the decent ethics that plays an important role in the perfection of all human being is honesty both in speaking and act which is one of the important bases in human societies. Basically the human nature is joined with honesty and if he remains in his nature he wo More
        One of the decent ethics that plays an important role in the perfection of all human being is honesty both in speaking and act which is one of the important bases in human societies. Basically the human nature is joined with honesty and if he remains in his nature he would go forward to excellence and would be free of mediocrity. However different factors such as education, environment and so on can stop human from evilness. The present article studies Quranic thoughts on accuracy, honesty and trustworthiness. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Comparing the themes of salvation in the life stories of successful and unsuccessful quit drinking alcoholics
        Ebrahim Ahmadi
          The purpose of this study was to answer the question of whether the themes of salvation in the life stories (ie, the person experiences unpleasant life events as causing positive changes in his character) is different in alcoholics who are successful and unsucce More
          The purpose of this study was to answer the question of whether the themes of salvation in the life stories (ie, the person experiences unpleasant life events as causing positive changes in his character) is different in alcoholics who are successful and unsuccessful in alcohol withdrawal. The population for this study were all alcoholics of Mashhad in 1992 (N=3000), and 127 alcoholics were selected by convenience sampling method. The main research tool were life stories of participants. Control variables were measured using revised life view test (skier, Carver, and Bridges, 1994), depressive feelings subscale of Epidemiological Research Centre depression scale (Radlaf, 1977), positive and negative emotions timing test (Watson, Clark, and Tleejen, 1988), anxiety subscale of short scale of symptoms (Dyragtys, 1975) subscales of the ability and efforts of multidimentional causality scale (Lfkvrt, Van Byayr, Weir, and Cox, 1979), alcohol dependence scale (Skinner and Allen, 1992), the scale of participation in Alcoholics anonymous (Tvnygn, Kanrs, and Miller, 1996), a five-point scale general health of short version health survey (Weir and Sherborne, 1992). Using a causal-comparative design, the life stories of alcoholic who had four or more years of alcohol withdrawal (ie were successful in alcohol) were compared with life stories of alcoholics who were 6 months or less of alcohol withdrawal (ie, unsuccessful in quitting alcohol). The data were analyzed using χ2, rpb, and F. Results showed that successful alcoholics significantly more than unsuccessful ones pointed in their life stories that bitter experience of last alcohol caused positive developments in their characters (p>0/001). This difference remained significant even after statistically controlling for unrelated variables (personality traits, severity of alcohol dependence, physical and mental health, and other themes in the story) (p=0/04). This study proved for the first time that the perception of the unpleasant events of life as factors that have contributed to positive changes in a person, can help to quit alcohol addiction. Manuscript profile
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        7 - رستگاری در مکتب ودانتیسم و حکمت متعالیه صدرایی
        الهه السادات سجاددوست علیرضا خواجه گیر مجتبی جعفری اشکاوندی علی ملک زاده