List of Articles الأدب العربي Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Poetry of Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi and its Quranic and romantic themes Siamak Asgharpour Atefeh Asghari Chenar 10.30495/cls.2021.679146 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Studying the Imam of Time in contemporary Arabic literature and comparing it to the gifted religious teachings (poems by Mr. Haidar al-Hilli and Sidrida Hindi as a model) Hossein Rahmani Tirkalaei Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 3 - تحليل الهيكل والمحتوى لمقالات مجلة الأدب العربي من منظار أصول كتابة البحث؛ العدد الثاني من المجلد الثامن والعدد الأول من المجلد التاسع أنموذجاً ayat shokati مسعود باوان پوری عبدالاحد غيبي حسن اسماعیل زاده باوانی 10.30495/cls.2023.1983899.1410 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 4 - Commitment in Arabic literature (Al-Sharif Al-Radi and Ibn Maatouq Al-Hawizi, a balanced study) hossin javanmardi javad saadonzadeh Sohad Jaderi 10.30495/cls.2023.1985853.1419 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 5 - A Comparative Reading of Hereditary Characters in Contemporary Arabic and Persian Poetry (Case Study of Adnan Al-Sayegh’s and Seyyed Ali Garmaroudi’s Poetry) MOHAMMAD GHAFOURIFAR mallek salemi 10.30495/cls.2022.1919593.1377 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 6 - The Palestinian Resistance in the Novel “Zaytouna Memory” by Suhad Abdal-Hadi Naser Hoseini Nasrin Mansouri ardeshir sadredini Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 7 - Methodological Analysis of ”Arabic literature through history”book written By Dr Huda Al-Tamimi From a Historical and Political Perspective. Davood Ahmadi Mohammad Ebarhim Khalifa Shushtari Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 8 - A Jungian Archetypal Criticism of 'adrakha al-nessian' (Overtaken by Oblivion) by Sana al-Sha'lān Samaneh Moosapoor Yusef Hadi pour Sayyed Ebrahim Arman Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 9 - The analysis of myth-making in Fawziyya Abu Khalid's poem Moslem Khezeli Mina Pirzadnia