A Comparative Reading of Hereditary Characters in Contemporary Arabic and Persian Poetry (Case Study of Adnan Al-Sayegh’s and Seyyed Ali Garmaroudi’s Poetry)
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
mallek salemi
1 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Department, Kosar University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran
2 - Instructor of Arabic Language and Literature Department, Payame Noor University, Iran
Keywords: Seyyed Ali Mousavi Garmaroudi, Persian literature, Historical Characters, Arabic literature, Adnan al-Sayegh,
Abstract :
Re-reading hereditary characters is one of the foundations and new tools of expressing aesthetics on which poets rely to create their own images and innovations. Contemporary Arabic and Persian poetry have benefited greatly from hereditary characters, so that we are witnessing the increasing use of these artistic tools by contemporary poets. Meanwhile, the Iraqi poet, Adnan Al-Sayegh and the Iranian poet, Seyyed Ali Garmaroudi have paid significant attention to hereditary characters. Accordingly, they have given human dimensions to their poetic purposes and inspired their artistic experience by being inspired by deep thoughts and reflecting on the issues of rich times. With their artistic and literary experience, the two poets linked the audience's cry to the hereditary characters in fighting against the world arrogance. Done via a comparative research method, and based on the American School of Comparative Studies, the present paper made significant results such as the two poets’ efforts to create an aesthetic instrument of hereditary characters to serve the literary subject and enrich the meaning. Linguistic expressions and the discovery of their insistence or emphasis are summarized. Therefore, the characters, in a norm-breaking manner, carry new meanings and semantic horizons in order to reduce the richness and inherent dimension of contemporary Arabic and Persian poetry and to keep the poems away from direct speech and interpretation. By using Islamic heritage personalities and heritage codes, the two poets seek to awaken a sense of national identity among the people in the face of aggressors.
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