Validation of the model of sustainable knowledge based on human resources in the Ministry of Health, Medical Treatment and Education
Subject Areas :
Moslem Safdari
Hossein Kazemi
malike beheshti far
1 - خیابان شهید مطهری جنب مسجد ولی عصر(عج )
2 - Assistant Professor, School of Management, Houli Asr University, Rafsanjan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran
Keywords: knowledge, sustainable knowledge, Ministry of Health, treatment and medical education,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: sustainable knowledge is an emerging issue and has received wide attention in the health care sector of the country in recent decades. The purpose of this research is to validation of sustainable knowledge model based on human resources in the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education. Research method: The method of this research is content analysis. The statistical population included experts and specialists in the field of human resources management in the Ministry of Health, Medical Education, and academic staff members of the university, who were interviewed by snowball sampling method in the number of 20 people until theoretical saturation in a semi-structured way. After collecting data, MAXQDA 2020 software was used. Interpretive structural modeling was used to validate the model. Findings: The findings showed that the sustainable knowledge model includes 6 main categories (improving work life in order to improve knowledge, support for knowledge expansion, realism for knowledge sharing, trust building for knowledge dissemination, social commitment in order to apply knowledge and competence in line with the development of knowledge) and 19 subcategories. Among the 19 sub-categories, ISM findings showed that the two components of social competence and love of work form the cornerstone of the model. Conclusion: Undoubtedly, focusing on sustainable knowledge in the health sector is inevitable. The Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education must analyze the dimensions of sustainable knowledge in order to achieve success in the field of health.
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