Designing and Analyzing a Diagram of Challenges and Requirements of Pedagogy in Virtual Ecosystem
Subject Areas : Education
nasser kamalpourkhob
faramarz pakravan
1 - educational teacher
2 - Deputy Education Department of Education
Keywords: Pedagogy, Designing, Virtual Ecosystem,
Abstract :
Introduction and aim: The aim of this study was to investigate and identify the challenges of pedagogy and to design a diagram of the relationship between these challenges in the new e-learning ecosystem. research methodology: This study was a descriptive-analytical study that was conducted with a survey strategy. To achieve the purpose of the study, all high school students in district 2, Baharestan, Tehran city were considered as the statistical population. The required number of samples was first calculated using the Cochran's formula as equal to 384 people. Then the samples were identified using simple multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, the validity of which was first confirmed in consultation with experts in the field of education, then with the help of factor analysis (kmo=0.920, p<.000). Its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha as equal to 0.894 at a very good level. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and Amos software and frequency table statistics, factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis, path analysis and structural equation modeling. Findings: As a result of data analysis, it was found that pedagogy in the virtual ecosystem is influenced by the indicators of the educational process, teaching and educational evaluation. The educational process index directly and indirectly explains the pedagogic changes in the virtual ecosystem. The teaching index indirectly explains these changes, but the educational evaluation index only directly explains the pedagogic changes in the virtual ecosystem.
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