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    Sustainable Agricultural Science Research ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    Sustainable Agricultural Sciences Research Journal as one of the scientific publications of Shahid Haj Qassem Soleimani Islamic Azad University (Kerman) started its activity on 22/09/2020 based on the license number 10/2703/p/2020 of Islamic Azad University and according to License No. 88290 of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of the country is published as a quarterly magazine. This journal is proud to review and judge the scientific-research articles of respected researchers related to sustainable agricultural sciences, which have not been published anywhere before or have not been sent to another journal for publication, and if approved, publish them.

    The fields of review and acceptance of articles in the Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Sciences Research are as follows:

    1) Mechanization 2) Processing of agricultural products 3) Food industry 4) Biotechnology 5) Management of water and soil resources 6) Pasture, agriculture and horticulture 7) Economy and agricultural promotion

     In the scientific evaluation process of Islamic Azad University publications in Shahrivar 2020, this publication was ranked B.

     The Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Sciences Research is now ready to accept articles from respected researchers in the above fields, and the second issue of the second period of the journal will be published in September 2022. Please, before sending the article file, read the authors' guide page and enter your article in the article preparation guide file and send it according to its settings.

    This journal does not prioritize articles that have only one author or articles whose responsible author is not a member of the academic staff, as well as articles that are non-research. It should be noted that printing articles in this publication is free for now.

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    Number of Volumes 4
    Number of Issues 15
    Printed Articles 100
    Number of Authors 421
    Article Views 30060
    Article Downloads 7614
    Number of Submitted Articles 208
    Number of Rejected Articles 85
    Number of Accepted Articles 105
    Acceptance 44 %
    Time to Accept(day) 61
    Last Update 2025-3-04