The Representation of West and East in Goli Taraghqi’s “Amineh’s Long Journey” and Ghada al-Samman “Write: I am not An Arab Woman”
Subject Areas : Literary criticismSomaye Aghajani 1 * , Yadollah Malayeri 2
1 - Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Qom Pardis, Tehran University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: القصة القصیرة, Short story, غادة السمان, Ghada al-Samman, صورة الشرق والغرب, گلی ترقی, East-West imagery, Goli Taraghi,
Abstract :
This comparative study throws light upon common and uncommon points in drawing of the west and the east images. The study uses achievements of both American and Russian schools in comparative literature. Across this study we see that similar conditions of life in both Arab and Iranian societies make texts similar: a consideration between human, especially women, status in Iran and Arab region. In the two stories, the East appears to be a place of violence and social and political repression, while the West is a shelter from oppression against women. What distinguishes the two texts in relation to the East and West is that Ghadaal-Samman describes in her story the cliché image of the East from the perspective of a Westerner, and deals with the identity crisis of the Arab human, where he sees himself in two different cultures while these two points were ignored by Taraghi in her text.
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