Amalgamation of two different experiences: presence of dystopian in the romantic experience of Yassin Taha Hafez
Subject Areas : Literary criticismAti Abiat 1 , Abdoalhossin Feghi 2 , Hossein Elyasi 3 *
1 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD and PhD student, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Romantic Love Experience, Dystopia, Yassin Taha Hafiz, contemporary Iraqi poetry,
Abstract :
Yassin Taha Hafez belongs to a group of poets who mix in their poems the experience of romantic love and the experience of place in its covering dimension outside the romantic framework associated with different manners of love and desire or distance and separation. The romantic experience in this genre of poetry is unique and has a new color, in that it narrates the story of love in corrupted city. The present article studies this new poetic dimension in the poems of Taha Hafiz Yasin by use of descriptive analytic method. The aim of the article is the study of amalgamation between the experience of romantic love and the experience of presence in corrupted city in the poems of Taha Hafiz Yasin. The results of the study show that the poems of Taha Hafez Yassin have two dimensions, i.e. they are connected to the place and the experience of romantic love that tells the story of Fatima, the poet's beloved. The poet in all his poetic works draws the corruption of his own city that is in contradiction with the serenity of love and purity, a corrupted environment in which the modern man cannot experience pure romantic love. The contradiction results from dominant negative circumstance on the city and existence of materialism in the city as well as overflow of inclination to the body and lust and destruction of dynamism in the modern city.
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