Polyphony and stream of consciousness in Jabra Ibrahim Jabra's In search of Valid masuod
Subject Areas : Literary criticismRobabeh Ramezani 1 * , Raja Abuali 2
1 - Assistant professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran
2 - Assistant professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran
Keywords: in search of Valid Masoud, the stream of consciousness, polyphony, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra,
Abstract :
Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, a Palestinian skilful story writer in the second half of twenty century, deals with Palestinian social, political and cultural situations in those days through writing novels. Fully aware of turbulent situation of Palestine, he is in search of creating a savior to save Palestine from oppressions of oppressors and injustice of mental backwardness. Jabra Ibrahim Jabra exhibited a generation who bore the burden of responsibility to make changes and revolution against mental backwardness. Jabra technically influenced from Bakhtin's polyphony. In the 'In search of Valid Masoud' he draws a collection of voices participated in a narrative system by applying polysemy method, and proceeds the story by analyzing these voices according to their relation to the voice of protagonist. One of the most important devices used in the story is the stream of consciousness. The protagonist of the story rereads his career in the method of the stream of consciousness in a recorded tape remained from him. This study shows that Jabra used a new technique in reflecting characters voices. Finally, when all characters encounter Valid Masoud's photograph and his face becomes known, reveals their similarities and all other voices removed in order to reveal one voice and one dominant view which is the voice of Valid Masoud that can be said to be the symbol of Palestine.
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