Anti-oxidation effect Boomadaran extract (Achillea wilhelmsii) on survival of salted trout fillet during storage period
Subject Areas : Shelf Life of Food Products and Agricultural ProductionsFarzaneh Bagheri 1 , Mehdi Babazadeh 2 *
1 - M.S., Department of Food Science, Savadkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Savadkooh, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Savadkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Savadkooh, Iran
Keywords: fish, Storage, Boomadaran,
Abstract :
Today,the attention of researchers has been drawn to the use of natural preservatives instead of chemical compounds.In this empirical study, the effects of Boomadaran extract on the storage time and quality of frozen trout were examined. The studied treatments were the control treatment,mild soda salt treatment without extract couting, extract couting treatment without salt,soda salt treatment without extract couting . changes in pH in every treatment,during a period of 12 days of maintenance showed that,untile the sixth days of maintenance,no significant difference was observed in the experimental treatments.Yet,by the increase of time in the ninth and twelvth days the numerical quantity also increased. Moreover, the amount of proxide (pv)in the fish containing Boomadaran extract decreased after time.The level of Tiobarbiotic-acid index(TBA)increased during time of maintenance significantly in the sample compared with that of salt treatment and the extract so that this amount has increased to its highest level in the sample at the end of the maintenance period which showed a significant difference (p<0.05) compared with the fish sample including extract and salt. Also the amount of TVN in the sample under study has significantly risen during time in the sample treatment (p<0.05) . a significant difference was abserved from the sixth day, between the sample and the sample that mixed with Boomadaran extract(p<0.05). 1% Boomadaran extract had a significant effect on fish samples to keep their suitable quality and increase of storage.e.
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