Study of feedstuff weight loss during storage
Subject Areas : Food shelf lifeAli Asghar Sadeghi 1 , Zohreh Rahnamaei 2 , Morteza Naddafi 3 *
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Animal Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Firuzkuh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firuzkuh, Iran
3 - M.Sc., State Livestock Affairs Logistics (S.L.A.L) Inc., Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Feedstuffs, Weight loss, Storage,
Abstract :
The corn, barley and soybean meal are the three widely used feeds in animal nutrition in Iran. During the storage of feedstuffs in warehouses, there is some weight loss, which is because of type of storage (silo, niches, and open warehouse), as well as the duration of storage. Estimation of weight loss during storage is important for the owners of the feedstuffs. In this research, the weight loss of corn, barley and soybean meal estimated according to the type of storage, duration and the province in which the storage is located. The data of weight loss supplied by the State Livestock Affairs Logistics from 2015 to 2023. The effect of the type of storage and duration of storage, on corn and barley weight loss were significant (P<0.01). The highest weight loss in terms of storage type was seen in silo storage and the lowest in open storage. The effect of climate and storage time of soybean meal on weight loss was significant (P<0.01). The weight loss in terms of storage time in all three feeds was highest in 12 months and more. The highest weight loss of soybean meal was in hot and dry climate and then in hot and humid climate and the lowest was in rainy region. To optimize storage and minimize economic losses, farmers and warehouse managers should utilize appropriate storage facilities and take climatic conditions into account when selecting storage locations and durations for food products. These findings can enhance warehouse management practices and lower costs associated with product weight loss.
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