Molecular basis of interactions between fungal effectors and host plants
amir mirzadi gohari 1 * , Farzaneh Lak 2
1 - Plant Protection-univesity of Tehran
2 - Plant protection Department, Tehran university, Iran
Keywords: Biological function, Effector, Interaction, Plant Pathogen,
Abstract :
Molecular interactions between fungal pathogens and host plants is a very complex and dynamic process that manifests itself in two different ways such as adaptive and incompatible responses. In the adaptive state, plants become diseased as a result of pathogen attack. On the other hand, through the incompatibility state, plants show resistance after pathogen attack. One of the key aspects in these interactions is the secretion of small protein molecules by fungal pathogens. These small molecules, commonly known as effectors, are acquired during evolution by fungal pathogens. These effectors play a very vital role in changing the physiology of host plants and suppressing their defense responses. This review article examines the genetic basis of these molecular interactions between the effectors of fungal pathogens and host plants, emphasizing the patho-system consisting of the fungal pathogen Cladosporium fulvum and the tomato plant. This study can help to better understanding how the disease occurs or the resistance of host plants against fungal pathogens and provides a basis for the development of new approaches to control plant diseases.
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