The Role of Archetypes in the Formation of Social Relations Based on Jung's Approach
Subject Areas : CommunicationMahdieh Bakhshi 1 , sarvenaz torbati 2 * , ali jafari 3 , mohammad dadgaran 4 , habob sabouri 5
1 - phd student
2 - faculty member
3 - Department of Communication Sciences, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
4 - faculty member
5 - faculty member
Keywords: archetype, Jung, social relations, fluid mind novel,
Abstract :
The present article attempts to explain the role of Jung archetypes in the formation of a comparative analysis of the two fluid Iranian novels "This Dog Wants to Eat Roxana" and "Probably Lost" as a representation of social experience. After reading the studied novels, the author observed that the narrators of both novels seek to confront their archetypes. Which are inherited in all individuals so that they can face the unknown area of their personality that is hidden and unknown to others and themselves by referring to the past and being aware of their collective subconscious, in this way communicating with themselves and their relationship with Improve others. But the way of dealing with archetypes was different in these narrators. In the novel, I am probably lost, the narrator of his knowledge wants to reconcile his shadow with his animosity. And this is how to get rid of the loss in the past and reach balance in the present life. But in the novel, this dog wants to eat Roxana And it is through the window of acceptance of Jung's archetypes that the individual subconscious, and ultimately the model of social relations, manifests itself in the social life of the novel. It is the narrator who reaches the stage of individuality by rejecting these shadows; An individual who leaves him alone but the narrator of the novel "Probably Lost" finds himself in the back and forth between animosity and shadow and understands the pattern of social relations in this regard.
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