Facing and meaning making of Iranian users of virtual networks
Subject Areas : Communicationmohammad saeed Zokaei 1 , simin veisi 2 *
1 - Professor in Sociology & Cultural Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University
2 - lecturer in ATU
Keywords: user activism, meaning making mechanisms, tactics and strategy, Articulation,
Abstract :
With the expansion of virtual networks, the production and reading of texts has undergone fundamental changes so that previous theories are not able to explain all the existing reality. This study uses an ethnographic study of social networks to combine the theory of Encoding-Decoding and articulation of Stuart Hall to draw a semantic model of Iranian users in virtual networks. According to the findings, this space has special features such as scattering of thoughts, expanding on issues, simultaneous or alternating presence of strategy and tactics forces, and confiscation and re-confiscation of space. Furthermore, existence of neutral mechanisms, powerfull other dening mechanisms includes traumatizing, putting the same values on all issues, reacting to sanctifying policies, theatricality, and completing news puzzles, and mechanisms related to collective self-creation based on tactical forces including icon-making and the formation of crowds, seek to giving chance to tactical forces and in other words, all the agents who have no power in the official space. The Iranian reading space is also accompany with active / passive, cross-sectional / continuous, and limited, intermediate, and macro activities. Finally, according to the characteristics of space and the mentioned mechanisms, three dimensions, including the collective production and interpretation of texts, ignoring the news and oppositional dialogue, were added to the dimensions of Hall readings, which shows that space empowers all actors to making sense.
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آلن، گراهام. (1392). "بینامتنیت"، ترجمه پیام یزدانجو، تهران: نشر مرکز، چاپ چهارم.
فلیک، اووه. (1387). "درآمدی بر تحقیق کیفی"، ترجمه هادی جلیلی، تهران: نشر نی.
Alexander C.J. (2009). “Remembering the Holocaust: A Debate. New York: Oxford”, Oxford Univesity Press.
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Barthes, R. (1972). “Mythologies, trans. Annette Lavers”, New York: Hill & Wang.
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Daryl Slack, J. (2005). “The theory and method of articulation in cultural studies, in Ed: David Morley & Kuan-Hsing Chen”, Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies, Routledge.
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Eyerman, R. (2004). “Jeffrey Alexander and the Cultural turn in Social Theory”, Thesis Eleven, Vol. 79 (1), PP. 25-30.
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Hall, S. (1981). “Conformity, consensus and conflict: introduction, in D. Potter et al. (Eds)”, Society and the Social Sciences, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 221-5.
Hall, S. (1986). “On postmodernism and articulation: an interview with Stuart Hall”, ed. L. Grossberg, Journal of Communication Inquiry, Vol. 10(2), PP. 45-60.
Hall, S. (1993). “Encodind -decoding, in S. During”, (Ed) the Cultural Studies Reader. London: Routledge.
Hall, S. (2005, a). “Encoding, Decoding, in S. Hall, D. Hobson. A. Lowe & P. Willis (Eds), Culture, Media, Language. London: Routledge.
Hall, S. (2005, b). “On postmodernism and articulation (An Interview with Stuart Hall), Edited by Lawrence Grossberg, in David Morley & Kuan-Hsing Chen”, (Eds) Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies, Routledge.
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Jenkins, H., Ford, S., & Green, J. (2013). “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture”, NYU Press.
King, N. & Horrocs, C. (2010). “Interviws in Qualitative Reaserch”, London: Sage Publication.
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Larrain, J. (2005). “Stuart Hall and the Marxist concept of ideology, in David Morley & Kuan-Hsing Chen”, (eds.) Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies, Routledge.
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Le bon, G. (2001). “The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind”, Mineola, New York: Dover publication, INC.
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O'sullivan, T., Hartley, J., Saunders, D., Montgomery, M. & Fiske, J. (1994). “Key concepts in communication and cultural studies”, London: Routledge.
Ott, B.L. & Mack, R.L. (2020). “Critical media studies: An introduction”, John Wiley & Sons.
Pillai, P. (1992). “Rereading Stuart Hall's Encoding/decoding model”, Cmmunication Theory, Vol. 2(3), PP. 221-233.
Procter, James. (2004). “Stuart Hall”, London: Routledge.
Radway, J.A. (2009). “Reading the romance: Women, patriarchy”, and popular literature. Univ. of North Carolina Press.
Skoll, G.R. (2010). “Social Theory of Fear, Terror”, Torture & death in a Post Capitalist World, Palgrave, Macmillan.
Stock, M., Isenberg, V., Reißmann, W., Kaiser, S. & Nieland, J.U. (2017). “Fan (fiction) acting on media and the politics of appropriation”, Media and Communication, Vol. 5(3), PP. 15-27.
Sullivan, J.L. (2013). “Media fandom and audience subcultures. Media Audiences. Effects, Users, Institutions, and Power, Thousand Okas”, California: Sage Publication.
Weber, R.H. (2015). “Realizing a New Global Cyberspace Framework: Normative Fundations and Guiding Principles”, Springer.
Williamson, J. (1978). “Decoding Advertisements: Ideology & Meaning in Advertising”, London: Marion Boyars.
Zittrain, J. (2008). “The future of the internet-and how to stop it”, Yale University Press.