Investigation on corrosion and tribological behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coating formed on aluminium hydraulic tappet
Subject Areas :Saeed Safari 1 * , Esmaeil Ahmadi 2 , Hossein Safari 3
1 - M. Sc., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran./ Engine Assembly Engineering Division, Iran Khodro Co, Tehran, Iran.
2 - M. Sc., Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran./ Engine Assembly Engineering Division, Iran Khodro Co, Tehran, Iran
3 - B. Sc., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad University (West Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: ", Plasma electrolytic oxidation", , ", Aluminium alloy", , ", Hydraulic Tappet", , ", Corrosion Resistance", , ", Wear Resistance", ,
Abstract :
Recently, the consumption of non-ferrous alloys has increased significantly in the automotive industry due to their desirable properties, but according to the working conditions of car engine, it is necessary to apply coating to protect the surfaces and extend the lifetime of the car engine compartments. In this study, firstly, electrolytic plasma oxidation (PEO) is coated on the surface of the aluminium hydraulic tappet which is always in contact with the camshaft lobes, and then the metallurgical properties of the coating formed on the substrate in silicate and aluminate electrolytes are investigated. The results of the phase studies indicate that during the coating process, phases such as α-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 are created on the surface, moreover the plasma electrolytic oxidation coating resists against corrosion and wear strongly because of its favourable properties and quality. Compared to an uncoated sample, the corrosion rate and wear rate of coatings created in silicate and aluminate electrolytes decrease by 19 and 22 times, respectively, and by 6 and 9 times, respectively. Finally, the microscopic analysis reveals that the average diameter of the porosities in PEO coating formed in the silicate electrolyte is larger than that of coating generated aluminate electrolyte.
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