Identify the role of community-based development in urban sustainable renewal
(case study: renewal actions in Takhti neighborhood of Tehran 1388-92)
Subject Areas :
Maliheh Babakhanin
1 - هیئت علمی و مدیر گروه شهرسازی
دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی
Received: 2016-05-23
Accepted : 2016-09-07
Published : 2018-04-21
Social Capital,
urban sustainable renewal,
community-based development,
takhti neighborhood,
Abstract :
Until the 1990s, renewal actions in deteriorated urban areas often are done based on physical-economic and market-oriented look in the world. But in 1990s, emergence of social problems from this renewal perspective, caused to attended social topics based on community-based approach and sustainable renewal. During 1388-92 Renewal organization of Tehran attempt to renewal with participate of residents by facilitation approach.
The aims of this article are determining the factors of community-based development in sustainable renewal and review these factors in renewal actions of Takhti neighborhood in 1388-92. Research Methodology of this article is evaluation during implementation. In the first part factors of community-based development explained by descriptive and analysis method. Then based on descriptive statistics and deductive analysis, these components Descriptive statistics and deductive research based on a sample, the above components were compared and evaluated study in Takhti. In order to investigate the views of the residents from renewal outcomes based on community-based development factors, 100 questionnaires were filled and analysis with SPSS software.
The results showed that renewal actions have many gaps compared to the components of community-based development. Also check out some of the components of community-based development in this neighborhood showed that their situation has improved after renewal actions. As the residents' trust to renewal authorities, participation in the renewal process and social capital improved. Result of regression analysis showed that correlation between participation and social capital is high, so we can strengthen this and increase social capital and obtained community-based development in renewal actions.
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