Analysis of the impact of environmental characteristics, social support and adequacy of organizational resources on employee creativity
Subject Areas : title1
ameneh malmir
shahla akbari
1 - , Department of Management, FARAHAN Branch, Islamic Azad University, FARAHAN, Iran,
2 - Department of Management, FARAHAN Branch, Islamic Azad University, FARAHAN, Iran
Keywords: social support, Environmental characteristics, adequacy of organizational resources, creativity of employees ,
Abstract :
In organizations, creativity is not only a need for competition, but also a vital factor for thesurvival of the organization. Various factors can potentially affect employee creativity. Factorsthat increase employee creativity. They are internal or external, each of which in turn can play asignificant role. The purpose of this study is to measure the impact of environmental factors onthe creativity of the employees of Azna Electrosard Company. The present study has acorrelational and applied aspect that was conducted as a survey among Azna electro-coldemployees in Tehran in 1397. The sampling method in this study is random. Given the totalnumber of employees, which was approximately equal to 106, the sample size using theCochran's formula was equal to 67 people. To collect information in this study, the Ye Huan(2017) questionnaire was used as a questionnaire. After confirming the validity of thequestionnaire by a number of professors and experts in the field of organizational creativity,Cronbach's alpha was used to assess reliability using a sample of 27 people. The beginning ofthe study was 0.73. To analyze the data, correlation tests and structural equation modeling wereused using SPSS and AMOS software version 21. Social support, resources, freedom, had apositive and significant effect on the quantity and quality of employees' creativity. The effect ofregulations on employee freedom at the 5% error level was negative and significant, while theeffect of regulations on the quantity of employees 'creativity as well as regulations on the qualityof employees' creativity was not significant. The present study showed that - employees'creativity is affected by environmental factors and the company should not withhold financialand non-financial support from employees in order to create and develop creativity, and alsoleave employees free to express their opinions and ideas.