Investigating The Impact of Human Resources Development on Sustainable Competitive Advantage with The Mediating Role of Organizational Innovation (Study Case: Parsian Gas Refinery Company)
Subject Areas : title1
Afshin Zarif
Abdoljavad Khalili
mokhtar ranjbar
1 - M.Sc in business management, Marketing orientation, Islamic Azad University, Lamard branch, Lamerd, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd Branch
3 - department of management, , lamerd branch, islamic azad university, lamerd, iran
Keywords: human resources development, organizational innovation, Sustainable Competitive Advantage,
Abstract :
This research designed to investigate the impact of human resources development on sustainable competitive advantage with the mediating role of organizational innovation in Parsian Gas Refining Company.This inquiry is an applied-base objective , a correlation-base nature/methodology.The population comprises all the employees of the above organization , the number of them added up to 1206 individuals in 2023.The sample includes 292 subjects based upon Krejcie & Morgan Table (1970) which appointed in proportionate simple random sampling.The data gathering tools have been three standard questionnaires of Banmairuroy et al. (2021). The validity of the research was done by referring to professors and experts. The reliability of this research was checked and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha criterion in SPSS software. SmartPLS3 software was used to analyze the data. The findings show that:The human resources development is posetively and significantly via mediating role of organizational innovation related to sustainable competitive advantage.The human resources development is posetively and significantly related sustainable competitive advantage.The human resources development is directly and significantly related to organizational innovation.The organizational innovation is reversly and significantly related to sustainable competitive advantage.