• Zayer Kaba.Rahim The Study of third and fifth development programs in the economic section from the discourse analysis perspective of Laclau and Muffe [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Zeynivand.Yosef Pathology of mobile based virtual social networks in the field of religious nurturance (Case study: high school students in Tabriz) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Zeynivand.Yosef Opportunities and Limitations of Tourism Industry in Iran [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1395]
  • zorofi.majid The relationship between media consumption and social capital of secondary and high school administrators in (Tehran Region 2) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1395]
  • zorofi.majid The relationship between media consumption and social capital of secondary and high school administrators in (Tehran Region 2) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1395]