Effectiveness of mindfulness training on academic burnout and boredom of students with bullying behavior in the second secondary school
Subject Areas : PsychologyShahrooz Nemati 1 , Rahim Badri Gargari 2 , Sepideh Kazemi 3
1 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Educational Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: academic burnout, Bullying Behavior, Bully Students, mindfulness, Academic Boredom,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was to study the effects of mindfulness training on academic boredom and burnout of students with bullying behavior. The research design was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest with a control group. The study population included all male and female students with bullying behavior in the second secondary level of Bostan Abad city, in the academic year of 2021, and 30 of them were selected by using the convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. The Bullying questionnaire of Olweus (1989), Barco’s Academic Burnout questionnaire (1997), and Pekrun’s Academic Boredom questionnaire (2002) were used to collect the data. The mindfulness intervention program was held in eight 45-minute sessions for the experimental group. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed that the impact of a mindfulness training program on Academic Burnout was 85% and on Academic Boredom of students with bullying disorder was 78% (p<0.05). Results of a result, mindfulness training can be used to improve the boredom and academic burnout of bullied students. According to the consultants, can use the results of this research to improve the professional skills of teachers and schools to deal with students' academic problems.
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