Construction and standardization of Wisdom Measuring Questionnaire (WMQ) for high school students in Isfahan
Subject Areas : Psychology
mohammad ali salmani ardani
Mansoureh Shahriari Ahmadi
mahdi davaee
1 - Psychology and Exceptional Children Education, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Psychology and Exceptional Children Education, Islamic Azad University central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. Iran
Keywords: first high school students, factor analysis, wisdom, Wisdom Questionnaire,
Abstract :
This study has been written with the aim of introducing a questionnaire to measuring of students' level of wisdom. The present study is a part of development-applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey type in terms of data collection method. The statistical population in this study included all adolescent students of girls 'and boys' high schools in Isfahan in the number of 52813 people in the academic year 1397-98. Cluster random sampling method was used and 400 people were included in the main sample. Factor analysis, content validity and construct validity were used to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Spss and AMOS software using correlation coefficient, heuristic and confirmatory factor analysis. The KMO value (0.892) indicated the adequacy of sampling. The results of factor analysis showed that the eight factors of general wisdom, religious wisdom, emotional wisdom, human wisdom, spiritual wisdom, moral wisdom, social wisdom and scientific wisdom and special values higher than one could have been 71.494% of the variance of items. The reliability of the questionnaire in terms of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.895 and for the first factors (general wisdom) 0.756, the second factor (religious wisdom) 0.727, the third factor (emotional wisdom) 0.715, the fourth factor (human wisdom) 0.712, the fifth factor (spiritual wisdom) 0.700, the sixth factor (moral wisdom) 0.702, the seventh factor (social wisdom) 0.680 and The eighth factor (scientific wisdom) was calculated 0.672.The results of the first-order confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fit index is at a desirable level. In general, the results of the validity study and the calculation of the reliability of the questionnaire and the coordination of the components with each other and with the total score, show that the questionnaire is sufficient and is a suitable tool for assessing the wisdom of adolescent students.
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