Comparison of Perceived Organizational Justice and Workplace Violence Emergence on the Basis of Demographic Characteristics
Subject Areas : Educational
علی مهداد
یاسمین طباخ عشقی
ایران مهدیزادگان
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Keywords: marital status, Key words: perceived organizational justice, age, work place violence, literacy,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to compare perceived organizational justice and workplace violence emergence on the basis of demographic variables. The research method was ex post facto and statistical population consisted of men employees of an industry, among whom 289 persons were selected via random sampling. Research instruments consisted of organizational justice questionnaire (Golparvar et al, 2008) and a researcher-made questionnaire. Data was analyzed with the use of independent sample t-test. Results showed that there is a significant difference between single and married employees at the level of procedural justice (P 0.05)