Designing and validating Physical Education and Health Curriculum Model in First level Secondary School with a Cultural - Educational approach
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
parvin zolghadri
Marjan Kian
Majid Aliasgari
alireza elahi
1 - PhD Student of curriculum Development, Department of Curriculum Studies, Kharazmi University, Faculty Member of Payame Noor University, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum Studies, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum Studies, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: cultural-educational approach, physical education, Curriculum,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study was to design a model of physical education and health curriculum for secondary school with a cultural-educational approach. The research method is mixed with the exploratory design which was done in two qualitative-quantitative parts. In the qualitative part, the model was designed and in the quantitative part, the model was validated by descriptive-survey method. In the qualitative section, all available texts and theoretical and research sources were reviewed. Also, 18 specialists in curriculum planning and physical education participated, who were selected by purposive and snowball sampling. Data collection tool was semi-structured interview and content analysis method was used for data analysis. The validity of the data was verified through methods of asking a colleague and checking members. In the quantitative part, to validate the designed model, the opinions of 22 experts in curriculum planning and physical education were used. To evaluate the validity of quantitative content, content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR) were used. The content validity ratio was confirmed with 0.72 and the content validity index with 0.90. Reliability was also confirmed by Cronbach's alpha with 0.89. The obtained model consisted of three sections of basics, strategic elements and ten elements of Acker, for each of which some components were presented.
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