The Inadequacies and Challenges of the Critical Curriculum of Henry Giroux in the Logical Encounter with the Philosophical Foundations of Islamic Education
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
najmeh ahmadabadi
hassan najafi
Hamid Ahmadi Hedayat
1 - PhD student in Philosophy of Education, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - PhD student of Curriculum Studies, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant professor department of educational science, farhangian university, iran
Keywords: Philosophical Foundations of Islamic Education, logical Comparison, Henry Giroux, Critical Curriculum,
Abstract :
This study aims to analytical-documentary method to identify the inadequacies and challenges of the critical curriculum of Henry Giroux from the perspective of the philosophical foundations of Islamic education. The research was qualitative in terms of the nature of the data and in terms of the type of analytical-documentary research method. The research sample in Giro's critical curriculum, books and articles published by Giroux during the years 1979 to 2018 and in the foundations of Islamic education were original researches in this field that were purposefully selected and analyzed by qualitative content analysis method. In this research, Giroux most important ideas in the essential elements of the curriculum, including goals (raising a democratic and Liberating citizen, hearing and paying attention to other voices, abandoning elitism and paying attention to public culture, eliminating racial discrimination and defending the rights of the oppressed, and Different groups of society, creation of a democratic and egalitarian society), content (attention to social and cultural conditions, relativity of knowledge and knowledge, reliance on social values, consideration of contexts, institutions and social structures), teaching-learning methods (discourse-oriented) and Evaluation (observation, interview, reporting, research, self-evaluation, narration) was analyzed. Despite the strengths of Giroux critical curriculum, including the emphasis on educational justice and attention to marginalized groups, in this perspective, there are also inconsistencies and challenges that are criticized in the system of philosophy of Islamic education. One of these criticisms can be the lack of goals based on metaphysical assumptions, the neglect of different areas of education in targeting (high emphasis on political goals), relativism in content, extreme pluralism in content (lack of attention to unity Slowness in the instruments of cognition, pure discourse in teaching methods, ignoring teacher's authoritarianism in teaching, the difficulty of interpreting the results in the evaluation.
* The Holy Quran
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