Designing and validating a pattern of spiritual curriculum with integrated approach in high school with emphasis on high-level documents
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Hamidreza Karami doroodkhani
Esmaeil kazempour
jafar ghahremani
1 - PhD Student of curriculum Planning Department, Marand breanch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Branch, Tonekabon, Iran
3 - department of education science-faculty of human science-islamic azad university-marand branch-marand-iran
Keywords: document, Integrated approach, spiritual curriculum, Curriculum,
Abstract :
spiritual curriculum with integrated approach in high school with emphasis on high-leveldocuments of fundamental change in education -Curriculum - program of Islamic Republic ofIran. present study is based on applied purpose, and in terms of research method is based on mixed type ones. , ,Curriculum planning and relevant specialists in the country, with theoretical adequacy; . statistical community of research at quantitative section includes all the high school teachers (managers, deputies, consultants and secretaries) in Guilan Province who were 316 teachers that have chosen based on Morgan table using simple and cluster random sampling method from five regions of Guilan (North, South, East, West and center). Analysis of expert interview data was performed using three-step coding using the foundation data methodwhich at last, the categoriesobtained elements of the Spiritual curriculum in 6 categories of causal conditions of Central phenomenon, strategies, contextual factors intervening Factors and consequences and in quantitative data analysis, while using the confirmatory factor analysis method, the structural equation modelling method showed that underlying and intervening factors have been able to play a moderating role in determining strategies. these findings were obtained based on the qualitative research finding, objective components, content, Learning activities, evaluation, teacher role, logic, learning materials and resources, students’ grouping, learning location and the time of learning as the ten-element of spiritual curriculum with the use of Eker models. based on the quantitative analysis of the research findings, about the regarding the level of attention of high school teachers in Guilan province,
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