Validation the conceptual model of qualifizing e-learning
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningnematollah salehi najafabadi 1 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: qualifizing, e-learning, model validation,
Abstract :
The aim of this study is to present a conceptual model of qualifizing e-learning and mixed methods of analytical documents and descriptive and exploratory design was used. In qualitative research background and previous patterns, coding and Delphi technique and the initial model was presented. In quantitative research, questionnaire among 360 faculty members PNU was conducted. Structural equation model analysis software is 35/83 pls suggest Cronbach's alpha. The joint reliability of the model variables (Average Variance Extracted) More and values (Construct Reliability) greater than 0.7 and (Average Variance Extracted) is greater than 0.5 is therefore acceptable validity and reliability. Fornell and divergent validity with Larkr proves that the (Average Variance Extracted) any more than the variance shared between engineering structures and other structures and is acceptable. Value (GOF) of 0.40, which indicates a good fitness role model to study the effect of each variable significantly affecting the qualifizing of e-learning is PNU.
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