The Barriers and Problems in Implementation of Descriptive Evaluation in Special Schools Mentally Retarded
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningleila mohagheghian 1 , Seyed Ibrahim MirShah Jafari 2 *
1 - MA in educational planning, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad university, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Master of Educational Sciences Isfahan university
Keywords: student, Barriers and Problems, mentally retarded, descriptive evaluation, special schools,
Abstract :
This study aim to identify barriers and difficulties in implementation of descriptive evaluation in special schools mentally retarded in Isfahan city in years 92-93. The method of this research was descriptive-survey. The population was, all teachers that employed in special schools mentally retarded, at the first grade to fifth, that was 108. The sample size by formula Cochran, was determined 90. The sampling method was random stratified. Collect data, a questionnaire. Validity is verified by experts and reliability, based on alpha Korenbakh were obtained 0/97. Data analysis using software SPSS-19, was done two levels descriptive and inferential statistics(T-test, univariate and multivariate (ANOVA). The results showed that lack of in-service classes and workshops for special schools, lack editing books and tuition sources, time consuming to complete logs educational performance, the high psychological pressure governing the lives of parents and lack of workshop and laboratory facilities, of the most barriers and problems of the implementation descriptive evaluation in special schools mentally retarded.It is suggested to holding in-service educational and practical workshops for special schools mentally retarded .
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