The role of an intermediary link between the academic self-efficacy in learning strategies and Problem-solving styles
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningsirous hadadnia 1 * , naser jokar 2 , zeynab Rahimdashti 3 , Raziye Sheykhaleslam 4
1 - دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی
2 - دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی
3 - دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی
4 - دانشگاه شیراز
Keywords: problem-solving styles, academic self-efficacy, learning strategies,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to anticipate the style of problem solving based on academic self-efficacy with mediation strategies for learning. Descriptive method of correlation type. The statistical population consists of all students study the Islamic Azad University of Shiraz to 16436 number people a year is 92-91. In this study, a random sampling method was used for the floor. The sample size included 377 students, which is based on random sampling and Morgan were selected. To collect data used from three styles of problem-solving inventory (psi), learning strategies (M.S.Q. L) and academic self-efficacy of college students (CASES). For the analysis of data used from statistical methods, regression analysis, correlation coefficient, Baron and Kenny and path analysis and AMOS5 & SPSS software. The results showed that: 1. the academic self-efficacy between students and problem-solving styles, there is a significant and positive relationship. 2. academic self-efficacy, learning strategies between the students and there is a significant and positive relationship. 3. academic self-efficacy, learning strategies with the control problem-solving styles have predicted cognitive strategies and of the power Predictor is more. 4. role model provided a learning strategies, in the relationship between self-efficacy and problem-solving styles gives approved.
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